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| Chapter I. Of the Cœnobium of Abbot Paul and the patience of a certain brother. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter I.
Of the Cœnobium of Abbot Paul and the patience of a
certain brother.
After only a few days we
made our way once more with great alacrity, drawn by the desire for
further instruction, to the Cœnobium of Abbot Paul, where though a
greater number than two hundred of the brethren dwell there, yet, in
honour of the festival which was then being held, an enormous
collection of monks from other Cœnobia had come there as well: for
the anniversary of the death2105
2105 Depositio. A
word frequently used for the day of the death (or burial) in Calendars
or Martyrologies. | of a former Abbot
who had presided over the same monastery was being solemnly kept. And
we have mentioned this assembly for this reason that we may briefly
treat of the patience of a certain brother, which was remarkable for
immovable gentleness on his part in the presence of all this
congregation. For though the object of this work has regard to another
person; viz., that we may produce the utterances of Abbot John2106
2106 On this Abbot John
compare the note on the Institutes V. xxviii. | who left the desert and submitted himself
to that Cœnobium with the utmost goodness and humility, yet we
think it not at all absurd to relate without any unnecessary verbiage,
what we think is most instructive to those who are eager for goodness.
And so when the whole body of the monks was seated in separate parties
of twelve, in the large open court, when one of the brethren had been
rather slow in fetching and bringing in a dish, the aforesaid Abbot
Paul, who was busily hurrying about among the troops of brethren who
were serving, saw it and struck him such a blow before them all on his
open palm that the sound of the hand which was struck actually reached
the ears of those whose backs were turned and who were sitting some way
off. But the youth of remarkable patience received it with such
calmness of mind that not only did he let no word fall from his mouth
or give the slightest sign of murmuring by the silent movements of his
lips, but actually did not change colour in the slightest degree or
(lose) the modest and peaceful look about his mouth.
And this fact struck with
astonishment not merely us, who had lately come from a monastery of
Syria and had not learnt the blessing of this patience by such clear
examples, but all those as well who were not without experience of such
earnestness, so that by it a great lesson was taught even to those who
were well advanced, because even if this paternal correction had not
disturbed his patience, neither did the presence of so great a number
bring the slightest sign of colour to his cheeks.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH