PREVIOUS CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() -- Vid. Scheme of Literal Prophecy, &c. p. 204-266. -- Scheme of Literal Prophecy, &c. p. 20, 25, 26. -- History of the Rites, Customs, &c. of the present Jews, part 5. c. 12. Vid. Basnage’s History of the Jews, Book 4. c.1. -- Orat. 1. cap. 4. & cap. 23. fol. 29. 1. & Orat. 4 cap. 24 in Maji Synops. Theolog. Jud. loc. 1. De Scriptura, s. 8. p. 24. -- Scheme of Literal Prophecy, &c. p. 20-24, 28, &c. -- Basnage’s History of the Jews, book 2. c. 5. s. 15. -- Buxtorf. Synagog. Jud. c. 1. & Lex. Tlmud. Rad. arq Leo of Modena’s History of the Rites, Customs, &c. of the present Jews, part 5. c. 1. -- Basnage’s History of the Jews, book 2. c. 2. s. 35. -- Epist. Sam. Ad. Seal. P. 126. In Basnage, ibid, book 7. c. 26. s. 7. -- Talmud Sanhed. fol. 98. 2. and 99. 1. -- Scheme of Literal Prophecy, &c. p. 21, 22. -- Basanage’s History of the Jews, book 2. c. 8. s. 8, 9. Leo Modena’s History of the Rites and Customs, &c. of the present Jews, part 5. c. 1. Bustorf. Synagog. Jud. cap. 1. and Lexic. Talmud. Rad. arq -- Basnage, ibid. s. 20. -- Scheme of Literal Prophecy, &c. p. 16. -- Vid. Eliæ Livitæ præfat. ad Methurgeman. Glatin. De arcauis, C.V. lib. 1. C. 8. and Allix’s Judgment of the Jewish Church, &c. p. 85, 86, &c. -- De Bello Jud. lib. 7. c. 31. -- A Discourse of the Grounds and reasons of the Christian Religion etc. The Scheme of literal Prophecy considered, etc. Letter to Dr. Rogers, etc. -- R. Saadiah Gaon & R. Samuel ben Hophi in Aben Ezra in Genesis 3:3 R Bechai in ibid. R Moses ben Maimon in Mor. Nevoch. Lib. Chap. 30. Targum Jon. In Genesis 3:6 Zohar in Genesis Fol 127 1. 2. Sepher Bahir & Imre Binah in ibid. -- Franzil Hist. Animal Sacr. Par. 4. C. 1:Topsell’s History of serpents p. 604, 606. -- Sedar Tephillot Fol. 2. 1. & 4. 1. Edit. Basil. -- Vid. Broughton’s works p. 23, 465, 490, -- The Hebrew word çar is frequently used to signify a Chief a Captain, Ruler or Governor see Numbers 14:4 Judges 11:8,9,11. Samuel 15:17 1 Chronicles 11:11,20 Nehemiah 9:17 Hosea 1:11 -- Vid Gejerum in loc. -- Jarchi in <19B006> Psalm 110:6 couples those two texts together as agreeing in one and the same sense. -- R. Isaac. Chizuk Emun par. 1. C. -- The Scheme of Literal Prophecy, p. -- The Scheme of Literal Prophecy, etc. p. 132, -- Sepher Chasidim, S. 961. In Allix’s Judgment of the Jewish Church, &c. p. 57. -- Isaac Chizuk, Emun. Par. 1. c. 13. -- Issac Chizuk, Emun. Par. 1. c. 13. -- Vid. Lightfoot Hor. Hebrews in John 3:17. -- Isaac. Chizuk, Emun. Par. 2. c, 81. -- Ephesians 2:17 with which compare Isaiah 5:7,19 the same phraseology is used in Zohar in Numbers Fol. 89. -- In Sedar Tephillot, fol. 333. Colossians -- Vid. Kimchi, Rashi, and Aben Ezra in Joel 2:18, and Zohar in Numbers fol. 99.2, and R. Isaac Chizuk, Emun. P. 51. -- Isaiah 11:9, Zohar in Leviticus fol. 10.1. -- Jeremiah 31:34,Zohar in Leviticus fol. 24.3 and in Numbers fol. 54.4. -- Defense of Christianity, p. 166, 167. -- Vid. R. Abendani not in Miclol Yophi in loc. Talmud Sanhed. fol. 97.2. -- Vid. Maimon in Pocock, Port. Mos. P. 176 & Gedaliæ Shalsheleth Hackabala in Wagenseil. Lipman. Carmin. Confut. P. 617, 625 & Talmud Sanhed. fol. 97.2. -- The Scheme of Literal Prophecy, p. 205, 206. -- In Isaiah 2:2. -- Zohar in Genesis fol. 127.2. -- Raya Mehimna in Zohar in Exodus 49:3, 4. -- Zohar in Numbers fol. 101. 