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Chapter XVII.
The people going on from
thence, and being again tried with want of water, hardly restrained
themselves from destroying their leader. Then Moses, under divine
orders, striking with his rod the rock at the place which is called
Horeb, brought forth an abundant supply of water. But when they came to
Raphidin, the Amalekites destroyed numbers of the people by their
attacks. Moses, leading out his men to battle, placed Joshua at the
head of the army; and, in company with Aaron and Hur, was himself
simply to be a spectator of the fight, while, at the same time, for the
purpose of praying to the Lord, he went up to the top of a mountain.
But when the armies had met with doubtful issue, through the prayers of
Moses, Joshua slew the enemy until nightfall. At the same time, Jothor,
Moses’ father-in-law, with his daughter Sepphora (who, having
been married to Moses, had remained at home when her husband went into
Egypt), and his children, having learned the things which were being
done by Moses, came to him. By his advice Moses divided the people into
various ranks; and, setting tribunes, centurions, and
decurions281 over them, thus
furnished a mode of discipline and order to posterity. Jothor then
returned to his own country, while the Israelites came on to Mount
Sinai. There Moses was admonished by the Lord that the people should be
sanctified, since they were to hearken to the words of God; and that
was carefully seen to. But when God rested on the mountain, the air was
shaken with the loud sounds of trumpets, and thick clouds rolled around
with frequent flashes of lightning. But Moses and Aaron were on the top
of the mountain beside the Lord, while the people stood around the
bottom of the mountain. Thus a law was given, manifold and full of the
words of God, and frequently repeated; but if any one is desirous of
knowing particulars regarding it, he must consult the original, as we
here only briefly touch upon it. “There shall not be,” said
God, “any strange gods among you, but ye shall worship me alone;
thou shalt not make to time any idol; thou shalt not take the name of
thy God in vain; thou shalt do no work upon the Sabbath; honor thy
father and thy mother; thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not commit
adultery; thou shalt not steal; thou shalt not bear false witness
against thy neighbor; thou shalt not covet anything belonging to thy
neighbor.”E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH