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| Chapter XL. Of the boys who when bringing to a sick man some figs, died in the desert from hunger, without having tasted them. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XL.
Of the boys who when bringing to a sick man some figs,
died in the desert from hunger, without having tasted them.
But since in the section
in which we proposed to say something about the strictness of fasting
and abstinence, kindly acts and deeds of charity seem to have been
intermingled, again returning to our design we will insert in this
little book a noteworthy deed of some who were boys in years though not
in their feelings. For when, to their great surprise, some one had
brought to Abbot John, the steward in the desert of Scete, some figs
from Libya Mareotis,874
874 The Mareotic
nome is the district round Lake Mareotis, a lake in the north of the
delta bordering upon the Libyan desert (the modern Birket el
Mariout), and running parallel to the Mediterranean, from which it
is separated by a long and narrow ridge of sand. | as being a
thing never before seen in those districts,—(John) who had the
management of the church in the days of the blessed Presbyter
875 On Paphnutius see
the note on the Conference III. i. | by whom it had
been intrusted to him, at once sent them by the hands of two lads to an
old man who was laid up in ill health in the further parts of the
desert, and who lived about eighteen miles from the church. And when
they had received the fruit, and set off for the cell of the
above-mentioned old man, they lost the right path altogether—a
thing which there easily happens even to elders—as a thick fog
suddenly came on. And when all day and night they had wandered about
the trackless waste of the desert, and could not possibly find the sick
man’s cell, worn out at last both by weariness from their
journey, and from hunger and thirst, they bent their knees and gave up
their souls to God in the very act of prayer. And afterwards, when they
had been for a
long while
sought for by the marks of their footsteps which in those sandy regions
are impressed as if on snow, until a thin coating of sand blown about
even by a slight breeze covers them up again, it was found that they
had preserved the figs untouched, just as they had received them;
choosing rather to give up their lives, than their fidelity to their
charge, and to lose their life on earth than to violate the commands of
their senior.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH