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| Chapter XXX. The Council of Ephesus. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XXX.
The Council of Ephesus.
[79.] These then are the
men whose writings, whether as judges or as witnesses, were recited in
the Council: St. Peter, bishop of Alexandria, a most excellent Doctor
and most blessed martyr, Saint Athanasius, bishop of the same city, a
most faithful Teacher, and most eminent Confessor, Saint Theophilus,
also bishop of the same city, a man illustrious for his faith, his
life, his knowledge, whose successor, the revered Cyril, now519
519 This marks
Vincentius’s date within very narrow limits, viz. after
the Council of Ephesus, and before Cyril’s death. Cyril died in
444. | adorns the Alexandrian Church. And lest
perchance the doctrine ratified by the Council should be thought
peculiar to one city and province, there were added also those lights
of Cappadocia, St. Gregory of Nazianzus, bishop and Confessor, St.
Basil of Cæsarea in Cappadocia, bishop and Confessor, and the
other St. Gregory, St. Gregory of Nyssa, for his faith, his
conversation, his integrity, and his wisdom, most worthy to be the
brother of Basil. And lest Greece or the East should seem to stand
alone, to prove that the Western and Latin world also have always held
the same belief, there were read in the Council certain Epistles of St.
Felix, martyr, and St. Julius, both bishops of Rome. And that not only
the Head, but the other parts, of the world also might bear witness to
the judgment of the council, there was added from the South the most
blessed Cyprian, bishop of Carthage and martyr, and from the North St.
Ambrose, bishop of Milan.
[80.] These all then, to the sacred number of the
520 Vincentius’s copy
of the acts of the Council appears to have contained extracts from no
more than ten Fathers. But the Fathers from whose writings extracts
were read were twelve in number; the two omitted by Vincentius being
Atticus, bishop of Constantinople, and Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium.
In Labbe’s Concilia, where the whole are given, it is
remarked that in one manuscript the two last mentioned occupy a
different place from the others.
Dean Milman (Latin
Christianity, vol. 1, p. 164) speaks of the passages read,
“as of very doubtful bearing on the question raised by
Nestorius.” It is true only two, those from Athanasius and
Gregory Nazianzen, contain the crucial term
“Theotocos” but all express the truth which
“Theotocos” symbolises. That the word was not of
recent introduction, Bishop Pearson (Creed, Art. 3) shows by
quotations from other writers besides those produced at the Council,
going back as far as to Origen.
The Fathers cited may certainly be said
to fulfil to some extent Vincentius’s requirement of
universality. They represent the teaching of Alexandria, Rome,
Carthage, Milan, Constantinople, and Asia Minor; but his appeal would
have been more to his purpose if antiquity had been more expressly
represented. With the exception of Cyprian, all the passages cited were
from writers of comparatively recent date at the time, though, as
Vincentius truly remarks, others might have been produced.
Petavius (De Incarn. l. xiv. c.
15), in defending the cultus of the blessed Virgin and of the
saints generally, lays much stress on this omission of citations from
earlier Fathers at the Council, as he does also on similar omissions in
the case of the fourth, fifth, and sixth Councils, with what object is
sufficiently obvious. Bishop Bull points out Petavius’s
disposition to disparage or misrepresent the teaching of the earlier
Fathers, in another and still more important instance. (Defens. Fid.
Nic.) Introd. § 8. | were produced at
as doctors,
councillors, witnesses, judges. And that blessed council holding their
doctrine, following their counsel, believing their witness, submitting
to their judgment without haste, without foregone conclusion, without
partiality, gave their determination concerning the Rules of Faith. A
much greater number of the ancients might have been adduced; but it was
needless, because neither was it fit that the time should be occupied
by a multitude of witnesses, nor does any one suppose that those ten
were really of a different mind from the rest of their
colleagues.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH