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| To Anatolius, Deacon at Constantinople. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Epistle XLVII.
To Anatolius, Deacon at Constantinople.
Gregory to Anatolius, &c.
Thy Love has written to me that our most pious lord
orders a successor to be appointed to my most reverend brother John,
bishop of Prima Justiniana, on account of the ailment of the head from
which he suffers, lest perchance that city, while without the
jurisdiction of a bishop, should be ruined by its enemies, which God
forbid. And yet the canons nowhere enjoin that a bishop should be
superseded on account of sickness. And it is altogether unjust that, if bodily ailments come on, the sick person should be deprived of his
162 Cf. XIII. 5 for a
similar assertion of the unlawfulness of superseding a bishop, except
at his own request, when incapacitated by illness. See also VII.
19. In this epistle may be observed Gregory’s habitual
deference to the Emperors, whose subject he ever declared himself to
be, even in matters of ecclesiastical import, together with his
avoidance of giving his own sanction to anything he regarded as
irreligious or uncanonical. Similarly in the case of an imperial
prohibition of soldiers becoming monks. See III. 65; VIII. 5; X.
24. Cf. also IV. 47, in the case of Maximus of Salona. We
find him, however, in a letter to the empress, in which this case of
Maximus is referred to (V. 21), making a respectful protest against
imperial interference in matters of ecclesiastical cognizance. | . Accordingly this thing can by no
means be done through us, lest sin should come upon my soul from his
deposition. But it is to be suggested that, if he who bears rule
is sick, an administrator may be found, to undertake all his charge,
and maintain and fill his place, without his being deposed, in the
government of the Church and custody of the city; so that neither may
Almighty God be offended nor the city be found to be neglected.
If, however, the same most reverend John should haply on account of his
ailments request to be relieved from the dignity of the episcopate, it
should be conceded on his presenting a petition in writing. But
otherwise we are altogether unable, with due regard to the fear of
Almighty God, to do this thing. But, if he should be unwilling
thus to make petition, what pleases the most pious Emperor, whatever he
commands to be done, is in his power. As he determines, so let
him provide. Only let him not cause us to be mixed up in the
deposition of one so situated. Still, what he does, if it is
canonical, we will follow. But, if it is not canonical, we will
bear it, so far as we can without sin of our own.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH