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Since I wrote this, I have met with an answer to these arguments of Mr Whiston by the very learned Carpzovius, Professor of Divinity in the University of Leipsick, published in his critics Sacra, par. 3. which was printed in the year 1728, the same year my Exposition of this Book first came out. In the year 1729 was published a translation of the Critica Sacra into English, so far as it is concerned with Mr Whiston, by Moses Marcus, a converted jew. In Clav. Cant. p. 5. Dr Kennicot, Dissert. 1. p. 20 etc. T. Bab. Beracot. fol. 30. 1. In Genesis fo1, 114. 3. Heath, Comment. on Job 15:30. Preface, ibid. p. 11. R. Azarias, imre Binah, c. 57. fol. 175. z. Vide Lowth. de Sacr. Poes. Hob. Praelct. 30. p. 393, 394. & Not. Michael, in ibid. p. 156-159. In Exod fol, 59, col. 3. hmlçl de Solomone Cocceius so Midrash in loc. See his works, vol. 1. p. 76. In Seder Olam Rabba, c. 15. p. 41 to Shir Hashirim. fol. 3. 3. Midrash, Targum, R. Sol. Jarchi, and K. Aben Ezra, in loc. whyp twqyçnm uno tantum, vel altero de osculis oris fui, Michaelis. So Gusset. Comment. Hebrews p. 446. Salmuth in Pancirol. Memorab. Rer. par. 1. tit. 46. p. 215. zydwd amore tri, Pagnius Mentanus, Junius and Tremellius, Piscator, etc. Vide Godwin's Moses and Aaron,1. 1: c 9. Sympos. 1. 7. p. Tarquin in Song of Solomon 8. 2. and Zohar in Genesis fol. 81, 4. Non to illius anguentorum odor, non vini anhelitus, etc, Cicero. Orat. 28. c. 7. Misn. Menachot, c. g. f. 3. ft42a Athenaei Deipnosophist, 1, 15. c,.II, p, 688, 689. Clement, Alex, Pedagog 1. 2 p. 183. Abundant vino, unguentorum fragentia. Valer. Maxim. 1. 9. c. 1. extern. 1. Nam ominium auguentium odos prae tua natura est. Plauti carculio 2c fc. 2. v. 5. Vide Buxtorf. Talm. Lex. p. 1268, 1269, etc. Nomen nectari dulcius beato. Martial. Epigr. 1. 9. cp. 9. R. Sol. Jarchi in loc. So Lyra . Vide Targum in loc. Eilkusa>n de etc. Sic legunt Origen. Theodor & Ambros, in Sanct in loc. hxwrn occurramus, so some in Marckius. Eisagaetw me , Symmachus; introducat me, Marckius. So the Cabalistic Doctors interpret the King, when put alone, of Tiphareth, the bridegroom, Lexic. Cab, p 536. Brightman and Cotton, in loc. Vide Bishop Patrick, in loc. So Theodoret, and Tres Patres, in loc. Vide Targum in Cant. 3, 4. and Tract. Sabbat. in Misnah, c. 1, § 4. ybaybj me venire tecit. Vide Bishop Patrick in loc. µyrçym ejuqu>thv Sept. Rectitudines, Ar. Mont. Quicunque rectissime diligunt te, Jun. Nigra per naturam, formosa per gratiam, Aug. de Tempore, Serm. 201, p. 354. tom. 10. Fuses per culpam, decora per gratiam, Ambros. in Psalm 118. octon. col. 881. tom. 2. R. Sol. Jarchi and R. Aben Ezra, in loc. In Exodus fol. 6. 1. and in Leviticus fol 25. 1. ytblh ddq atratus pergo, Jun. hwag optabilis, Pagninus, Montanus, Tig. Verf. Mercer. So Aben Ezra. Mercer. in loc. Travels, p. 222. ed. 2. Vide K. Sol. Jarchi, and R. Aben Ezra in loc. Nomadas, insestatoresque Chaldaeorum, Scenitae claudunt, et ipsi vagi, sed a tabernaculis cognominati, quae ciliciis metantur, ubi libuit, Plin. 1. 6. c. 28. Arabes nobiles monte Casio, qui Scenitae causam nominis inde ducunt, quod tentoriis succedunt, nec alias domos habent; ipsa autem tentoria cilicina sunt; its nuncupant velamenta e caprarum pills texta. Solin. Polyhist. c. 46. This Gilbert Foliot was bishop of London, and lived in the 12th century, in the reign of King Henry II. whose Exposition, together with the Compendiun of Alcuin, his countryman were published by Patricius Junius, in 1638. similis sim, Scenitis Kedarenis, at similis sum inhabitantibus, aulaea Schelomonis. Vide Joseph. Antiq. 1. 8. c. 2. Vide Alshech in loc. tdjrjç memelanwmh>nh , Sept. Subnigra, Jnn. and Tremell, Piscator, Mercerus, Cocceius; paululum denigrata, Pagninus; so Ainsworth and Aben Ezra. Valde fusca, Bochart. prorsus vel valde et tota nigra, Marckius, Michaelis. De Isaac. c. 4. Foliot and Cocceius in loc, Perusta solibus Pernicis uxor, Horat. Epod. Ode 2. 5:41, 42. Aleokauvan Theocrit. Idyll. 10. 5:27. So Horace calls his own works Vineta, Epist. 1. 2. epist. 1. 5:220. A. Gell. Noct. Attic. 1. 4. c. 12. h[rt hkya quomodo pascas, Tig. Vers. So the Syriac Vers. and Jarchi. Vid. Ainsworth in loc. Inde, ubi quarta sitim coeli collegerit hora, Georgic. 1. 3. 5:327. Plato in Phaedro, p. 1230. Hieron. et Bernard. in Sanct. et Diodat, in loc. Fide Targam et R. Sol. Jarchi in loc. So Lyra. Vide Aben Ezram in loc. jyf[k wJv perizallomh>nh , Sept. duet amicta vel operta, Michaelis; quasi operieus se, Piscator; ut obnubens, Coeceius; sicut obvelans se, Marckius. So Zohar, in Leviticus fol. 7.3. So Mercer in loc. Vide Yalkut and R. Sol. Jarchium in loc. Targum in loc. R. David Kimchi in lib. Shorash. rad. Hf[. Sanct. in loc. and Psellus in ibid. dl y[dt al µa eja Montan. Foliot & Alcuin in loc. Egredere a vestigiis illis gregis; but then it should have been ybq[m and not ybq[b . De Vita Mossis, 1. 1. p. 610. Antiq. 1. 2. c. 11. s. 2. Vide R. Sol. Jarchium, Junium & Ainsworth in loc. Juxta, V. L. Piscator. Michaelis; apud, Mercerus, Cocceius. Targum in loc. and Zohar in Leviticus fol. 7. 3, and in Numbers fol. 69. 4. and 80. 1. Hoedi petulci, Virgil Georgic. 1. 4. 5:10. lasciva capella, Bucolic. eclog. 2. 5:64. Horat. Carmin. 1. 2. ode 15. v, 12. olet Gorgonius hircum, Horat. Satyr, 1. 1, sat. 2. 5:27, yty[r amica mea, Pagninus, Montanus, Tig. Vers. Mercerus, Michaelis dytymd sin ilem to judico, Tig. Vers. ytssl th ippw mou , Sept. equae meae, Pag. Mont Gusset. p. 581. So Ahen Ezra, Syr. & Ar. equabus, Piscator. Theocrit. Idyll. 18. 5:29. Theognis Sentent. 5:257. Plato in Hippias Major, p. 1250. Horat. Carmin. I. 3. odc 11. 5. 9. Frantz. hist. animal, sacr. par. 1. c. 12. Vide Mercer, Brightman, and Ainsworth in loc. Vide R. David Kimchium in lib. Shorath. rad. dwt . These rows, are interpreted by the Jews of their written and moral law, and of the laws of burnt sacrifices, meat offerings, etc. in Pefikta apud Yalkut in loc. R. Sol. Jarchi in loc. and R. David Kimchi in lib. Shorath. rad. zdj . Virgil. A Eneid. 1. 5:650. pendebant tereti gemmata monilia collo, Ovid, Metamorph. 1, 10. fab. 3. Homer. Odyss, 18. 5:295. So Isidore in loc. Omiw>mata crusi>ou , Set Muraenulas aureas,Vulg. Lat. yrwt ordines, Marckius, Michaelis. wbsmb in circuitu suo, Montanus, Piscator, Michaelis. Plin. 1. 12. C. 12. Plin. 1. 12. c. 12. Matthiolus in Dioscorid. 1. 1. c. 6. T.B. Sabbat. fol. 88. 2. & Gittin. fol. 36. 2. Targum & Sol. Jarchi in loc. and Zohar in Exodus fol. 7. 2, 3. Fernel. method, med. 1. 5. c. 22. Ibid. & 1, 4. c. 7. Vide R. David Kimchium in lib. Shorash. rad. drn , Tosephot T. Bab. Beracot, fol. 42. 1. Homer Odyss. 8. 5:69. Athenei Deipnosophist. 1. I. p. 4. Tacit. de Mor. German. c. Vide Cupcri Observ. 1. 1. c. 2. p. 13. Sanctius in loc. Madidas nardo comas, Martial. 1. 3. ep. 56. tinge caput nardi, folio ib. Assyrioque nardo potemus uncti, Horat. Carmin. 1. 1. ode 11. 5:16, 17. Vide Tibull. eleg. 1. 2. ek 2. 5:7. & 1. 3. cl. 7. 5:31. & Ovid de Arte Amandi, 1. 3. Athenae Deipnosophist 1. 15. c. 13. p. 692. Tu mihi stacte, tu cinnamomum, etc. Plauti Curculio, act, 1. so. 2. v 6. Adelfido>v nepos ex fratre vel sorore. Selin. polyhist. c. 46. rwdx folliculus, Cocceius; sacculum, Marckius; fasciculus vel sacculus, Michaelis. In lib. Shorash, rad. rwm So the cabalistic Doctors interpret it of Tiphereth, the bridegroom, Lexic. Cabal. p. 669. Lib. 12. c. 16. Fernel. method, med. 1. 6. c. 14, 15. Vide Yalcut in loc. Nat. hist. 1. 14. c. 1. Vide Yalcut in loc. Mimah, Sotah, c. 9, f. 9- Vide T. Bab. Temurah, fol. 15, 2. R. Sol. Jarchium & Ez. Chayim in Misnam, ibid. Pliny 1. 12. c. 24. Sheviith, c. 7. f. 6. In ibid. Travels, p. 113. 114. ed. 2. See Origen. in Cant. Homil. 2. fol. 87. E.F. & Comment. in Matthew p. 463, 464. & Huet. Nor. in ibid. p. Plutarch. Sympos. 1. 3 p. 647. Plin. 50:12. c. 24. Ibid. Ibid. 1. 23. c. 4. Plin. 1. 12. c. 24. & 1. 13. c. 2. Vid. Cocceium and Bishop Patrick in loc. Lib. 5. c. 17. Plin. 1. 13. c. 4. Ibid. 1. 12. c. 25. Josephus Antiq. 1. 9. c. 1. f. 2. Homil. 2. in Cant. fol. 87. E. In T. Bab. Sabbat. fol. 26. l. Plin. 1. 12. c. 25. Justin. Hist. 1. 36. c. 3. So Foliot in loc. Vide Jerom. de loc. Hebrews in voce Engaddi. Fernel. method, med. 1. 5. c. 17. &1. 6. c. 1. In loc. T. Bab, Sabbat. fol. 88. 2. Yalkut in loc. µynwy dyny[ oculi tui velut columbarum, Pagninus, Munster, so Ben Melech. So Juno, Minerva and Chryseus, are described by their eyes in Homer, Iliad. 1. verse 99, 206, 551. Vid. Barthii animadv, in Claudian. in nupt. Honor, od. 4. 5:21. Frantz. hist. animal sacra, par. 2. c. 15. Yalkut ia loc, Plin. 1. 10. c. 34. AElian. Hist. animal.1. 3 c. 5. Frantz. Hist. animal facr. par. 2. c. 15. In loc. Isidor. Originum,1. 20. c. 1. Vid. Alstorph. de lectis veterum, c. 1. p. 1, 8-10. Graminei tori, Val. Flac. 1. 8. 5:255. Viridante toro confederat herbae, Virgil A Eneid 5. 5:388. In medio torus est de mollibus ulvis impositus lecto, Ovid. Metamorph. 8. 5:685. So Cocceius in loc. wnytb domorum nostrarum, V. L, Pagninaus, Montanus, etc. aedium nostrarum, Marckius. Foliot. in loc. So Isidore, Alcain, and others in loc. because they are ‘planted by rivers of water;' where, being re Lib. 13. c. 5, 13. & l. 16. c. 40. Et cedro digna locutus, pers. satyr, 1. 5:42. Plin.1. 13. c. 5. Odoratam stabulis acccendere cedrum Virg. Georg,1. 3. 