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To Constantius, Bishop.
Gregory to Constantius, Bishop of Mediolanum.
My most beloved son, the deacon Boniface, has
conveyed to me certain private information through thy
Fraternity’s letter; namely that three bishops, having sought out
rather than found an occasion, have separated themselves from the pious
communion of your Fraternity, saying that you have assented to the
condemnation of the Three Chapters1518
1518 As to the
schism from Rome in the province of Istria consequent on the
condemnation of “The Three Chapters” by the fifth General
Council, see I. 16, note 3. It appears that in the adjacent
province of Liguria, of which Mediolanum (Milan) was the
metropolis, there was a like rejection of the fifth council on the part
at least of some bishops, who had consequently declined communion with
their newly-appointed Metropolitan Constantius, who was believed to
have agreed formally to the condemnation of The Three
Chapters. | , and have
given a security1519
1519 Cautionem
fecisse: i.e. had pledged himself to the pope by a formal
document to uphold the fifth council in its condemnation of the said
Chapters. | . And,
indeed, whether there has been any mention made of the Three Chapters
in any word or writing whatever thy Fraternity remembers well; although
thy Fraternity’s predecessor, Laurentius, did send forth a most
strict security to the Apostolic See, to which most noble men in
legitimate number subscribed; among whom I also, at that time holding
the prætorship of the city, likewise subscribed; since after such
a schism had taken place about nothing, it was right that the Apostolic
See should take heed, with the view of guarding in all respects the
unity of the Universal Church in the minds of priests. But as to
its being said that our daughter, Queen Theodelinda, after hearing this
news, has withdrawn herself from thy communion, it is for all reasons
evident that, though she has been seduced to some little extent by the
words of bad men, yet, on the arrival of Hippolytus the notary, and
John the abbot, she will seek in all ways the communion of your
1520 Theodelinda, the
Lombard queen, was a catholic Christian, though her husband Agilulph
was still an Arian. Ticinum (or Pavia), which was the residence
of the Lombard Kings, was under the Metropolitan jurisdiction of Milan;
and it appears that, under the influence of the dissentient bishops of
the province, she too had refused to communicate with the new
Metropolitan. Gregory’s anticipation, expressed in what
follows, that she would easily be brought round, was premature:
for ten years later (a.d. 603–4) we find
Gregory still taking pains to overcome her scruples with regard to the
fifth council. See XIV. 12. | . To her also
I have addressed a letter1521
1521 Viz. Epistle 4
below. This letter, however, was not delivered to the queen by
the bishop Constantius, to whom it had been sent, because of the
allusion contained in it to the fifth council, which she appears to
have been resolute in rejecting. The new bishop thought she would
be more likely to accept him as orthodox, if it were only said that he
adhered in all respects to the faith of the four previous councils,
including that of Chalcedon. See below, Ep. 39.
Accordingly another letter (Ep. 38), in which allusion to the
fifth council was omitted, was prepared and sent in accordance with the
advice of Constantius. See further, note 8, under Epistle
3. | , which I beg your
Fraternity to transmit
her without delay. Further, with regard to the bishops who appear
to have separated themselves, I have written another letter, which when
you have caused to be shewn to them, I doubt not that they will repent
of the superstition of their pride before thy Fraternity.
Furthermore, you have accurately and briefly
informed me of what has been done, whether by King Ago1522
1522 I.e. Agilulph
the Lombard King. The time (Indict. XII., i.e. a.d. 593–4) was after he had invested Rome and
returned to Pavia, and when Gregory had in vain urged Romanus
Patricius, the Exarch at Ravenna, to come to terms with him.
Gregory appears prepared to approach him now with a view to a separate
peace with himself, which he says afterwards (see V. 36, 40) he could
have made if he had been so minded. Letters bearing on the
subject are V. 36, 40, 41, 42; VI. 30; IX. 4, 6, 42, 43, 98. See
also Proleg. p. xxi. | or by the Kings of the Franks. I beg
your Fraternity to make known to me in all ways what you have so far
ascertained. But, if you should see that Ago, King of the
Lombards, is doing nothing with the Patrician1523
1523 I.e. Romanus
Patricius, the Exarch. | , promise him on our part that I am
prepared to give attention to his case, if he should be willing to
arrange anything with the republic advantageously.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH