Bad Advertisement? Are you a Christian? Online Store: | PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP Epistle XLVI. To John, Bishop. Gregory to John, Bishop of Calliopolis [Gallipoli, in Calabria]. From the reports sent to us by thy Fraternity it appears that Andrew, our brother and fellow-bishop, undoubtedly had a concubine. But, since it is uncertain whether he has touched her while constituted in sacred orders, it is necessary that thou shouldest warn him with earnest exhortation that, if he knows himself to have had intercourse with her while in sacred orders, he should retire from the office which he holds, and minister no longer. And if, though conscious of having done this thing, he should conceal his sin and presume to minister, let him know that peril hangs over his soul in the divine judgment. As to the woman on the Church-roll, whom he caused to be chastised with cudgels, though we do not believe that she died eight months afterwards, yet, since he caused her to be thus punished inconsistently with his sacred calling, do thou suspend him for two months from the solemnization of mass, that at any rate this disgrace may teach him how to behave himself in future. Moreover, the clergy of the aforesaid bishop, in a
petition presented to us, which is subjoined below, allege that they
endure much ill-treatment from him. Wherefore let thy Fraternity
take care to ascertain all these things accurately, and so to correct
and arrange them in a reasonable way that they may be under no
necessity hereafter of resorting hither on account of this
matter. In the month of July, indiction 11.