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Chapter XLVIII.
And then Instantius,
Salvianus, and Priscillian set out for Rome, in order that before
Damasus who was at that time the bishop of the city, they might clear
themselves of the charges brought against them. Well, their journey led
them through the heart of Aquitania, and being there received with
great pomp by such as knew no better, they spread the seeds of their
heresy. Above all, they perverted by their evil teachings the people of
Elusa, who were then of a good and religious disposition. They were
driven forth from Bordeaux by Delfinus, yet lingering for a little
while in the territory of Euchrotia,390
390 Some read
Euchrocia, and so afterwards. | they infected
some with their errors. They then pursued the journey on which they had
entered, attended by a base and shameful company, among whom were their
wives and even strange women. In the number of these was Euchrotia and
her daughter Procula, of the latter of whom there was a common report
that, when pregnant through adultery with Priscillian, she procured
abortion by the use of certain plants. When they reached Rome with the
wish of clearing themselves before Damasus, they were not even admitted
to his presence. Returning to Milan, they found that Ambrose was
equally opposed to them. Then they changed their plans, with the view
that, as they had not got the better of the two bishops, who were at
that time possessed of the highest authority, they might, by bribery
and flattery, obtain what they desired from the emperor. Accordingly,
having won over Macedonius, who was the master391
391 “magistro
officiorum.” | of
public services, they procured a rescript, by which, those decrees
which had formerly been made being trampled under foot, they were
ordered to be restored to their churches. Relying upon this, Instantius
and Priscillian made their wayback to Spain (for Salvianus had died in
the city); and they then, without any struggle, recovered the churches
over which they had ruled.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH