DOMINICAN HISTORY OF ETHIOPIA.PREVIOUS CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() COMPOSED BY FATHER LEWIS DE UURETTA, A DOMINICAN; AND PRINTED AT VALENTIA IN THE YEAR 1610. IN the Year 1316, Eight Dominican Friars, with a Holy Sister, Santered from Rome to Jerusalem, where having Visited the Holy Sepulcher, taking Bethlehem in their way, they went down into Egypt, and from thence to Ethiopia; and having there Learned the Language of the Country perfectly in a few days, they begun to preach to the Astonishment of that whole Empire, confirming the truth of all they taught by Miracles. Prester John the Emperor hearing of those wonderful Preachers, sent to bid them welcome into his Empire, and to let them know they had free liberty to build Convents enough therein to hold all Europe, and to exercise their power of Inquisitors upon all his Subjects; and that he would allow them all the same Privileges and Immunities that they enjoy in the Latin Church. The Fathers overjoyed at this news, begun presently to make use of the liberty that was granted them; and having penetrated Six Hundred Leagues into Ethiopia, they came at last to the Lake of Cafates, on the other side of the Equinoctial, where the head of the River Nile riseth, where upon the Mountains of the Moon, and in the Kingdom of Gojam, and among the Caffres, and in the Provinces bordering on the Cape of Goodhope, they built several Convents, filling them all presently with Friars of their own Order, most of which came afterwards to be as famous for their Learning and Piety as they were for their Miracles; but the topping man of all those Novices was one Tecla Haymonot, the only Child of King Sacasab, and Queeen Sarah; who having wrought divers Miracles in his Infancy, when he came to be a Man preferred the Dominican Habit to a Crown, and came afterwards to be the Chief Glory of his Order, having had the Honor done him, whenever he said Mass, to have the Wafer and the Wine brought down from Heaven to him by an Angel; and whenever he went to any City to Preach, he was constantly attended by all the Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Snakes, and Serpents in the Neighborhood, who never left him till he dismissed them with the blessing; for which they all expressed themselves very thankful; and who having founded a Monastery for Nine thousand Dominican Friars, obliged the Devil to do all the servile work there for Seven Years; which he did alone so exactly, that the Convent has never been so well served since, which made an Emperor when he was told of it say, That Tecla Hamonot was to blame, for not having made the Devil serve the Convent as long as it stood. While the Friars were thus employed, the Holy Sister was not idle, who as if she had intended to have taken the Emperor at his word, built a Monastery, wherein she placed Five Hundred Dominican Benta’s of the third Rule. This great Nunnery was at first called Bado Nagh, but at this time Santa Clara; the History of all which Convents to this day curiously Painted in the Cloisters of the Plurimanos, whither any, who are so unreasonable as to doubt the truth of them, may go and be satisfied. The Monastery of Plurimanos, in which there are Nine thousand Dominican Friars, was founded by Tecla Haymonot; It is four Leagues in Compass, and hath Eighty Dormitories, which have all the great Church at one end, and the Refectory at the other. Some of these Dormitories have One hundred and twenty, some One hundred and fifty, and some Two hundred Cells. Every Dormitory has a particular Chapel and Library belonging to it. The great Church is Six hundred paces long, and so it had need, since all the Friars repair to it together on Sundays and Holidays. The Second great Dominican Convent in Ethiopia, is that of the Allelujah, which was built by Bartholomew de Tiroli, a Dominican Friar, who was Consecrated Bishop of the City of Dangola at Rome; it has but Seven thousand Friars, who on high Days Dine all together in the Refectory. From these two Convents, there are vast numbers of Missionaries sent once a year to Arabia, Bengala, Siam, Pegu and China; as also to Congo, Monoparata, and the Cape of Goodhope, by some of which Missionaries the King of Congo and Angola, was Baptized in the Year 1580. These Missionaries do all return home at Whitsuntide; and our Historian being sensible that that was more than flesh and blood could well do, very discreetly prevents the objection, by telling us they came back nothing but Skin and Bone. These two Monasteries have been the greatest Seminaries of Martyrs that have ever been in the world, above Three hundred thousand of their Friars having suffered Martyrdom in several parts, which is more than any other Order besides the Dominicans can boast of. For in the Empress Helena’s time, who was her self a Dominican Beata, Eighth hundred Friars of the Alelujah alone suffered death in several Provinces for preaching the Gospel; at which the good Beata was so much troubled, that she sent to all the Mahometan and Heathen Merchants that were within her Empire, to let them know that they should Trade no longer in Ethiopia, if they did not take more care to preserve her Friars lives in their Missions. The Priors of these two Convents are by the Pope’s Letter Constituted the chief Inquisitors of Ethiopia, where the Inquisition is more rigorous than in Spain; for it relaxeth all Heretics and Apostates to the Secular Arm for their first fault, though never so penitent; who being relaxed, are always thrown, without mercy, to the Lyons. But the wonder of the world is the Emperor’s Library founded by Queen Saba, upon the Mountain of Amara, where the Convent of the holy Cross stands; its Foundress hanselled it with Solomon’s own Works, and the other Books he Presented her withal, among which are the Books of Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Job, &c. And the Emperors have been ever since buying all the books they could hear of to put into it; so that at present it contains above a Million of Books all very fairly written, and richly Bound, an hundred and Thirteen thousand of which are Hebrew and Arabic: Neither is there any Book whose loss is bewailed here in Europe, but what is to be met with there; of which Gregory the Thirteenth being informed, he sent Antonio Grico and Lorenco Cremones into Ethiopia to see whether that Library was so great and rich as it was reported to be; who having seen it, found it much greater than Fame had made it; and returning home, brought the Talmud and Cabala with them to compare them with those the Jews of Italy had in their hands. It is not very well stored with Latin Ecclesiastical Authors, having none of the Ancients, beside St. Hierom and St. Ambrose, translated into Greek, and St. Austin translated into Arabic; and of the Moderns, only Thomas Aquinas, St. Antonio, the Directory of the Inquisitors, and Lewis de Granada, who were all Dominicans; and if our Author sent them his History, the Librarians, who are Two hundred, if they did not give it one of the best places in their Library, in all probability, had never been heard of in Europe; the two unworthy men who had been sent to visit it by Gregory the XIIIth. having made no noise at all of it when they returned. The Key of this Library, as of the Richest Treasure in Ethiopia, is always put into the Emperor’s hand when he is Crowned, who delivers it to the Abbot of the Monastery of Sancta Cruz, with a strict charge to look carefully after it as the chief Jewel of his Empire. The Emperor’s Treasury, which may very well be reckoned the second, if not the first Wonder of the World, is upon the same Mountain, into which ever since Queen Sheba’s time, they have been amassing vast quantities of Gold and Silver, and Precious Stones, without having at any time taken one Farthing out; so that if the whole world were to be sold, there is more Money in this Treasury than would buy the Fee-simple of it. Ethiopia has but Twelve Archbishops and Seventy two Bishops; which small number considering the vastness of the Empire, they cannot be persuaded to increase, because it represents that of the Twelve Apostles, and Seventy two Disciples; so in all their Cathedrals likewise, they have never more nor fewer than a Dean and Twelve Canons, who do all live in Community with their Bishop, who has the whole Tithes of his Diocese; when a Canon dies, he is succeeded by the Eldest Priest of the Diocese, and the Bishop when he dies, by the Eldest Canon, and the Archbishop by the Eldest Bishop of the Province; the Eldest Archbishop is always the Pope’s Legat, that Office having been annexed to that Dignity by Clement the VIIth. Besides these they have a great number of Titular Archbishops and Bishops, who are all named by the Emperor, Empowered thereunto by several Popes Briefs. The Archbishops and Bishops visit their whole Provinces every Sixth year, whose Excommunications are so formidable, that none can despise them longer than they can fast, such as are Excommunicated not being suffered to eat or drink any thing before they have made their submission. Their Churches, namely that of the Allelujah, which was built by Queen Sheba in imitation of Solomon’s Temple, in form of a Cross, and is now Dedicated to St. Humphrey; and that which was built by Queen Candace mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, and Dedicated by her to the Virgin Mary, are excessively Rich and Magnificent, some of them having Three, some Five Naves, and all richly adorned with various Pictures and precious Stones, but chiefly Granata’s. As to the Doctrine of the Habassin Church, in all matters of Faith they are and were ever, or at least since the time that the Eight Dominican Friars went among them, the very same with those of the Church of Rome; all that has been reported within these Two hundred years by the Jesuits and Portugueses of their being Heretics, being notoriously false. The occasion of which false Reports was as