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| To Syagrius, Bishop of Augustodunum (Autun). PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Epistle CXV.
To Syagrius, Bishop of Augustodunum (Autun).
Gregory to Syagrius, &c.
If in secular affairs every man should have his right
and his proper rank preserved to him, how much more in ecclesiastical
arrangements ought no confusion to be let in; lest discord should find
place there, whence the blessings of peace should proceed. And
this will in this way be secured, if nothing is yielded to power but
all to equity.
Now it has been reported to us that our most beloved brother Ursicinus, bishop of the city of Taurini74
74 Augusta
Taurinarum, the modern Turin. | , after the captivity and plunder which he
endured, has suffered serious prejudice in his parishes75
75 In parochiis
suis Though the term παροικία meant
originally what we should now call a bishop’s whole diocese, it
came after the third century to be applied to parishes within such
diocese. Hence here parochiis in the plural. Cf.
Bingham, Bk. IX., ch. ii., sect. 1; Ch. viii., Sect. 1. | , which are said to be situated within the
boundaries of the Franks, even to the extent of another person being
constituted bishop there in contravention of ecclesiastical ordinances,
no crime of his demanding it. And, lest this prejudicial
proceeding should perchance seem to be a light matter, there has been
also some hardship added in the taking from him of the property of his
Church which he might have held. Now, if these things are really
so, seeing that it is a very cruel thing and opposed to the sacred
canons, that the ambition of any should remove from his own altar an
innocent priest who does not deserve to be superseded on account of
crime, let all regard his cause as their own, and strive against the
imposition on others of what they would be unwilling to endure
themselves. For if the entrance for an evil thing is not closed
before it has been long open, it grows wider by use; and what is
evidently forbidden by reason will be allowed by custom. But,
beyond all others, let the solicitude of your Fraternity, in
consideration of our commendation and your own sense of what you owe to
God, devote itself earnestly to his defence, and not allow him to be
any longer removed against reason from his parishes. But, as well
in your own person as by making supplication to the most excellent
76 Viz. Theoderic and Theodebert (see VI. 58, note 1), to whom a letter on the same
subject was sent at the same time, viz., Ep. CXVI., which
follows. The former would be in this year (a.d. 598–9) about ten, and the latter about thirteen
years of age. | , whom we believe to cause you no sadness in
any respect, do you bring it about that this thing which has been done
amiss may be corrected, and that what has been taken away by force may
under the patronage of truth be restored; for, seeing that it is
written, A brother helping a brother shall be exalted
(Prov. xviii. 19), your Charity may know that it will receive by so much the more from Almighty God as His
precepts shall have been gladly and constantly executed in helping a
brother.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH