PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() CHAPTER - PRELIMINARY STATEMENT OF THE TESTIMONY OF REINERIUS RESPECTING THE ANTIQUITY OF THE VALLENSES, WITH REMARKS ON THEIR DIALECT AND THEIR OWN CONCURRING TRADITIONS. Division of the subject. I. The testimony of the Inquisitor Reinerius to the Antiquity of the Vallenses. 1. The ancient Leonists and the old Vallenses of Piedmont were the same. 2. The Leo, from whom they received the name of Leonists, was the Presbyter Vigilantius. 3. Notice of a quibble on the part of the Jesuit Gretser. II. The dialect and traditions of the Vallenses alike indicate their Antiquity. 1. The language of the Vallenses. 2. The traditions of the Vallenses. (1.) Henry Arnold. (2.) Boyer. (3.) The Confession of the year 1544. (4) The Supplication of the year 1559. (5.) The Address to the Reformers of the sixteenth century. (6.) The undenied Allegation to the successive Dukes of Savoy. CHAPTER - THE ANTIQUITY OF THE VALLENSES SHEWN FROM THE TESTIMONY OF JEROME The Testimony of Jerome at the beginning of the fifth century. I. The doctrines of Vigilantius and the anger of Jerome. II. The region situated between the waves of the Adriatic and the Alps of King Cottius. CHAPTER - THE ANTIQUITY OF THE VALLENSES SHEWN FROM THE TESTIMONY RECORDED BY PILICHDORF. Peter of Valdis, at the beginning of the seventh century, cannot be viewed as an erroneous duplicate of Peter the Valdo, who flourished in the twelfth century. I. Such an error could not have been committed by Pilichdorf individually. II. Nor yet by the Valdenses of the thirteenth century collectively. CHAPTER - THE ANTIQUITY OF THE VALLENSES SHEWN FROM THE HISTORY OF CLAUDE OF TURIN. An account of Claude of Turin early in the ninth century. I. The pretended Arianism or Nestorianism of Claude. II. Propositions extracted from Claude’s Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians. III. Claude’s Letter to the Abbot Theutmir. IV. Claude’s reference to the divided state of his diocese. V. The concurrent attestation of his enemy Dungal. VI. The decisive language of Claude in regard to the superstitions of the age. VII. The charge of Dungal as to the doctrinal agreement of Claude and Vigilentius. VIII. The testimony of the Prior Rorenco. CHAPTER - THE ANTIQUITY OF THE VALLENSES SHEWN FROM THE LANGUAGE OF ATTO OF VERCELLI. The testimony of Atto of Vercelli, in the tenth century. I. Evidence to the existence and doctrines of the Vallenses in two of his Epistles. 1. The former of the two Epistles. 2. The latter of the two Epistles. II. The pretended sorcery of the Vallenses, designated by the name of Vaulderie. III. The state of Atto’s Clergy in the diocese of Vercelli. CHAPTER - THE ANTIQUITY OF THE VALLENSES SHEWN FROM THE LANGUAGE OF PETER DAMIAN. The testimony of Peter Damain addressed to Adelaide of Savoy, in the eleventh century. I. The married Clergy of the Vallenses. II. The amount of the present evidence. CHAPTER - THE ANTIQUITY OF THE VALLENSES SHEWN FROM THE LANGUAGE OF RODOLPH OF ST. TRUDON. The testimony of Rodolph of St. Trudon, in the twelfth century. I. The results from his testimony. II. On geographical and circumstantial principles, the polluted heretical country must have been the country of the Piedmontese Vallenses. III. The amount of Rodolph’s testimony. CHAPTER - THE RISE OF THE FRENCH VALDENSES IN THE TWELFTH CENTURY The rise of the French Vallenses or Valdenses in the twelfth century through the labors of Peter the Valdo. I. The sequestered condition of the ancient or Piedmontese Vallenses, and the remarkable missionary character of the new or French Vallenses. II. The testimony of Conrad of Lichtenau, at the commencement of the thirteenth century, to the ultimate Italian theological origin of the French Valdenses. III. Conclusion. CHAPTER - THE THEOLOGY OF THE VALLENSES DURING THE PERIOD OF THE TWELFTH CENTURY The theology of the Vallenses during the period of the twelfth century. I. Evidence afforded by the Vallensic Treatise on antichrist. 1. The vague and general date of the year 1120 cannot be depended upon. 2. Internal matters show, that the Treatise was written shortly after the year 1160. 3. Extracts from the treatise. II. Evidence afforded by the Vallensic Poem, entitled The Noble Lesson. 1. The antiquity and authenticity of the Poem are indisputable. 2. The real date of the Poem is the year 1100. 3. This date is established by internal testimony. (1.) The first point of internal testimony. (2.) The second point of internal testimony. (3.) General internal testimony. 4. Extracts from the Poem. CHAPTER - THE THEOLOGY OF THE VALLENSES DURING THE PERIOD OF THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY. The Theology of the Vallenses during the period of the thirteenth century. I. Evidence of Pilichdorf. II. Evidence of the Author of the Index of Valdensic Errors. III. Evidence of Conrad of Magdenberg. CHAPTER - THE THEOLOGY OF THE VALLENSES AT AND IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE TIME OF THE REFORMATION. The Theology of the Vallenses at and immediately after the time of the Reformation. I. Evidence of Claude Scyssel of Turin, at the beginning of the sixteenth century. II. Evidence afforded by the Confession of the Vallenses of Merindol in the year 1542. III. Remarks on au allegation of Bossuet. CHAPTER - RESPECTING THE POOR MEN OF LYONS OR THE MISSIONARY VALDENSES OF FRANCE The founder of the Missionary Valdenses of France was Peter the Valdo, in the twelfth century. I. An historical account of Peter the Valdo, from Thuanus, Walter Mapes, Alanus Magnus, Guido Perpinian, Nicolas Eymaric, John Masson, Reinerius Sacco, Peter Pilichdorf, and the Magdeburg Centuriators. 1. A discussion, respecting the district, called Valdis or Valden or Vaudra, and defined to be situated on the Marches of France. 2. The connection of the French Valdenses with the Italian Valdenses. II. An historical account of the French Valdenses or the Poor Men of Lyons. 1. The grand peculiarity of the French Valdenses was their Missionary Character. (1.) The statement of Reinerius. (2.) The statement of Walter Mapes. (3.) The statement of Conrad of Lichtenau. 2. The dispersion of the French Valdenses by persecution, as attested by the Inquisitor Eyreeric. 3. The travels of Peter the Valdo, and his final settlement in Bohemia, as stated by Thuanus. III. The allegation of Bossuet, respecting the French Valdenses, resolves itself, so far as evidence is concerned, into three points: Their application to the Pope for his license to act as preachers; and Their holding the doctrine of Transubstantiation; and Their scarcely differing from Rome in their doctrinal tenets. 1. The first point is not stated by Bossuet so strongly as it might have been, inasmuch as there were two applications to the Pope for his license: the one, in the year 1179, recorded by Walter Mapes, the other in the year 1212, recorded by Conrad of Lichtenau. But these matters are easily explained, and are of small service to the purpose of Bossuet. 2. The second is made very unsatisfactorily to rest upon the inconsistent testimony of Reinerius: a part of that testimony, moreover, which is directly hostile to the theory of Bossuet, being altogether suppressed. 3. The third is flatly contradicted by the very full testimony of Reinerius, as to the doctrines held by the French Valdenses. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - VALLENSES & ALBIGENSES INDEX & SEARCH
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