followeth: Most of the Four hundred Portugueses who went into Ethiopia with Gama, being Jews in their hearts, were not long there before imagining themselves to be out of the reach of the Inquisition, they openly professed Judaism, to the great scandal of the Portuguese Nation, but they quickly found themselves deceived; for the Dominican Inquisitors having heard of this Apostasy, did with great secrecy order them all to be apprehended by their Familiars; but the Jews having their Familiars too, our Author upon this occasion affirming the whole race of them to be all Magicians, and in Confederacy with the Devil, made their escape before the Inquisition or its Familiars could lay their hands on them, some of them running into the Kingdom of Berno; where notwithstanding they taught the Natives how to make Gunpowder; it had been well that they had all gone, for then there would have been none left to have run to Goa, to have raised such lies of the Habassins, as those who went thither did, who purely to justify themselves, and to be revenged on the Habassin Inquisitors, reported that the Habassins were all Mortal Enemies to the Pope and his Supremacy, and did hold several Heresies, which was the reason why they did not care to live amongst them any longer. Here our Historian falls into a most violent fit of Railing against those Portuguese Jews, and for their sake against the whole Race, calling them an Impious, Cruel, Malicious, Pestilent, Contagious, Infamous, Vile, Nasty, Loathsome Generation; and at last desires all the Devils in Hell to fetch the whole Race of them, for having dared to report such impudent lies of an Empire that was much more Catholic than France, in having received both the Inquisition, and the Council of Trent, which was what France could never yet be persuaded to do; he likewise blames the old Christians among the Portuguese for having been so easy as to give Credit to such malicious and groundless Reports; and as to what the Popes, and the Kings of Portugal have said and done upon supposition of the Habassins being Enemies to the Roman Church, he saith, they had been miserably imposed upon by the stories which were raised by those Villainous Jews; as they were also in the case of the Patriarch Oviedo, who at the same time that he was revoked by the Pope, because there was no hopes of his doing any good in Ethiopia, by reason of the Emperor and the Peoples obstinacy in the Alexandrian Faith, was reverenced by all the Habassins as a Saint, and beloved by them as a Father, and listened to as a wise Man, and reckoned as an Apostle sent by God to them; and was so far from being in Disgrace with the Emperor, that he was President of his Latin Council. It is true, the Portuguese Patriarchs and Fathers having done several indiscreet things, whereby they had disobliged the Habassin Clergy, grew sick of Ethiopia quickly, and returned to the Indies. The Portuguese, saith he, being a people who cannot live long out of their own Country, or at least from among their Countrymen; whereas Bishop Andre Oviedo being a Spaniard, and one who weighed and considered things, would neither leave his Flock, nor quarrel with them about Trifles, and so lived and died in Ethiopia with great Honor, his Memory being precious amongst them to this day; of the truth of which the Pope was quickly afterwards fully satisfied; for the Habassins of St. Stephen’s College at Rome, understanding how their Church was misrepresented, sent one of their Body immediately to acquaint the Emperor Menna, who succeeded Claudius, therewith; who was put into such a Rage by the news of his being represented not to be a Roman- Catholic by the Portuguese Jews, that he presently made a Law, prohibiting all Portuguese upon pain of Death to come into Ethiopia without a Certificate of their being Old Christians, from the Inquisitions of Lisbon and Goa: He writ also immediately to Goa, Lisbon, and Rome, to disabuse those Courts, and to let them know, that none but rascally Jews would have had the Impudence to have reported, That he and his Empire were not true Roman Catholics: He writ also to the college of Cardinals, and particularly to the Protector of his Empire, obliging his Council of State to do the same, with passionate Declarations of their great Zeal for the Roman Faith; and to give the Pope yet further satisfaction, he made a new Submission of himself and his Empire to him. Alexander the Third, who succeeded Menna in the Empire, reckoning that his Predecessor had not done enough in sending only one Ambassador to the Pope, sent an Embassy to Rome, which consisted of Twenty four Priests, and Two Gentlemen, to yield Obedience in his Name to the Holy See. So much of the Dominican History of Ethiopia. In which, though it is an Octavo of 1130 odd pages, and a small Print, there is not one syllable of truth from the beginning to the end; yet notwithstanding that, I do not know that I ever saw an History in any Language that had more of the Magisterial Air of Truth in it, the Author seeming every where to value himself extremely upon his Fidelity, and his care of setting down nothing without being first well assured of its Truth; appealing constantly to Authentic Records, though a great way off, for such falsehoods as had the least of the Colors of Truth in them; insomuch, that in the beginning of his Book, he saith with the greatest assurance imaginable, That none could doubt of the truth of any thing he had reported in his History, but Skeptics, who also called the truth of all things into question; as in another place, he reflects severely upon the Jesuits, Massenis and Mariana, accusing them both of not having had that sacred regard for Truth in their Writings, which all who write Histories ought to have; and as if he had a mind to impose his Fictions upon God, as well as Man, for Truths, he concludes his Legend of the Lives of several Habassin Dominican Saints, some of which we have reason to believe were never in Nature, or if they were, were undoubtedly neither Dominicans, nor Papists, with the following Prayers to them. MOST Glorious, Illustrious, and Holy Saints, who being now in the Celestial Palaces, clothed with Robes of Immortality, do enjoy the clear Vision of the most Holy Trinity; and being disarmed of your bodily Weapons, wherewith you fought so manfully in the World, are now seated under the Shades of the Victorious Palms, and of the Triumphant Laurel, in the Pavilions and Tabernacles of Glory; Pardon me all my Faults; pardon all my Errors; pardon my weak Capacity; pardon the Injury I have done the height of your Triumph, worthy of all Immortal Trophy, by my rude Pen; and pray for us, O most Glorious Saints, who in Company of the Angelical Spirits, and in the Celestial Choir of God, do Sing the Sanctus of the Mass of the most Holy Trinity, and are perpetually employed in the Praises of God; pardon the unpolishedness, shortness, and grossness of my Tongue, your Prowesses being so Great, your Works so Heroic, and your Victory so Glorious, that nothing but the Tongues of Angels are fit to celebrate them. Pray for me, O high exalted Princes, who do live as Grandees in the Palace of the King of Glory, and are as Cavaliers of the Golden Key in the Cabinet of God, being always in his Presence. Pardon the little that I have writ of your Feats, your Glories being so great that no Pen, without it be taken from the Wings of Archangels, is fit to celebrate them. Pray for us. Most Glorious Stars of Heaven, most Resplendent Meteors of the Earth, Golden Artizans of the Church, and the bright Light of the Predicant Order, who out of the Pulpits did astonish the World like Thunder, confounding Heretics and Pagans, and converting Souls to God. Pardon me, if the brightness of your Virtues is eclipsed by the little I have said of them, and pray for us. Apostolical Preachers, who are in Glory about the Father of Light, pardon me if your Travels, Missions, Peregrinations, Sermons, and Labors, Virtues and Prodigies, or if the glory of your Glory is not aggrandized as it ought to be. And pray for us, Valiant Martyrs, who with your Blood confirmed the Truth of the Gospel, conquered Tyrants, triumphed over Wild Beasts, and with your hands full of Palms, and your Heads crowned with Laurels are entered into the Palaces of Heaven; pardon my Ignorance, and pray for us. Sacred Virgins, shining Religious, the Glory of the World, the Honor of Heaven, the Beauty of Human Nature, and the singular Ornaments of the Order of St. Dominic, pardon all the Defects of this Book, in relation to your Praises, and pray for us. Amen. After this studied Prayer, (which is a sufficient Indication of the Romantic Genius of the Man) he, imagining I suppose, that Protestants, notwithstanding all his Apologies, and begging of Pardons for having said so little of his Heroes, would not be so civil as to believe one half of what he has said of them, falls foul upon them, and thanks God that he did not write these things to Luther and Calvin, or any other excommunicated Heretics, who do ignorantly, brutally, rashly, and blasphemously deny the profitable Intercession of the most glorious Saints with God; but to most Catholic Spaniards, whose Credulity having never been tainted with the Heresies of their Neighbors of France and England, he hoped would swallow his Book of Prodigies without chewing; and especially coming recommended to them by all its Licenses, as a Book of wonderful Edification to all pious Souls, most of them vouching likewise for the truth of it. Its Licensers and Vouchers being no less Men, than Don Batasar de Boria, Doctor of Law, Archdeacon of Xativa, Canon of the Church at Valentia, and Vicar-General and Official of the Archbishopric of Valentia. Juan Pasqual, Rector of the Church of St. Martin, and Licenser of the Patriarch of Antioch, and Archbishop of Valentia. Friar Raphael Riphez, Prior Provincial of the Dominicans in the Kingdom of Arragon. Friar Lupero de Huette, and Friar