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| To all the Bishops of Illyricum. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Epistle XXII.
To all the Bishops of Illyricum.1409
1409 This Epistle, as
appears from the following one, was on the occasion of the election of
John to the See of Justiniana Prima in Eastern Illyricum, which, though
annexed by the Emperor Gratian (379) to the Eastern Empire, had
remained under the spiritual control of the Roman See.
Accordingly Pope Damasus had assigned to the bishop of Thessalonica
vicariate jurisdiction under Rome over the new
præfecture: and this arrangement had continued to the
time of Pope Vigilius, when the Emperor Justinian assigned to Achrida,
called by him Justiniana Prima, Metropolitan jurisdiction over the five
provinces of the Dacian civil diocese with the two Pannonias in the
diocese of Illyricum Occidentale (Justin. Novell. cxxxi. c.
iii.). Hence Justiniana Prima became the seat thenceforth of the
ecclesiastical Vicariate also. The election to the See, being a
metropolitan one, appears to have been made in this instance by the
suffragan bishops with the concurrence of the Emperor; after which the
Bishop of Rome was applied to for confirmation. In the case
before us it was readily given, the pallium sent, and the vicariate
jurisdiction renewed. A case will appear below in which such
confirmation was refused, but dispensed with by the Emperor, who
supported the elected bishop against the Pope. See III. 47, note
1. |
Gregory to all the bishops, &c.
It both affords us joy for your carefulness, and
makes your Fraternity safe in your own ordination, if the order of
ancient custom is maintained. Since, then, we have learnt from
the letters which you have sent to us through the presbyter Maximianus
and the deacon Andreas that the consent of all of you and the will of
the most serene Prince have concurred in the person of our brother and
fellow-bishop John, we feel great exultation that, under God’s direction, such a one has been advanced to the
office of priesthood1410
1410 Sacerdotii,
meaning here episcopacy. See I. 78, note 1. | as the judgment of
all has approved as worthy. Wherefore, in accordance with your
request, we confirm our aforesaid brother and fellow-bishop by the
authority of our assent in the order of priesthood wherein he has been
constituted, and declare our ratification of his consecration by
sending him the pallium. And since, according to custom, we have
committed to him vicariate jurisdiction in our stead, we must of
necessity take the precaution of exhorting your Fraternity that you in
no wise hesitate to obey him in matters pertaining to ecclesiastical
order and the right course of discipline, or in other things not
precluded by canonical decrees; that the soundness of your judgment in
electing him may be declared by the obedience which you