2. & Raya Mehimna in Exodus fol. 4. Talmud Sanhed. fol. 98. c. 2. Bereshit Rabba in loc. -- Jarchi & Baal Hatturim in loc. Kimchi. in lib. Shorash. rad. lyç Nizzach. Vet. P. 29. Nachman. Disput, cum fratre Paulo, p. 53. -- In lib. Shorash. rad. lyç . -- Galatinus de Arcan. Cathol. Ver. 1. 4. c. 4. -- Not. In Miclol. Yophi in loc. -- So Kimchi in lib. Shorash. rad. hqy , with which agree the three Chaldee paraphrases on the place, and Aben Ezra in loc. -- Sept. & Triplex Targum in loc. R. David Kimchi lib. Sorash. Rad. fbç . R. Sol. Urbin. Ohel Moed. Fol. 50. 1. -- Vid. Sherlock’s Dissertat. 3. p. 307. -- Sherlock’s Dissertat. 3. p. 308. -- Vide R. David Ganz. Zemach David, p. 84, 86. -- David Kimchi in lib. Shorash. rad. qqj . Vet. Nizzach. p. 31, R. Isaac Chizuk, Emun. par. 1. c. 14. -- Conciliat. In Genesis Qu. 65. -- Vid. Targum & in Hosea 3:4. Talmud Sanhedr. fol. 41. 1. -- Talmud Jesus. Tract. Sanhedr. in Galatin de Arcanis, C, V, 1.4.c.6 -- Zohar in Exodus fol. 43. 1. R. Azarias in Meor Enayim R. Sol. Jarchi. R. Aben Ezra & R. David Kinchi in loc. -- Abarbinel in loc. R. Abendana not in Miclol Yophi in loc. R. Isaac Chizuk, Emun. par. 1. c. 34. -- Demonstration of the Messias, par. 2. p. 150. -- In loc. -- Talmud Sanhed. fol. 97. 2. -- Vid. Scheme of Literal Prophecy, p. 121. -- So Jacob ben Amram the Jew objects, in Kidder’s Demonstration of the Messias, par. 3. p. 158. -- Isaac Chizuk, Emun. p. 1. c. 34. -- Rashi & Kimchi in Hag. 1:8. -- Talmud Baba Bathra, fol. 3. 1. Vid. Jarchium & Kimchium in loc. -- Meor Enayim in R. Abendana not in Miclol Yophi in loc. -- The Scheme of Literal Prophecy, &c. p. 142. -- Both Jarchi & Aben-Ezra in loc. Interpret the words of Wonders and Miracles which were to be wrought. -- Jacob in lib. Caphtor in Grot. De verit. R.C. 1.5.s.14. -- Sol, Jarchi, R. Saadiah Gaon, R. Aben Ezra in loc. R. Abendana not. in Miclol Yophi in loc. The Scheme of Literal Prophecy, &c. p. 175. -- Aristot. Politic. lib. 7. Varro apud Aul. Gell. noct. Attic. lib. 3. C. 10. See Lively’s Chronology of the Persian Monarchy, p. 157, 158. -- Saadiah Goan, R. Aben Ezra, R. Sol. Ben Melec, in loc. & R. Abendana not. in ibid. R. David Kimchi lib. Shorash. & David de Polmis, Lex. Hebrews rad Ëtj . -- Chronology, p. 184-186. -- Harduin opera, p. 595. -- Scheme of Literal Prophecy, &c. p. 188, 189. -- Ibid. -- Connect. Hist. part 1. book 5. P. 263, Svo. -- Page 175. -- In Misna Tract. Sotah, c.9.s.15. -- Page 176. -- Opera, p. 595. -- Canon. Chron. Egypt p. 613. Edit. Franeq. -- Page 176. -- Saadiah Gaon in loc. -- Page 176. -- Vid. Cumæum de repub. Hebrews lib. 1. c. 14. -- Aben Ezra in loc., R. Moses Gerundens in Grot. in loc. Abarbinel in Wagenseil. Mabtissa de LXX. Hebdoman, Daniel p. 64. -- Can. Chron. Egypt, p. 611. -- Page 177. -- Can. Chron. Egypt. p. 613. -- Conn. Hist. Part 1. Book 5. p. 270, 271, &c. -- Conn. Hist. Part 1. Book 5. p. 279, 280. -- Conn. Hist. Part 1. Book 5. p. 290. -- See Bishop Chandler’s Defense of Christianity, p. 133, Marshall’s Chron. Treat. p. 3. -- Page 188, 189. See Harduin opera. p. 593, 595. -- Page 177, 183. Vid. Harduin opera. p. 593, 594. -- Atque impletum certe non est in Onia, ut esset ipse Sanctus Sanctorium, nam propric & in rigore nonnissi eum illa denotat qui kat ezochn sanctus sit. Non est impletum Oniæ temporibus, ut tunc appareret justitia sempiterna—non est impetum ut Christus occisus sit, neque enom Onias certe, ut ipsimet Judæi confitentur, proprie ü ×Crisov erat, ut diximus, &c. Harduin opera, p. 597. -- Jarchi & Abarbinel in loc. -- Vid. Wagenseil. Mantissa de LXX. Hebdom. p. 73. -- In Grotius de Verit. C. R. lib. 5. s. 14. -- Vid. Talmud Megillah. fol. 3. 1. -- Vid. Buxtorfi Tiberiadem. c. 11. -- Vid. Poli Synops. in loc. -- Page 184, 198, 199. -- Vid. Talmud Sanhed. fol. 99. 1. Pocock Porta Mosis, p. 159, 160. -- Defense of Christianity, p. 141. -- Chron. Treat. part 2. c. 4. p. 233, 234, &c. -- Chron. Treat. part 2. c. 4. p. 248, 249. -- Annus solaris erat, uti et aliis plerisque astronomice putantibus dierum 365. Præter quadrantem ant cireitur—Unde citiam a seculis rationem hane naturalem vetustissimis sibi derivant, sed ut scholis ac civilis rationis artificum studiis in inservientem, atqne auxiliarem, nec per se ac simpliciter omnino usuo populari, aut civiliter adhibitam. Seldeni opera, Vol. 1. Dissert. De Ann. Civ. Vet. Jud. c. 1. p. 8, &c. 3. p. 15. -- Page 194-196. -- Selden. De Ann. Civ. Jud. c. 1. p. 8, &c. 3. p. 15. -- Selden. De Ann. Civ. Jud. c. 9. p. 31, &c. 16. p. 46. -- David Nieto, Matteh Daniel Dialog. 5. fol. 86. 2. &87. 4. -- Vid. Selden. De Ann. Vet. Jud. c. 5. p. 18. -- Junius, Polanus and Gejerus in loc. Mr. Marshall’s Chron. Treat. p. 5, 254, 256, 257. Mr. Whiston’s Supplement to the Literal Accomplishment, &c. p. 82. -- Jarchi & Aben Ezra in loc. Abarbinel & Jacobiades in Wagenseil. Mantissa de LXX. Hebdom. p. 92, 93. -- Vid. Marshall’s Chron. Treat. p. 271. -- De Bell. Jud. lib. 6. c. 2. -- Jarchi, Aben Ezra, Abarbiael. &c. ut supra. -- Tract, Sanhed. fol. 97. 2. Vid. Maimon. In pocock Porta Moroisa p. 176. -- Talmud Sanhed. fol. 98. col. 2. -- Page 197. -- Vid. Basnage’s History of the Jews, book 2. c. 14. Sect. 4. -- Ibid. sect. 5. 14. and book 4. c. 24. sect. 16. -- Revelation 5:5 compared with Genesis 49:9 which in Raya Mchimma in Zohar in Exodus fol. 49. 3, 4 is explained of the Messiah. -- Vid. Talmud Sanhed, fol. 93. 2. Aben Ezra., Kinchi, & Rashi, in loc. Nachman. Disputat. Cum fratre Paulo, p. 53. -- Zohar in Exodus fol. 71. 1. -- Sedar Tephillot, fol. 278. 1. & 285. 2. -- Scheme of Literal Prophecy, p. 103, 137. -- See Isaiah 7:1 compared with 2 Kings 16:2 and chapter 18:2. -- Page 308. -- Aperte satis ostendit Lucas etiam Mariam ex genere Davidis fuisse nam aliqui ipsa in familiæ suæ urbe profiteri debuit. Grot. In Luc. 2. 5. -- Imo ctiam istud ex domo David, tam potest ad ipsam Matiam quam ad Josephum, grammatica constructione referri, Bexa in Luc. 1. 