Jeronymo Mos, Licensers of the Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition; who do all in their Licenses give great Commendations, both to this History and its Author. But this History having been written chiefly to blast the rising-Reputation of the Jesuits, and the credit of all their Reports; its having so many, and so great Vouchers for its Truth, and the Master of the Sacred Palace likewise, to whom it is Dedicated, for its Patron, was not enough to hinder the Jesuits from exposing it, so soon as ever it crept out of its cell, to the world for its true colors; whole Battalions of them falling upon it at once at such an unmerciful rate, that, as I have been told, they made the Dominicans so much ashamed of this Romance, which they had endeavored to have obtruded upon the world for a true History, that they have labored ever since to get all the Copies of it into their hands to destroy them; for which reason I shall do all that I can to preserve that which I have, by giving it to a Library, which, next to that of the Emperor of Ethiopia’s, is the greatest in the World. But this is not the only pious fraud the Dominicans have miscarried in after having promised their Order great honor from them; but above all is that of the Nun at Lisbon, the History whereof I shall here set down more at length, than I have seen it any where in one Book. Maria, of the Annunciation, was Born at Lisbon, and at the age of Thirteen was put into the Dominican Convent of the Annunciation in that City; in which, so soon as she was of age to do it, she professed her self a Nun; which she had not done long, before she begun to have Miraculous Visions, and to be daily visited by Christ in Person; whom she still saluted with the Doxology thus, Glory be to the Father, and to Thee, and to the Holy Spirit. Whenever she received the Sacrament, her Soul was in a Rapture, and was honored with the Vision of the Heavenly Choir of Angels; and when she embraced the Crucifix, which she still called her Husband, it constantly darted out beams of Light much brighter and stronger than those of the Sun. One day as she was at her Devotion, Christ appeared to her, and made her a promise to visit her again upon St. Thomas Aquinas’s day, and thereon to do her the greatest honor that any Creature was capable of. Maria having acquainted Antonio de la Cerda, the Provincial of her Order, who upon her Name being so high for Miracles, was become her Confessor, with the Promise had been made her, she was directed by him how to prepare her self for the reception of so great a favor; whose Directions she punctually observed, for never was any creature more submissive to a Confessor. Thomas Aquinas’s day being come, and all the Nuns and Friars being assembled to Matins, while Maria was in a most profound fit of Devotion, Christ Crucified appeared to her; and in the sight of the whole Congregation, printed all the Wounds of his Head, Side, Hands, and Feet, upon the same parts of her Body; she had Two and thirty Wounds (such as Thorns use to make) on her Head, and in her Side a Gash that resembled a Wound made with a Spear, and on her Hands and Feet the Wounds were of a Triangular Figure, as if made by a Nail; and in order to excite the devotion of the absent as well as present, the Rags she laid to the Wounds on Thursdays, had always the Five Wounds of Christ printed on them in the form of a Cross; and happy was the Roman Catholic Prince or Princess who could obtain some of those Sacred Rags. The Pope he had one, and the King of Spain, who was strangely devoted to her, had another; and the Empress had one sent her against she lay in; neither was there a Roman Catholic Prince or Princess in Europe, but what had obtained one of them by some interest or other. Paramus, in his History of the Inquisition in Sicily, saw one of them which had been sent to the Viceroy Don Henrique de Guzman’s Lady, who, he saith, adored it as the most Sacred Relic in the World. And Philip the IId. to satisfy the World that he firmly believed all that was reported of the Sanctity and Miracles of the Lisbon Nun, had the Royal Standard of the Armada, which came against England in the year 1588. Blessed by her. The Inquisition, whose business it is to enquire severely into the truth of things which are reported to be Miracles, having summoned her Confessor, and all the rest of the Friars who belonged to the Convent, to appear before them, was fully satisfied by their Depositions and Oaths, as Eye- Witnesses, of the Truth of the whole matter, as it was reported. Whereupon Gregory the XIIIth. writ her a very Godly Letter, exhorting her to Humility, Thankfulness, and Perseverance in her Devotions; and as there was no Roman Catholic that did in the least doubt of the truth of what was reported of her by her Confessor, who published a large account of her Miracles; so the poor Protestants were triumphed over strangely on that occasion, as the most perverse Heretics that ever were in the