VOLUME VIIIPREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE![]() VOLUME VIII THE TWELVE PATRIARCHS, EXCERPTS AND EPISTLES, THE CLEMENTIA, APOCRYPHA, DECRETALS, MEMOIRS OF EDESSA AND SYRIAC DOCUMENTS, REMAINS OF THE FIRST AGES ---------- AMERICAN EDITION Ta\ a0rxai=a e!qh kratei/tw. The Nicene Council Volume VIII Introductory Notice The Twelve Patriarchs Introductory Notice to the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs I.-The Testament of Reuben Concerning Thoughts II.-The Testament of Simeon Concerning Envy III.-The Testament of Levi Concerning the Priesthood and Arrogance IV.-The Testament of Judah Concerning Fortitude, and Love of Money, and Fornication V.-The Testament of Issachar Concerning Simplicity VI.-The Testament of Zebulun Concerning Compassion and Mercy VII.-The Testament of Dan Concerning Anger and Lying VIII.-The Testament of Naphtali Concerning Natural Goodness IX.-The Testament of Gad Concerning Hatred X.-The Testament of Asher Concerning Two Faces of Vice and Virtue XI.-The Testament of Joseph Concerning Sobriety XII.-The Testament of Benjamin Concerning a Pure Mind Note by the American Editor Theodotus Introductory Notice to Excerpts of Theodotus Or, Selections from the Prophetic Scriptures Excerpts of Theodotus Clement of Rome Introductory Notice to Two Epistles Concerning Virginity Translator's Introductory Notice Two Epistles Concerning Virginity The First Epistle of the Blessed Clement The Second Epistle of the Same Clement Pseudo-Clementine Literature Introductory Notice to Pseudo-Clementine Literature Recognitions of Clement Introductory Notice to the Recognitions of Clement Book I Book II Book III Book IV Book V Book VI Book VII Book VIII Book IX Book X Introductory Notice to the Clementine Homilies Epistle of Peter to James Epistle of Clement to James The Clementine Homilies Homily I Homily II Homily III Homily IV Homily V Homily VI Homily VII Homily VIII Homily IX Homily X Homily XI Homily XII Homily XIII Homily XIV Homily XV Homily XVI Homily XVII Homily XVIII Homily XIX Homily XX Apocrypha of the New Testament Introductory Notice to Apocrypha of the New Testament The Protevangelium of James The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary The History of Joseph the Carpenter The Gospel of Thomas First Greek Form Second Greek Form Latin Form The Arabic Gospel of the Infancy of the Saviour The Gospel of Nicodemus Part I.-The Acts of Pilate Part II.-The Descent of Christ into Hell The Letter of Pontius Pilate The Report of Pilate the Procurator First Greek Form Second Greek Form The Giving Up of Pontius Pilate The Death of Pilate, Who Condemned Jesus The Narrative of Joseph The Avenging of the Saviour Acts of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul The Story of Perpetua Acts of Paul and Thecla The Acts of Barnabas The Acts of Philip Of the Journeyings of Philip the Apostle Acts of Saint Philip the Apostle When He Went to Upper Hellas Addition to Acts of Philip Acts and Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Andrew Acts of Andrew and Matthias Acts of the Holy Apostles Peter and Andrew Acts and Martyrdom of St. Matthew the Apostle Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas Consummation of Thomas the Apostle Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew Acts of the Holy Apostle Thaddaeus, One of the Twelve Acts of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian Revelation of Moses Word and Revelation of Esdras Revelation of Paul Revelation of Saint John the Theologian The Account of St. John the Theologian The Passing of Mary First Latin Form Second Latin Form The Decretals Introductory Notice to the Decretals The Epistles of Zephyrinus The First Epistle The Second Epistle Notes by the American Editor The Epistles of Pope Callistus The First Epistle The Second Epistle Note by the American Editor The Epistle of Pope Urban First The Epistles of Pope Pontianus The First Epistle The Second Epistle Note by the American Editor Pope Anterus The Epistle The Epistles of Pope Fabian The First Epistle The Second Epistle The Third Epistle Note by the American Editor Decrees of Fabian The Decrees of the Same Elucidations Memoirs of Edessa Introductory Notice to Memoirs of Edessa and Other Syriac Documents Relating to the Earliest Establishment of Christianity in Edessa and the Neighbouring Countries A Canticle of Mar Jacob the Teacher on Edessa Extracts from Various Books Concerning Abgar the King and Addaeus the Apostle Ancient Syriac Documents The Teaching of Addaeus the Apostle Syriac Calendar The Teaching of the Apostles The Teaching of Simon Cephas In the City of Rome Acts of Sharbil, Further, the Martyrdom of Barsamya, Elucidation Martyrdom of Habib the Deacon Martyrdom Of the Holy Confessors History of Armenia Homily on Habib the Martyr A Homily on Guria and Shamuna Introduction to Ancient Syriac Documents Bardesan A Letter of Mara, Son of Serapion Ambrose Elucidations Remains of the Second and Third Centuries Introductory Notice to Remains of the Second and Third Centuries Quadratus, Bishop of Athens Aristo of Pella Melito, the Philosopher Hegesippus Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth Rhodon Maximus Bishop of Jerusalem Claudius Apollinaris, Bishop of Hierapolis, and Apologist Polycrates Bishop of Ephesus Theophilus Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine Serapion Bishop of Antioch Apollonius Pantaenus The Alexandrian Philosopher Pseud-Irenaeus The Letter of the Churches of Vienna and Lugdunum to the Churches of Asia and Phrygia Note by the American Editor Elucidation Introductory Notice This volume completes the American series, according to our agreement. But it will be found to afford much material over and above what was promised, and the editorial labour it has exacted has been much greater than might at first be suspected. The Bibliography with which the work is supplemented, and which is the original work of Dr. Riddle, has been necessarily thrown into the Index by the overgrowth of this volume in original matter. The Apocryphal works of the Edinburgh collection have been here brought together, and "Fragments" have been sifted, and arranged on a plan strictly practical. To my valued collaborator Dr. Riddle I have committed a task which demanded a specialist of his eminent qualifications. He has had, almost exclusively, the task of editing the Pseudo- Clementina and the Apocryphal New Testament. To myself I assigned the Twelve Patriarchs and Excerpts, the Edessene Memoirs and other Syriac Fragments, the False Decretals, and the Remains of the First Ages. I have reserved this retrospect of historic truth and testimony to complete the volume. As in music the tune ends on the note with which it began, so, after the greater part of the volume had been surrendered to forgery and fiction (valuable, indeed, for purposes of comparison and reference, but otherwise unworthy of a place among primitive witnesses), I felt it refreshing to return to genuine writings and to authentic histories. The pages of Melito and others will restore something of the flavour of the Apostolic Fathers to our taste, and the student will not close his review of the Ante-Nicene Fathers with last impressions derived only from their fraudulent imitators and corrupters. The editor-in-chief renews his grateful acknowledgments to those who have aided him in his undertaking, with whose honoured names the reader is already acquainted. Nor can he omit an expression of thanks to the reverend brother1 to whom the hard work of the Indexes has been chiefly committed. It would be equally unjust not to mention his obligations to the meritorious press which has produced these pages with a general accuracy not easily ensured under difficulties such as have been inseparable from this undertaking.2 The support which has been liberally afforded to the enterprise by Christians of divers names and communions ought not to be recognised by words of mere recognition: it is a token of their common interest in a common origin, and a sign, perhaps, of a longing for that precious unity and brotherhood which was the glory of the martyr ages, for which all should unite in praise to God. To the Christian press a grateful tribute is due from the editor and his publishers alike; more especially as it has encouraged, so generally, the production of another series, of which the first volume has already appeared, and which will familiarize the minds and Hearts of thousands with the living thought and burning piety of those great doctors of the post-Nicene period, to whom the world owes such immense obligations, but who have been so largely unknown to millions even of educated men, except as bright and shining names. It is a cheering token, that, while the superficial popular mind may even be disposed to regard this collection as a mere museum of fossils, having little or no connection with anything that interests our age, there is a twofold movement towards a fresh investigation of the past, which it seems providentially designed to meet. Thus, among Christians there is a general appetite for the study of primitive antiquity, stimulated by the decadence of the Papacy, and by the agitations concerning the theology of the future which have arisen in Reformed communions; while, on the other hand, scientific thought has pushed inquiry as to the sources of the world's enlightenment, and has found them just here,-in the school of Alexandria, and in the Christian writers of the first three centuries. "It is instructive," says a forcible thinker,3 and a disciple of Darwin and Huxley, "to note how closely Athanasius approaches the confines of modern scientific thought." And again he says: "The intellectual atmosphere of Alexandria for two centuries before and three centuries after the time of Christ was more modern than anything that followed, down to the days of Bacon and Descartes." It would be unmanly in the editor to speak of the difficulties and hindrances through which he has been forced to push on his work, while engaged in other and very sacred duties. The conditions which alone could justify the publishers in the venture were quite inconsistent with such an editorial performance as might satisfy his own ideas of what should be done with such materials. Four years instead of two, he felt, should be bestowed on such a work; and he thought that two years might suffice only in case a number of collaborators could be secured for simultaneous employment. When it was found that such a plan was impracticable, and that the idea must be abandoned if not undertaken and carried forward as it has been, then the writer most reluctantly assumed his great responsibility in the fear of God, and in dependence on His lovingkindness and tender mercy. Of the result, he can only say that "he has done what he could" in the circumstances. He is rewarded by the consciousness that at least he has enabled many an American divine and scholar to avail himself of the labours of the Edinburgh translators, and to feel what is due to them, when, but for this publication, he must have remained in ignorance of what their erudition has achieved and contributed to Christian learning in the English tongue. And how sweet and invigorating has been his task, as page after page of these treasures of antiquity has passed under his hand and eye! With unfailing appetite he has risen before daylight to his work; and far into the night he has extended it, with ever fresh interest and delight. Obliged very often to read his proofs, or prepare his notes, at least in their first draught, while journeying by land or by water, he has generally found in such employments, not additional fatigue, but a real comfort and resource, a balance to other cares, and a sweet preparation and invigoration for other labours. Oh, how much he owes, under God, to these "guides, philosophers, and friends,"-these Fathers of old time,-and to "their Father and our Father, their God and our God"! What love is due from all who love Christ, for the words they have spoken, and the deeds they have done, to assure us that the Everlasting Word is He to whom alone we can go for the words of life eternal! A. C. C. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - EARLY CHURCH FATHERS INDEX
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