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| Historical Introduction. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
In the whole history of the Church there is no council
which bristles with such astonishing facts as the First Council of
Constantinople. It is one of the “undisputed General
Councils,” one of the four which St. Gregory said he revered as
he did the four holy Gospels, and he would be rash indeed who denied
its right to the position it has so long occupied; and yet
1. It was not intended to be an Ecumenical Synod
at all.
2. It was a local gathering of only one hundred
and fifty bishops.
3. It was not summoned by the Pope, nor was he
invited to it.
4. No diocese of the West was present either by
representation or in the person of its bishop; neither the see of Rome,
nor any other see.
5. It was a council of Saints, Cardinal Orsi, the
Roman Historian, says: “Besides St. Gregory of Nyssa, and
St. Peter of Sebaste, there were also at Constantinople on account of
the Synod many other Bishops, remarkable either for the holiness of
their life, or for their zeal for the faith, or for their learning, or
for the eminence of their Sees, as St. Amphilochius of Iconium,
Helladius of Cesarea in Cappadocia, Optimus of Antioch in Pisidia,
Diodorus of Tarsus, St. Pelagius of Laodicea, St. Eulogius of Edessa,
Acacius of Berea, Isidorus of Cyrus, St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Gelasius
of Cesarea in Palestine, Vitus of Carres, Dionysius of Diospolis, Abram
of Batnes, and Antiochus of Samosata, all three Confessors, Bosphorus
of Colonia, and Otreius of Melitina, and various others whose names
appear with honour in history. So that perhaps there has not been
a council, in which has been found a greater number of Confessors and
of Saints.”203
203 Orsi, Ist.
Eccl., xviii., 63. |
6. It was presided over at first by St. Meletius,
the bishop of Antioch who was bishop not in communion with
204 E. B. Pusey. The Councils of the
Church, a.d. 51–381, p. 306.
Tillemont, Mémoires, xvj., 662, who says, “If none of
those who die out of communion with Rome can merit the title of Saints
and Confessors, Baronius should have the names of St. Meletius, St.
Elias of Jerusalem and St. Daniel the Stylite stricken from the
Martyrology.” Cf. F. W. Puller, The Primitive
Saints and See of Rome, pp. 174 and 238.
Many attempts have been made to explain
this fact away, but without success. Not only was the president
of the Council a persona non grata to the Pope, but the members
of the Council were well aware of the fact, and much pleased that such
was the case, and Hefele acknowledges that the reason the council
determined to continue the Meletian Schism was because allowing
Paulinus to succeed to Meletius would be “too great a concession
to the Latins” (vol. III., p. 346). | who died during its session and was styled a
Saint in the panegyric delivered over him and who has since been
canonized as a Saint of the Roman Church by the Pope.
7. Its second president was St. Gregory Nazianzen,
who was at that time liable to censure for a breach of the canons which
forbade his translation to Constantinople.
8. Its action in continuing the Meletian Schism
was condemned at Rome, and its Canons rejected for a thousand
9. Its canons were not placed in their natural
position after those of Nice in the codex which was used at the Council
of Chalcedon, although this was an Eastern codex.
10. Its Creed was not read nor mentioned, so far
as the acts record, at the Council of Ephesus, fifty years
11. Its title to being (as it undoubtedly is) the
Second of the Ecumenical Synods rests upon its Creed having found a
reception in the whole world. And now—mirabile
dictu—an English scholar comes forward, ready to defend the
proposition that the First Council of Constantinople never set forth
any creed at all!205
205 F. J. A. Hort, Two
Dissertations. I. On μονογένης
Θέος in Scripture and tradition, II. On
the Constantinopolitan Creed and other Eastern Creeds of the 4th
Century. It should be added that Dr. Hort acknowledges that,
“we may well believe that they [i.e. the 150 fathers of
Constantinople] had expressed approval” of the creed ordinarily
attributed to them (p. 115). The whole dissertation is a fine
example of what Dr. Salmon so well called Dr. Hort’s
“perfervidum ingenium as an advocate,” and of his
“exaggeration of judgment.” (Salmon.
Criticism of the Text of the New Testament, p. 12, also see p.
34.) Swainson, in his The Nicene and Apostles’
Creeds, has all the material points found in Hort’s
Dissertation. Harnack goes much further. He is of
opinion that the Creed of Constantinople (as we call it), the Creed
which has been the symbol of orthodoxy for fifteen hundred years, is
really a Semi-Arian, anti-Nicene, and quasi Macedonian
confession! The first contention he supports, not without a show
of plausibility, by the fact that it omits the words (which were really
most crucial) “that is to say of the substance of the
Father.” In support of the second opinion he writes as
follows: “The words [with regard to the Holy Ghost] are in
entire harmony with the form which the doctrine of the Holy Spirit had
in the sixties. A Pneumatochian could have subscribed this
formula at a pinch; and just because of this it is certain that the
Council of 381 did not accept this creed.” Some scholars
arrive at “certainty” more easily than others, even Harnack
himself only attains this “certainty” in the
foot-note! The reader will remark that what Harnack is
“certain ”of in the foot-note is that the Council
“did not accept” this creed, not that it “did not
frame” it, which is entirely a different question. (Adolf
Harnack, History of Dogma, [Eng. Trans.], Vol. iv., p. 99.) | E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH