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| Chapter VIII. Of the Vigil service which is celebrated on the evening preceding the Sabbath; of its length, and the manner in which it is observed. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter VIII.
Of the Vigil service which is celebrated on the evening
preceding the Sabbath; of its length, and the manner in which it is
In the winter time,
however, when the nights are longer, the Vigils,745
745 Vigiliæ
is here used as the equivalent of Nocturns. | which are celebrated every week on the
evening at the commencing the Sabbath, are arranged by the elders in
the monasteries to last till the fourth cock-crowing,
for this reason, viz., that after
the watch through the whole night they may, by resting their bodies for
the remaining time of nearly two hours, avoid flagging through
drowsiness the whole day long, and be content with repose for this
short time instead of resting the whole night. And it is proper for us,
too, to observe this with the utmost care, that we may be content with
the sleep which is allowed us after the office of Vigils up to
daybreak,—i.e., till the Mattin Psalms,746
746 I.e., the office of
Lauds. | —and afterwards spend the whole day
in work and necessary duties, lest through weariness from the Vigils,
and feebleness, we might be forced to take by day the sleep which we
cut off from the night, and so be thought not to have cut short our
bodily rest so much as to have changed our time for repose and nightly
retirement. For our feeble flesh could not possibly be defrauded of the
whole night’s rest and yet keep its vigour unshaken throughout
the following day without sleepiness of mind and heaviness of spirit,
as it will be hindered rather than helped by this unless after Vigils
are over it enjoys a short slumber. And, therefore, if, as we have
suggested, at least an hour’s sleep is snatched before daybreak,
we shall save all the hours of Vigils which we have spent all through
the night in prayer, granting to nature what is due to it, and having
no necessity of taking back by day what we have cut off from the night.
For a man will certainly have to give up everything to this flesh if he
tries, not in a rational manner to withhold a part only, but to refuse
the whole, and (to speak candidly) is anxious to cut off not what is
superfluous but what is necessary. Wherefore Vigils have to be made up
for with greater interest if they are prolonged with ill-considered and
unreasonable length till daybreak. And so they divide them into an
office in three parts, that by this variety the effort may be
distributed and the exhaustion of the body relieved by some agreeable
relaxation. For when standing they have sung three Psalms
747 Tria
Antiphona. The word is here used (as above, II. c. ii.), not in the
modern sense of antiphon, but to denote a Psalm or Psalms sung
antiphonally. | after this,
sitting on the ground or in very low stalls, one of them repeats three
Psalms, while the rest respond, each Psalm being assigned to one of the
brethren, who succeed each other in turn; and to these they add three
lessons while still sitting quietly. And so, by lessening their bodily
exertion, they manage to observe their Vigils with greater attention of
748 In this
chapter Cassian describes two of the different methods of Psalmody
employed in the ancient Church: (1) Antiphonal singing, where the
congregation was divided into two parts, or choirs, which sang
alternate verses; (2) the method according to which one voice alone
sang the first part of the verse, and the rest of the congregation
joined in at the close. Both methods are described in a well-known
passage in an Epistle of S. Basil (Ep. ccvii. ad
clericos Neocœs), where he tells us that in the morning
service, at one time the people divide themselves into two parties and
sing antiphonally to each other (ἀντιψάλλουσιν
ἀλλήλοις), while at
another time they entrust to one person the duty of beginning the
strain, and the rest respond (ὐπηχοῦσι). This latter
method seems to have been a very favourite one, the Psalms which were
thus sung being called Responsoria. See Isidore, De
Offic., i. 8; and compare the Dictionary of Christian
Antiquities, Vol. II. p. 1745; and Bingham, Antiquities,
Book XIV. c. i. A third method has been already described by Cassian in
Book II. c. xi.; viz., that called Tractus, where the
Psalm was executed by a single voice, while all the rest of the
congregation listened. | E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH