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  • Chapter XX. Of the way in which auger should be banished according to the gospel.

    Chapter XX.

    Of the way in which auger should be banished according to the gospel.

    Wherefore if we wish to gain the substance of that divine reward of which it is said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God,”946

    946 S. Matt. v. 8.

    we ought not only to banish it from our actions, but entirely to root it out from our inmost soul. For it will not be of any good to have checked anger in words, and not to have shown it in deeds, if God, from whom the secrets of the heart are not hid, sees that it remains in the secret recesses of our bosom. For the word of the gospel bids us destroy the roots of our faults rather than the fruits; for these, when the incitements are all removed, will certainly not put forth shoots any more; and so the mind will be able to continue in all patience and holiness, when this anger has been removed, not from the surface of acts and deeds, but from the very innermost thoughts. And, therefore to avoid the commission of murder, anger and hatred are cut off, without which the crime of murder cannot possibly be committed. For “whosoever is angry with his brother, is in danger of the judgment;”947

    947 Ib. ver. 22.

    and “whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer;”948

    948 1 John iii. 15.

    viz., because in his heart he desires to kill him, whose blood we know that he has certainly not shed among men with his own hand or with a weapon; yet, owing to his burst of anger, he is declared to be a murderer by God, who renders to each man, not merely for the result of his actions, but for his purpose and desires and wishes, either a reward or a punishment; according to that which He Himself says through the prophet: “But I come that I may gather them together with all nations and tongues;”949

    949 Isaiah lxvi. 18.

    and again:950

    950 Et rursum (Petschenig): et Apostolus (Gazæus).

    “Their thoughts between themselves accusing or also defending one another, in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men.”951

    951 Rom. ii. 15, 16.


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