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| Chapter X. Why Eminent Men are permitted by God to become Authors of Novelties in the Church. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter X.
Why Eminent Men are permitted by God to become Authors
of Novelties in the Church.
[27.] But some one will
ask, How is it then, that certain excellent persons, and of position in
the Church, are often permitted by God to preach novel doctrines to
Catholics? A proper question, certainly,
and one which ought to be very carefully and
fully dealt with, but answered at the same time, not in reliance upon
one’s own ability, but by the authority of the divine Law, and by
appeal to the Church’s determination.
Let us listen, then, to Holy Moses, and let him teach us
why learned men, and such as because of their knowledge are even called
Prophets by the apostle, are sometimes permitted to put forth novel
doctrines, which the Old Testament is wont, by way of allegory, to call
“strange gods,” forasmuch as heretics pay the same sort of
reverence to their notions that the Gentiles do to their gods.
[28.] Blessed Moses, then, writes thus in
Deuteronomy:461 “If there
arise among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams,” that is, one
holding office as a Doctor in the Church, who is believed by his
disciples or auditors to teach by revelation: well,—what follows?
“and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder
come to pass whereof he spake,”—he is pointing to some
eminent doctor, whose learning is such that his followers believe him
not only to know things human, but, moreover, to foreknow things
superhuman, such as, their disciples commonly boast, were Valentinus,
Donatus, Photinus, Apollinaris, and the rest of that sort! What next?
“And shall say to thee, Let us go after other gods, whom thou
knowest not, and serve them.” What are those other gods but
strange errors which thou knowest not, that is, new and such as were
never heard of before? “And let us serve them;” that is,
“Let us believe them, follow them.” What last? “Thou
shalt not hearken to the words of that prophet or dreamer of
dreams.” And why, I pray thee, does not God forbid to be taught
what God forbids to be heard? “For the Lord, your God, trieth
you, to know whether you love Him with all your heart and with all your
soul.” The reason is clearer than day why Divine Providence
sometimes permits certain doctors of the Churches to preach new
doctrines—“That the Lord your God may try you;” he
says. And assuredly it is a great trial when one whom thou believest to
be a prophet, a disciple of prophets, a doctor and defender of the
truth, whom thou hast folded to thy breast with the utmost veneration
and love, when such a one of a sudden secretly and furtively brings in
noxious errors, which thou canst neither quickly detect, being held by
the prestige of former authority, nor lightly think it right to
condemn, being prevented by affection for thine old
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