27. Kidder’s Demonstration of the Messiah, par. 2. p. 151. Chrysostom. & Nicctas in ibid. -- Juchasin. fol. 55. -- Kimchi in Jeremiah 30:9; Ezekiel 34:23; 37:24. Targum & Aben Ezra in Hosea 3:5 & Miclol Yophi in <19E414> Psalm 144:14. and R. Abendana not. in Miclol Yophi in 1 Kings 11:39 & Hag. 2:23. -- Kimchi & Aben Ezra in loc. Vet. Nizzach. p. 84. R. Isaac Chizuk, Emun. p. 1 c. 21. -- Jarchi in loc. -- Saadiah. Gaon. In Aben Ezra in loc. -- Aben Ezra in loc. R. Isaac Chizuk, Emun. p. 1. c. 21. -- Page 333-338. -- Vet. Nizzach. P. 85, 86. R. Isaac Chizuk, Emun. p. 1. c. 21. -- Supplement to the Literal Accomplishment, &c. p. 54. -- Basnage’s History of the Jews, book 4. Chap. 35. s. 4. -- Vid. Pocock. not. Miscel. p. 345, 348. Hulsii Theolog. Jud. p. 300. -- The Hebrew word bbs here used, among other things, signifies to be the cause or occasion of any thing, and is so used 1 Samuel 22:22, Ecclesiastes 7:25, and may be very well applied to the case under consideration, the woman being a very great occasion of, and much concerned in the conception or birth of man, as the Virgin Mary more especially was in the conception and birth of Jesus, she being the only natural and second cause thereof. bbs in genere est complecti, item circumdare & ambire, optimeque congruit nterinæ circumdationi, qua foetus undique ab utero circumscribitur. Hac voce R.R. Chaldæ & Arabes Causam expremunt; conservatio cansalis, qualis est infantis in uteros nonmale sis exprimitur, quin & vocem atbws menstrum Chaldæi indededucunrt, & expressit hane vocem interpres Arabs pere vivficabit, quod ad officium uteri pertinet. Calovius in Poli Synops. in loc. -- Moses Haddarsan in Genesis 41, in Galatin de arcanis C.V. 1. 7. c. 14. R. Oshua in Lightfoot Harmon. p. 42. Bereshith Rabba Parash 89. in Pearson on the Creed. Art. 3. -- Jarchi & Aben Ezra in loc. Zohar in Genesis fol. 85. 4. -- The Scheme of Literal Prophecy, &c. p. 166. -- Vid. Mede’s Works, p. 1022. -- Zohar in Exodus fol. 93. 3. & Numbers fol. 100. 1. & Jarchi in Micah 5:2. -- The Scheme of Literal Prophecy, &c. p. 201. -- Talmud Sanhed. fol. 98. col. 2. -- The Scheme of Literal Prophecy, &c. p. 202. -- Ibid. p. 251. -- Vid. R. David Kimchium in loc. & R. Isaac Chizuk, Emun par. 1. c. 33. -- Targum,Jarchi, Aben Ezra, Kimchi in loc. & Abendana in not. in Miclol Yophi in loc. & R. Isaac Chizuk, Emun. par. 1. c. 33. -- The Scheme of Literal Prophecy, &c. p. 35, 202. -- Ibid. p. 35. -- Ibid. p. 202. -- Defense of Christianity, p. 333-336. -- Scheme of Literal Prophecy, p. 36, 203. -- Contr. Marcion. lib. 4:c. 19. -- Herwarti Vera & Nova Chronolog. p. 180. Schmidius in Luke 2:2. Cloppenburg. Frasciculus Select. Disputat. Disput. 9. s. 19. -- Lardner’s Credibility of the Gospel History, Vol. II. ch. 1. p. 161, 162, &c. -- Antiq. lib. 18. c. 1. -- Vid. Kidder of the Messiah. par. 1, p. 21 and Hammond in Luke 2:1. -- Tpldos Jesu, p. 1, 7. apud Wagenseil. Tela ignea. -- Kimchi in loc. & R. Isaac Chizuk, Emun. par. 1. c. 33. -- Ibid. -- Page 201. -- Not. Misc. p. 17-19. Vid. R. David Kimchi lib. Shorash. rad. R[x -- Isaac Chizuk, Emun. par. 1. c. 33. -- Zohar in Exodus fol. 4. 1. & in Numbers fol. 85. 4. & 86. 1. Pestika in Kettoreth Hassammim in Numbers fol. 28. 1. & R. Isaac Chizuk, Emun. p. 71, 72. -- Abendana in not. in Michol Yophi in loc. -- Hist. Dynast. p. 54. -- Vid. Prideaus Connection of the History of the Old and New Testament, part 1. book 4. p. 212, 213. 