World, for neither believing those reports, nor going to Lisbon where their own eyes would convince them of the truth of them. So Petrus Matheus in a Bullary he Printed in France at this time, and which I now have by me, after a long encomium of the Lisbon Nun, adds, Nihil est quod possit hujus Historiae veritati in ficiari, vivit enim beata Virgo vivunt Sorores testes, locus visitur, & clarissimorum Theologorum Oculato testimonio probatur & confirmatur: that is, Nothing can be offered in contradiction to this story, for the blessed Virgin is still living, as are the sisters also who are her Witnesses; the Place is visited, and the whole is proved and confirmed by most eminent Divines, who were Eye-Witnesses to it. After all this, one would little have expected that this fraud could have miscarried, or at least so far as to have been Owned and Condemned as a mere Cheat, by the Inquisition it self: But so it was; for the Lady Abbess (which for her greater Mortification the Nuns and Friars had forced her to be) when she wanted nothing but to have Died to have been Canonized a Saint for her extraordinary piety and Miracles, finding all that she said was received by every body as an Oracle; she began to mutter, That it was revealed to her that Philip the IId. had no Title to the Crown of Portugal, but that the right thereof was in the duchess of Braganza: The consequence whereof being, That Philip must either resign that Crown, or the Title of the Most Catholic, or look upon her, he had expressed so great a veneration for, as an Imposter; he chose the latter; the Inquisition striking the Oracle Dumb so soon as it began to Antiphilipize: For the Inquisition having thereupon ordered her Wounds, and other Pretension, to be searched to the bottom, they were at it quickly; her Wounds being found not to lie so deep as her Skin; and upon examination to be nothing else but marks made thereon very artificially with Red Lead. Whereupon she was Condemned by the Archbishop of Braga and Lisbon, the Bishop of Guarda, and the Apostolical Inquisitors, of whom at that time the Cardinal Archduke of Austria was the Chief, as an Hypocrite and Imposter, upon the Eighth day of December 1588. being in the Thirty second Year of her Age, to the following Penances. 1st . She was to be a Prisoner during her Life, in some Nunnery out of Lisbon, and which must not be of the Dominican Order. 2d . For Five years after the day of her Sentence, she was not to have the Sacrament Administered to her, excepting on the Feasts of Easter, Whitsuntide, and Christmas, or unless the receiving thereof should happen to be necessary to the partaking of the Benefits of a Jubilee. 3d . On every Wednesday and Friday of the Year she was to be brought into the Chapter-house of the Nunnery, and there to be Whipped publicly before all the Nuns, all the time the Miserere Mei Deus was Reading. 4th . At Meals she was not to be suffered to sit at a Table, but must have her Meat given her sitting on the Pavement of the Refectory; neither must any Person eat what she leaves; and both before and after Meat she must lie across the door of the Refectory, where the Nuns must tread upon her as they come in and go out. 5th . She must, during her Life, keep the ecclesiastical Fast, and must never be chosen Abbess, nor bear any Office in the Nunnery, but must always be the Lowest in the Convent. 6th . She must not be suffered to speak with any Body within, nor without the Convent, without the Abbess’s Leave. 7th . All the Rags stained with Blood which had been distributed by her, and all her false Relics, and all Pictures of her, must be brought into the Inquisition; or where that cannot be done conveniently, must be carried to the next Prelate. Lastly , She must never be suffered to cover her Head with her Veil; and on all Wednesdays and Fridays of the Year, must be Fed with nothing but Bread and Water; and must every day in the Refectory make a public Confession of her Crime before all the Nuns. Unhappy Nun! had’st thou but let alone Princes Titles, and had’st made no other use of thy Impostures, but to have confounded Protestants and their Doctrines, thou might’st have died with the Honor of thy Wounds, and have been Worshiped upon an Altar, and have wrought a Thousand Miracles before this time; and that very Court which condemned thee to all these shameful Punishments for pretending to them, would have Condemned all of Impiety and Heresy who should have presumed to have called the Truth of any of them in question! I could never learn what was done to the Provincial her Confessor, and the other Friars, among whom was the great Lewis de Granada, for having imposed such a Cheat on the Pope, the Inquisition, and the whole Roman Catholic World; however, it is plain from the first Penance mentioned in the Sentence, that the King of Spain did not care to trust so dangerous a Tool any longer in the hands of the Dominican Friars. FINIS..
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