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| Chapter XXVIII. As he is going to produce the testimony of Greek or Eastern Bishops, he brings forward in the first place S. Gregory Nazianzen. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XXVIII.
As he is going to produce the testimony of Greek or
Eastern Bishops, he brings forward in the first place S. Gregory
But perhaps because those
whom we have enumerated came from different parts of the world, their
authority may seem to you less valuable. An absurd thing, indeed,
because faith is not interfered with by place, and we have to consider
what a man is, not where: especially since religion
unites all together, and those who are in the one faith may be also
known to be in the one body. But still we will bring forward for you
some, whom you cannot despise, even from the East. Gregory, that most
grand light of knowledge and doctrine, who though he has been for some
time dead, yet still lives in authority and faith, and though he has
been for some time removed in the body from the Churches, yet has not
forsaken them in word and authority. “When then,” he says,
“God had come forth from the Virgin, in that human nature which
He had taken, as He existed in one out of two which are the opposite of
each other; viz., flesh and spirit, the one is taken into God, the
other exalts into the grace of Deity.2676
2676 Aliud in Deum
adsumiter, aliud in Deitatis gratiam præstat. So Petschenig
edits. The text of Gazæus has aliud Deitatis gratia
præstat. | O new and unheard of intermingling! O
marvellous and exquisite union! He who was, came to be, and the Creator
is created: and He who is infinite is embraced by the soul which is the
medium between God and the flesh: and He who makes all rich, is made
poor.” Again he says of the Epiphany: “But what happens?
What is done concerning us and for us? There is brought about some new
and unheard of change of natures and God is made man.” Again in
this passage:2677
2677 Greg. Nazianz.
Oratio xxxviii. The Greek of the passage which Cassian translates is as
follows: προελθὼν δὲ
Θεὸς μετὰ τῆς
ἓν ἐκ δύο τῶν
σαρκὸς καὶ
ὧν τὸ μὲν
ἐθέωσε τὸ δὲ
ἐθεώθη, ὦ τῆς
μίξεως, ὦ τῆς
κράσεως, ὁ ὢν
γίνεται καὶ ὁ
κτίζεται καὶ
ὁ ἀχώρητος
χωρεῖται διά
μέσης ψυχῆς
θεότητι καὶ
παχύτητι, καὶ
ὁ πλουτίζων
πτωχεύει. Oratio xxxix.
γίνεται καὶ
τί τὸ μέγα·
περὶ ἡμᾶς
; καινοτομοῦνται
φύσεις καὶ
ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ
Θεοῦ δέχεται
καὶ υἱὸς
γενὲσθαι τε
καὶ κληθῆναι,
οὐχ ὃ ἠν
γὰρ, ἄλλ ὀ οὐκ
ἦν προσλαβὼν,
γάρ, ἵνα
χωρηθᾑ ὁ
ἀχώρητος. | “The
Son of God began to be also the Son of man, not being changed from what
He was, for He is unchangeable, but taking to Himself what He was not:
for He is pitiful so that He, who could not be embraced, can now be
embraced.” You see how grandly and nobly he asserts the majesty
of His Godhead so that He may bring in the condescension of the
Incarnation: for that admirable teacher of the faith knew well that of
all the blessings which God granted to us at His coming into the world
this was the chief, without diminishing in any way His glory. For
whatever God gave to man, ought to increase the love of Him in us, and
not to lessen the honour which we give to Him.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH