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Epistle XLVIII.
To Urbicus, Abbot.
Gregory to Urbicus, Abbot of Saint Hermes, which is
situated in Panormus.
Whosoever, incited by divine inspiration, hastens
to leave the employments of this world and to be converted to
God should so be received with charity, and
refreshed in all ways with kind consolations, that, by the help of
God, he may delight in all ways to persevere
in the state of life which he has chosen. Since, then, Agatho,
the bearer of these presents, desires to be converted1664
1664 Conversion
has its usual sense of embracing monastic life. | in thy Love’s monastery, we exhort
thee to receive him with all sweetness and love, and by assiduous
exhortation kindle his longing for eternal life, and study to be
diligently solicitous for his soul’s salvation; to the end that,
while by thy admonition he shall persist with devoted mind in the
service of our God, it may both profit him to
have left the world, and his conversion may be to the increase of thine
own reward. Know, however, that he is to be so received only if
his wife also should wish to be similarly converted. For, when
the bodies of both have been made one by the tie of wedlock, it is
unseemly that part should be converted and part remain in the
1665 See also on this
subject, XI. 45, XI. 50. | .E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH