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| Chapter I. The transition from the Institutes of the monks to the struggle against the eight principal faults. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter I.
The transition from the Institutes of the monks to the
struggle against the eight principal faults.
This fifth book of ours
is now by the help of God to be produced. For after the four books
which have been composed on the customs of the monasteries, we now
propose, being strengthened by God through your prayers, to approach
the struggle against the eight principal faults, i.e. first, Gluttony
or the pleasures of the palate; secondly, Fornication; thirdly,
Covetousness, which means Avarice, or, as it may more properly be
called, the love of money, fourthly, Anger; fifthly, Dejection;
sixthly, “Accidie,”819
819 Acedia. It is
much to be regretted that the old English word “Accidie”
has entirely dropped out of use. It is used by Chaucer and other early
writers for the sin of spiritual sloth or sluggishness. See “The
Persone’s Tale,” where it is thus described: “After
the sinne of wrath, now wol I speke of the sinne of accidie or slouth:
for envie blindeth the herte of a man, and ire troubleth a man, and
accidie maketh him hevy, thoughtful, and wrawe. Envie and ire maken
bitternesse in herte, which bitternesse is mother of accidie, and
benimeth him the love of alle goodnesse; than is accidie the anguish of
a troubled herte.” The English word lingered on till the
seventeenth century, as it is used by Bishop Hall (Serm.V. 140), in the
form “Acedy,” which is etymologically more correct as being
nearer the Latin Acedia and the Greek ᾽Ακηδία, a word which occurs
in the LXX. version of the Old Testament in Isaiah lxi. 3; Ps. cxviii. (cxix.)
28; Baruch iii. 1; Ecclus. xxix. 6 (cf. the use of the verb ἀκηδιάζω in
Ps. lx. (lxi.) 2; ci. (cii.) 1; cxlii. (cxliii.)
4; Ecclus. xxii. 14). In ecclesiastical writers the term
Acedia is a favourite one to denote primarily the mental prostration
induced by fasting and other physical causes, and afterwards spiritual
sloth and sluggishness in general. It forms the subject of the tenth
book of the Institutes, and is treated of again by Cassian in the
Conferences V. iii. sq., cf. also the “Summa” of S. Thomas,
II. ii. q. xxxv., where there is a full discussion of its nature and
character.—cf. Dr. Paget’s essay “Concerning
Accidie” in “The Spirit of Discipline.” | which is
heaviness or
weariness of
heart; seventhly, κενοδοξία
which means foolish or vain glory; eighthly, pride. And on entering
upon this difficult task we need your prayers, O most blessed Pope
Castor, more than ever; that we may be enabled in the first place
worthily to investigate the nature of these in all points however
trifling or hidden or obscure: and next to explain with sufficient
clearness the causes of them and thirdly to bring forward fitly the
cures and remedies for them.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH