II. Synoptical Table of the Bishops of the Chief Sees And of the Principal Councils Held, During the Lifetime of Athanasius. N.B.-The names of bishops in italics are open to doubt regarding their date. An asterisk prefixed to a bishop's name means that he was elected when the see was not de facto vacant (the case of Ursinus of Rome in 366 is not free from doubt). _ after the name of a synod indicates that although not formally Arian it was held under the influence of Eusebius of Nicomedia. * denotes a synod more or less implicated in Arianism by its creeds (N.B. no creed at Aries or Milan, 353-355). ** denote a formally Arian synod. Emperor. Rome. Alexandria. Antioch. Constantinople. Synods. W. E. 301. Peter 305. Galerius 305. Illiberis. 306. Constantine 307. Licinius 309. Eusebius 308-313. Maximin 310. Melchiades 312. Achillas. 313. Alexander. 313. Rome. 314. Silvester 314. Arles. 31 319 320? Alexander. 321. Alexandria. 323 c. 324. Eustathius. 324. Alexandria. 325. Nicæa. 328. Athanasius. 330. `Paulinus?' [330. `Constantinople' made the new Rome]. 330. Antioch_. Eulalius. 332. Euphronius. 333. Flacillus (or Placitus) 334. Cæsrea_. 335. Tyre_ and Jerusalem_ 336. Mark 336. Paul (d.350?). 336. CP._ 337. Constantine II. (d. 340) Constantius 337. Julius 338. *Pistus. 337? *Eusebius 339. *Gregory 339&40.Antioch_. 340. Rome. 340. Gangra_. 341. Antioch_* 342. Stephen. 342. *Macedonius. Sardica 343. Philippopolis* 344. Leontius 344. Antioch*. 345. Milan 347. Sirmium I*. 350 351. Sirmium II *. 352. Liberius. 353. Arles*. 355. Milan*. 357. *Felix 357. *George. 357. Eudoxius. 357. Sirmium III** 358. Ancyra. 359. *Anianus. 359. Sirmium IV*. Ariminum *. Seleucia*. 360. *Eudoxius. 360. CP**. 361. Julian. 361. Meletius. *Euzoius. 362. *Paulinus. (schism). 362. · Alexandria. 363. Jovian. 363. Antioch. 364. Valentinian. Valens. 364. Lampsacus. 366. Damasus (d. 384). 366-7. *Ursinus 367. *Lucius. 367. Tyana. 370. Demophilus 373. Peter. 375. Gratian (d. 383). Valentinian II. (d. 392). 379. Theodosius. `Semi-Arian' synods are printed in italics. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - EARLY CHURCH FATHERS INDEX
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