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| Chapter XXXII. The answer on the difference between grace and the commands of the law. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XXXII.
The answer on the difference between grace and the
commands of the law.
Theonas: Your inquiry
once more raises before us a question of no small extent. The
explanation of which though I know that it cannot be taught to or
understood by the inexperienced, yet as far as I can, I will try to set
forth in words and briefly to explain, if only your minds will follow
up and act upon what we say. For whatever is known not by teaching but
by experience, just as it cannot be taught by one without experience,
so neither can it be grasped or taken in by the mind of one who has not
laid the foundation by a similar study and training. And therefore I
think it necessary for us first to inquire somewhat carefully what is
the purpose or meaning of the law, and what is the system and
perfection of grace, that from this we may succeed in understanding the
dominion of sin and how to drive it out. And so the law chiefly
commands men to seek the bonds of wedlock, saying: “Blessed is he
that hath seed in Sion and an household in Jerusalem;”2217 and: “Cursed is the barren that
hath not borne.”2218 On the other
hand grace invites us to the purity of perpetual chastity, and the
undefiled state of blessed virginity, saying: “Blessed are the
barren, and the breasts which have not given suck;” and:
“he that hateth not father and mother and wife cannot be my
disciple;” and this of the Apostle: “It remaineth that they
that have wives be as though they had them not.”2219
2219 S. Luke xxiii. 29; xiv. 26; 1 Cor. vii.
29. | The law says: “Thou shalt not delay
to offer thy tithes and firstfruits;” grace says: “If thou
wilt be perfect, go and sell all that thou hast and give to the
poor:”2220 The law forbids
not retaliation for wrongs and vengeance for injuries, saying “An
eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” Grace would have our
patience proved by the injuries and blows offered to us being
redoubled, and bids us be ready to endure twice as much damage; saying:
“If a man strike thee on one cheek, offer him the other also; and
to him who will contend with thee at the law and take away thy coat,
give him thy cloak also.”2221 The one
decrees that we should hate our enemies, the other that we should love
them so that it holds that even for them we ought always to pray to