PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() I HAVE stated, that the earliest occurrence of the name Valdes or Valdensis or Vallensis is in the Noble Lesson; the date of which refers that poem, so far as I can judge, to A.D. 1100. Since that statement was made, I have met with a very curious passage cited by Mr. Palmer in his Treatise on the Church, which certainly deserves attention, and which may therefore be here fitly subjoined. In the year 1054, Michael Cerularius, Patriarch of Constantinople, was excommunicated by Cardinal Humbert the Papal Legate, who left the instrument of excommunication upon the altar of St. Sophia. This instrument contains the following passage. Michael abusivus Patriarcha neophytus, — atque cum eo Leo Acridanus Episcopus, — et omnes sequaces eorum in praefatis erroribus et praesumptionibus, sint Anathema Maranatha, cum Simonaicis, VALLESIIS, Arianis, Donatistis, Nicolaitis, Severianis, Pneumatomachis, et Manichaeis, et Nazarenis, et cum omnibus haereticis, imo cum diabolo et angelis ejus, nisi forte resipuerint. Canisii Thesaur. 3. p. 326. in Palmer’s Treatise on the Church, part 1. chap. 9. sect. 2. vol. 1. p. 188. Who were these VALLESII, here mentioned as being already excommunicated along with Arians and Manicheans? We know, that the common charge brought against the Albigenses or Cathari was that of Manicheism and Arianism. With Arians and Manicheans, the VALLESII, whoever they might be, are coupled in the anathema. If they were the Vallenses of Piedmont, we, in that case, find the occurrence of the name so early as A.D. 1054: and, since in that year the VALLESII had already been excommunicated as notorious heretics; they must, under that designation, have already been well and familiarly known to the Clergy of the Romish Church. I wish that my indefatigable friend Dr. Gilly would endeavor to ascertain who these anathematized VALLESII were? They are not borne in upon my memory, as enumerated in any list of ancient heretics: but, as I speak from memory, and as I write this in the midst of the eternal distraction of London, I may very possibly be mistaken. At all events, the identification of these VALLESII were a matter of great curiosity and of no ordinary importance. April 26, 1838. THE END GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - VALLENSES & ALBIGENSES INDEX & SEARCH
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