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| Chapter XLI. The appearance of what infirmities one who lives in a Cœnobium ought to exhibit. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XLI.
The appearance of what infirmities one who lives in a
Cœnobium ought to exhibit.813
813 Quarum
debilitatum similitudinem suscipere debeat qui in cœnobio
commoratur.—Petschenig. The text of Gazæus gives as the
title of this chapter: “In congregatione cœnobitica
constituti quid tolerare ac sustinere debeant.” |
And that you may be able
to attain all this, and continually remain subject to this spiritual
rule, you must observe these three things in the congregation: viz.:
that as the Psalmist says: “I was like a deaf man and heard not
and as one that is dumb who doth not open his mouth; and I became as a
man that heareth not, and in whose mouth there are no
reproofs,”814 so you also
should walk as one that is deaf and dumb and blind, so
that—putting aside the contemplation of him who has been rightly
chosen by you as your model of perfection—you should be like a
blind man and not see any of those things which you find to be
unedifying, nor815
815 Nec
(Petschenig). Gazæus reads ne. | be influenced by
the authority or fashion of those who do these things, and give
yourself up to what is worse and what you formerly condemned. If you
hear any one disobedient or insubordinate or disparaging another or
doing anything different from what was taught to you, you should not go
wrong and be led astray by such an
example to imitate him; but, “like
a deaf man,” as if you had never heard it, you should pass it all
by. If insults are offered to you or to any one else, or wrongs done,
be immovable, and as far as an answer in retaliation is concerned be
silent “as one that is dumb,” always singing in your heart
this verse of the Psalmist: “I said I will take heed to my ways
that I offend not with my tongue. I set a guard to my mouth when the
sinner stood before me. I was dumb and was humbled and kept silence
from good things.”816 But cultivate
above everything this fourth thing which adorns and graces those three
of which we have spoken above; viz.: make yourself, as the Apostle
directs,817 a fool in this
world that you may become wise, exercising no discrimination and
judgment of your own on any of those matters which are commanded to
you, but always showing obedience with all simplicity and faith,
judging that alone to be holy, useful, and wise which God’s law
or the decision of your superior declares to you to be such. For built
up on such a system of instruction you may continue forever under this
discipline, and not fall away from the monastery in consequence of any
temptations or devices of the enemy.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH