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Chapter XXXIX.
From this first proof
that the prince had been won over to their side, the Arians plucked up
their courage, knowing that they could make use of the power of the
king, when they could make little impression by their own authority.
Accordingly, when our friends did not accept of the judgment which they
had pronounced in regard to Athanasius, an edict was issued by the
emperor to the effect that those who did not subscribe to the
condemnation of Athanasius should be sent into banishment. But, at that
time, councils of bishops were held by our friends at Arles and
Bitteræ, towns situated in Gaul. They requested that before any
were compelled to subscribe against Athanasius, they should rather
enter on a discussion as to the true faith; and maintained that only
then was a decision to be come to respecting the point in question,
when they had agreed as to the person of the judges.372
372 The text is here in
utter confusion and uncertainty. Some for “ac tum” read
“nec tum,” and some, instead of “judicum” read
“judicium.” The meaning therefore can only be guessed
at. | But Valens and his confederates not
venturing on a discussion respecting the faith, first desired to secure
by force the condemnation of Athanasius. Owing to this conflict of
parties, Paulinus was driven into banishment. In the meantime, an
assembly was held at Milan, where the emperor then was; but the same
controversy was there continued without any relaxation of its
bitterness. Then Eusebius, bishop of the Vercellenses, and Lucifer,
bishop of Caralis373 in Sardinia,
were exiled. Dionysius, however, priest of Milan, subscribed to the
condemnation of Athanasius, on the condition that there should be an
investigation among the bishops as to the true faith. But Valens and
Ursatius, with the rest of that party, through fear of the people, who
maintained the Catholic faith with extraordinary enthusiasm, did not
venture to set forth in public their monstrous374
doctrines, but assembled within the palace. From that place, and under
the name of the emperor, they issued a letter full375
375 Instead of
“refertam,” some read “infectam.” | of all sorts of wickedness, with this
purpose, no doubt, that, if the people gave it a favorable hearing,
they should then bring forward, under public authority, the things
which they desired; but if it should be received otherwise, that all
the ill feeling might be directed against the king, while his mistake
might be regarded as excusable, because being then only a catechumen,
he might readily be supposed to have erred concerning the mysteries of
the faith. Well, when the letter was read in the church, the people
expressed their aversion to it. And Dionysius, because he did not
concur with them, was banished from the city, while Auxentius was
immediately chosen as
in his place. Liberius, too, bishop of the city of Rome, and Hilarius,
bishop of Poictiers, were driven into exile. Rhodanius, also, bishop of
Toulouse (who, being by nature of a softer disposition, had resisted
the Arians, not so much from his own powers as from his fellowship with
Hilarius) was involved in the same punishment. All these persons,
however, were prepared to suspend Athanasius from communion, only in
order that an inquiry might be instituted among the bishops as to the
true faith. But it seemed best to the Arians to withdraw the most
celebrated men from the controversy. Accordingly, those whom we have
mentioned above were driven into exile, forty-five years ago, when
Arbitio and Lollianus were consuls. Liberius, however, was, a little
afterwards, restored to the city, in consequence of the disturbances at
Rome. But it is well known that the persons exiled were celebrated by
the admiration of the whole world, and that abundant supplies of money
were collected to meet their wants, while they were visited by deputies
of the Catholic people from almost all the provinces.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH