}{stfrs=2} Eustathians{stfrs=2} [362-388] Evagrius [388- ] Of Alexandria:- Peter [301-312] Achillas [312-313] [313-326] Athanasius [326-341] Gregory (Arian) [341-347] Athanasius [347-356] George (heretic) [356-362] Athanasius [363-373] Peter (disciple of Athanasius) [373-373] Lucius (Arian) [373-377] Peter [377-378] Timothy [378-385] Theophilus [385-412] Cyril [412-444] Of Jerusalem:- Macarius [324-336] Maximus [336-350] Cyril [350-388] John [388-416] Praylius [416-425] Juvenalius [425-458] Of Constantinopole:md; [326-340] Eusebius of Nicomedia (Arian) [340-342] Paul the Confessor [342-342] Macedonius the enemy of the Holy Ghost [342-360] The impious Eudoxius [360-370] Demophilus of Beroe in Thrace (heretic) [370- ] Gregory of Nazianzus [380-381] Nectarius [381-398] John Chrysostom [398-404] PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - EARLY CHURCH FATHERS INDEX