8 vol. -- In Exodus fol. 3.3, 4. And in Numbers 9. fol. 85, 4. and 86.1. -- Toldos Jeschn. Edit. Huldric. In Basnage’s History of the Jews, book 4. chap. 28. s. 5. -- Isaac Chizuk, Emun. par. 1. c. 28. & par. 2. c. 5. -- Isaac Chizuk, Emun. p. 2. c. 6. -- Demonstration of the Messiah, par. 2:p. 65. Edit. sol. -- Supplement to the Literal Accomplishment, p. 27. -- Lexic. Hebrews p. 141. -- Targum & Kimchi in Jeremiah 23:5. & 33:15; Zechariah 3:8 & 6:12. -- In loc. -- Ar. Montan. Jud. Antiq. 1. 2. c. 3. -- Aben Ezra in loc. -- Baal Hatturim in loc. Abrah. Sebah. in Vorst. not. Maim. Yesod Hattor. c. 9. s. 3. -- Jarchi, Grotius, &c. in loc. -- Vid. Vorst. not. in Maimon. -- Yesod. c. 7. s. 6-8, 3. and in Pocock. -- In Tract. Teshava, c. 9. -- Concil. in Deuteronomy 2:11. -- Junius has translated this part of the words after the same manner, and in his notes upon them makes this remark, “Hane interpretationem docet prosodia (nam ellipseos genus istud est frequentissimum) & verba sequentia flagitant;” for as there is a regal accent, Sakeph Gadol, upon htaw which our translators have well observed, and justly rendered it, “as for thee,” and placed a comma after it, as there ought to be; so it should be observed, that there is another regal accent, of still greater power and authority, namely, Sakeph katon, upon zk after al and therefore at least a comma should be placed after it, which clause may be literally rendered “not so,” where there is a manifest ellipsis of the verb, than which nothing is more frequent. See Job 9:35, Psalm 1:4, Proverbs 15:7, Isaiah 16:6; and therefore the words may easily be supposed, as they are by Junius, and as they ought to be, thus, “but for thee, not so” are they, whom “the Lord thy God giveth unto thee.” -- The Scheme of Literal Prophecy, &c. p. 241, 242. -- Yesod Hattorah c. 9. s. 4. -- Page 262. -- The Scheme of Literal Prophecy, &c. p. -- The Scheme of Literal Prophecy, &c. p. 262. -- Talmud Sanhed. fol. 97. 2. -- The Scheme of Literal Prophecy, &c. p. 127. -- In Pocock not. misc. in port. Mos. p. 219. -- Æneid. 6. -- Baal Hatturim. in Numbers 25:12. -- Page 128. -- Isaac Chizuk, par, 1 c. 39. Where the very same objections against John the Baptist’s being the Elias, produced by the author of The Literal Prophecy, may be met with. -- David Kimchi in lib. Shorash. Rad. hçm R. Saadiah Gaon in lib. Harmun. c. 8. -- Zohar in Exodus fol. 3.4. & 4, 2. Targ. in Psalm 18:32 & in Isiah 53:8. -- Pocock porta Mos. p. 168. -- Toldos Jesu, p. 8. 11. in Wagenseil. Tela ignea. -- Yesod Hattorah, c. 10. s. 2. -- Mede’s works, p. 131, 132, 566. -- In Genesis fol. 74. 3. and in Exodus fol. 3. 3. -- Discourse of the Grounds and Reasons, &c. p. 48. -- Toldos Jesu. p. 9. -- Grotius in loc. -- Moses in Aben Ezra in loc. -- Aben Ezra in loc. -- Jarchi & Kimchi in loc. Saadiah Gaon in Daniel 7:14. Zohar in Genesis fol. 127. 3. & Passim. Talmud Sanhed. fol. 98. col. 1. & 99. 1. -- Page 145. -- Sykes Essay, page 243. -- Thus in Seder Tephillot, fol. 155 1. Edit. Basil. 1578, where entreating God that he would take notice of the proud, the obdurate, and irreligious, they make use of this as an argument [çwnw qyrx dn[ml “Because thou art religious, and a Saviour;” and so in Sepher Shaare Zion, fol. 42. 2. The principle part of which book is a collection of prayers, in one of which, among the several arguments taken from the perfections of god, and the goodness of his nature, to obtain the pardon of sin, this is one, ˆw[ [çwn hta which surely cannot be rendered “thou art saved from sin” when the person is manifestly speaking to God, but “thou art the Saviour,” or “thou art he that saveth from sin.” -- See Kimchi in loc. -- Vid. Jarchium in loc. Yophi in loc. -- Vid. R. Abendana not. in Miclol Yophi in loc. -- Midrash Tillim in hunc Psalmum. R. Sol. Jarchi in verse 26. -- In chapter 52:13 and in 53:10. -- Talmud Sanhed. fol. 98, co1. 2. -- Zohar in Exodus fol. 85. 2. Beresh. Rab. in Genesis 24:67. Pesikta in Kettoreth Hassammim in Targ. Jerus. in Numbers 29:7. Tranchuma in Isaiah 52:13. Midrash Ruth, fol. 34 col. 3. -- Jarchi, Kimchi, & Aben Ezra, in loc. -- Vid. Basnage's History of the Jews, book 4 chapter 23. s. 17, 18. -- Saadiah Gaon in Aben Ezra in loc. -- Jeremiah 20:12,14 and chapter 12:3. -- The Hebrew word twmb signifies, High places, and is frequently so rendered; see Deuteronomy 33:29. Psalm 18:33. Habakkuk 3:19. and here the plural number being put for the singular, it signifies an High place, or a structure over a grave, as R. Aben Ezra, from their Rabbis, observes; and if it should be objected, that the point Camets, and not Sheva, should have been placed under the letter b if that is here radical; I answer, (not to say any thing of the original of vowel points) it is easy to suppose an irregular punctuation, of which there are a very large number of instances in the Bible; nor is this a mere supposition, for the authors of the Masora, in their marginal note upon this word, observe that it is no where extant in the like form. Sheva being in the room of Camets, and the letter Vau wanting. The first among Christians who observed this, was Forsterus, in his Lexic. Hebrews Rad. hmb which was afterwards taken notice of with approbation by those excellent Hebricians, Mercer and Schindler. -- Vid. Kidder's Demonstration of the Messias, part 1. p, 90. Page 217. -- Toldos Jesu, p. 15, -- Vid. Viccarsium in loc. -- Vid. Kimchii praefat. in Jeremiah. -- Mede's works, p. 963. 1022, 1023. -- Vid. Bezam. in loc. -- Mede's works, p. 963. -- Toldos Jesu. p, 17. -- Vid. Aben Ezra & Miclol Yophi in loc. -- So Mr. Sykes, in his Essay, p. 266 which way of interpretation, the author of the Scheme of Literal Prophecy, p. 347, 348 justly find fault -- Talmud. Succah, fol. 52. 1. Jarchi, Kimchi, Aben Ezra in loc. & Bereshith Rabba, in Pearson on the Creed, art. -- Essay on the Truth of the Christian Religion, p. 277, -- Ipsa tou l pro in acceptio vulgatissima, Gejer in <19B938> Psalm 119:38 -- Vid. Piscator in Act. 2:27. & Psochen. diatrib, de Ling. Graec. N. T. Puritat. n. 76 p. 53, -- Isaac Chizuk, Emun. p. 2. c. 69. -- Midrash Tillim in Pearson on the Creed. art. -- Vid. Jarchium, Aben Ezram, & Kimchium in hunc Psalm. -- Zohar in Numbers fol. 82. 2. Talmud Succah, fol. 52. 1. Maimon. in Tract. Sanhed. c. 10. -- See Mede's -- Vid. Maji synops, Theolog. Jud. p. 335 -- Vid. Kimchium in loc. -- They are applied to the Messiah by R.. Moses Haddarsan in Genesis 22:4 in Galatin. de Arcanis C. V. 1. 3. c. 12. & 1. 8 c. 22. Bereshith Rabba in ibid. 1. 12. c. 3. -- Zohar in Genesis fol. 85. 4 Jarchi & Saadiah Gaon in 1oc. & R. Jeshuash in Aben Ezra in loc. Tzeror Hammor Tahnud Sanhed. & Midrash Tillim in Psalm 21:7 in Pearson on the Creed, art. 7. -- See Bishop Chandler's Defence of Christianity, p. 131. and Bereshith Rabba. in Pearson on the Creed, art 7. -- Acts. 1:9. -- The Author of Sepher Abkath Rochel & R. Moses Haddarsan in Genesis 40:9. & Bereshith Rabba in Genesis 44:18 in Pearson on the Creed, art. 6 Vid. Galatin. de Arcanis, C. V. 1. 8 c. 23. -- Isaac Chizuk, Emun, par. 2. c. 91. -- Vid. Pocock. Not. Misc. in Port. Mos. p. 84 and Bishop Kidder's Demonstration of the Messiah, par. 2. p. 87. Edit. fol. -- Ft41a Vid. Targum in v. 15. & Rl Aben Ezrm in loc. -- Zohar in Numbers fol. 99. 2. Raya Mehimna in Zohar in Genesis fol. 87. 3. R. Moses Haddarsan in Bereshith Rabba in Genesis 18:1. Midrash Tillim in loc. and in Psalm 18:35. R. Obadiah, & R. David Kimchi in loc. R. Saadiah Gaon in Daniel 7:13. Nachmanides in disput. cum fratre Paule, p. 36, 55. -- Jarchi in. loc. & Vet. Nizzachon p. 179, 180. -- Isaac Cbizuk, Emunpar. 1. c. 40. -- Aben Ezra in loc. -- Vid. Targum Jon. in Genesis 4:8 -- See Mic. 5:1. Isaiah 2:4 Obad. 21. and Kimchi and Aben Ezra on the same. -- Not. in Miclol. Yophi in Psalm 98. -- Talmud Sanhed. fol. 98 2. & 99. 1. -- Debarim Rabba, fol. 196 col. 3. likewise R. Jose Galilaeus praefat, in Echa Rabbati in Alix's Judgment of the Jewish Church, etc. p. 44 & Maimon. in Maji Synops. Theolog. Jud. loc. 8 de Messia, p. 121. Vid, Reuchlinum de aste Cabalae, lib. 1. p. 745. -- Jarchi, Kimchi & Aben Ezra in loc. Lipmann. Carmen memor. vet. Nizzach, p. 87. R. Isaac Chizuk, Emun. par. 1. c. -- Frischmuth. in Wagenseil. Carmin. Lipmann. Confut. p. -- Isaac Chizuk, Emun. par 1. c. 21. -- hymç yrqtaz Targ kai kaleitai to onoma auto , Sept. kai eklhqh to onoma autou , Aquila. kai klhqhsetai to onoma autou, Symmach. -- Isaac Chizuk, Emun. par. 1. e. 21. Much to the same purpose objects the author of the old Nizzachon, p. -- Kimchi & R. Sol. ben Melech in loc. R. Isaac Chizuk, Emun par. 1. c. 42. who also interpret The Lord our righteousness, of the Messiah in verse 6 and so it is likewise understood by R. Jochanan in Talmud, Baba Bathra, fol. 75. col. 2. by R. Aba bar Cahana in Echa Rabbati, fol. 58 col. 2. by R. Saadiah Gaon in Daniel 7:13. and by Bereshith Babba in Genesis 25:6 in Galatin de Areanis, C. V. lib. 8 c. 3. -- Vid. Kimchium & Aben Ezram in loc. -- Vid. R. Sol. ben Melech. in Miclol. Yophi in loc. & Kimchium in loc. -- Seder Tephillot, fol. 278, 1. & 285. 2. See Bishop Chandler's Defence of Christianity, p. 221, 222. -- In not. in Miclol Yophi in loc. -- Joshua in Echa Rabati, 58 col. 2. -- Which is understood of the Messiah by Kimchi, and R. Tauchuma, in Allix's Judgment of the Jewish Church, p. 44, 64. -- Hammond on Luke 1:78 Bishop Chandler's Defence of Christianity, p. 28, 246. -- Hist. lib. 5. c. 13.
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