5:414. Pliny l. 16. c. 21. R. Aben Ezra in loc. R. Jonah in R. David Kimeh;, lib. shorash, rad. fhr Vid. David de Pomis Lex. Hebrews rad. fhr and so the Tigurine version renders it. rnyfhrw canales nostri, Tigurine version, so some in Vatablus; impluvium nostrum, Hiller. de Keri & Kethib. p. 84. Vid. Elias Levit. Methurgeman, rad, fhr . In lib. shorash rad, fhr . As quoted by R. Sol. Jarchi in loc. In R. David Kimchi, lib. shorash. rad. fhr Vid. R. Aben Ezram in loc. R. David Kimchium in lib. shoraah. rad. trb & Elias Levit. Methurgeman. Lib. 16. c. 42. Pliny 1, 16. c. 10. Ibid. Pliny 1. 16. c. 21. Ibid. c. 40, 42. Hence monuments to perpetuate the memory of things were made of it, Plato de leg. 'L 5. p. 848. Pliny 1. 16. c. 33' Euwdes kuparissw , Theocrit. epigram, 4. 5:7. Lib. 12. c. 17. Targum, R. Aben Ezra, and Yalkut in loc. so it is interpreted of malcuth or the bride, by the Cabalistic Doctors, in Lexic. Cab. p. 333. and in Zohar. in Leviticus fol. 46. 2. Tres Patres, Lyra, Ainsworth, Brightman, Vatablus, Cocceius Michaelis. To rodon kalon esi , Theocrit. Idyll 24. Rodhv te kalon anqov , Antilochus apud Athen. Deipnosophist. 1. 2. c. 12. Vid. 1. 15. c 3. P. 670. Museus de Hero. 5:59. Vid Barth. Animadv. ad Claudian de nupt Honor. 5:247. AElian. Vat. Hist.1. 12. c. 1. Theocrit. Idyll. 18. The rose by the Arcadians was called enomfalon , that is, sweetsmelling, Timach ides apud Athenaei Deiphosophiat. 1. 15. c. 8. p. 682. Rosa locis apricis gaudet, estque odoratior, Junius in loc. Curtins, Hift.1. 3. c. 3. Hiller. Onomaftic. p. 632. Lilia non domina fuit magis alba mea, Propertius, I. 2. so Venus is compared to a lily by Anacreon. So the lily is interpreted of Malcuth, the bride, the church, by the Cabalists, Lexic. Cab. p. 708, 709. Lib. 21:c. 5. Lib. 21:c. 5. Toto candidior puella cycno, argento, nive, lilio, ligustre, Martial1. 1:Lilia tu vincis, 1. 8. c. 28. Lib. 21. c. 5. Ibid. Lilia fumma merit, Ovid, Fasti, 1. 2. prope finem. Ut supra. Roscis convallibus A Etnae, Claudian. de rapt. proserp. 1. 3. 5:85. Durham in loc. Misn. Kilaim, c. 5. f. 8. & Maimon. in lb. Pindar. Isthm. ode 4, Mea rosa, Plauti 'Asinaria, act. 3. ac. 3. 5:74. Bachides, sc. 1. 5:50. Tu rosa, Curculio, act. 1. sc. 2. 5:6. Pausan. Elias 2. sive 1. 6. p. 391. Sappho spud Plutarch. sympos. 1. 3. P. 641. Theocrat. epigr. 1. 5:1, 2. Fernel method, med. 1. 5. c. 3. and 1. 6. c. 2. T. Hieros. Shevlith, fol. 38. 4. Apud De Dieu in Act. 9:35. Nicander apud Athen. Deipnosoph.1. 13. c. 9. p. 683. Pliny nat. hist.1. 21. c. 4. Misa. Maaserot, c. 2. s. 5. Comment. Ebr. p. 239. Diar, Ital. c, 7. p. Lib. 21. c. In Misna Sotah, c. 8. 3. and R. Sol. Jarchi, Mai-mon. & Bartenora in idem. T. Hiero. Soth, fol. 23. 1. Vide R. Aben Ezram in loc. Croceum florem — foliis medium cingentibus albis Ovid. Metamorph. 1. 3. fab. 6. Pro purpurco narrisso, Virg. Bucol. col. 5. 5:28. Aut suave rubens narcissus, ibid. Cyris. Nat. hist. l. 21. c. 5. Ibid. c. 19. Ibid. c. 5. Sophocles apud Plutarch. sympos.1. 3. P. 641. Kala narkissov , Theocrat. Idyll. 10:1. Narkisson eupnoon , Idyll. 19. vide R. Aben Ezram and Brightman in loc. In Genesis fol. 82. 2, 3. and in Exodus fol. 74. 3. but in Leviticus fol, 16. 2. it is explained of the pome citron-tree. Vide Merccr. in 5, 1. Lib 27 c. 12. Durham in loc, In Zohar in Genesis fol. 67, 4. The lily is called ambrosia; and is said to be the delight.of Venus, because of its pleasing color, Nicander apud Athenaeum, 1. 15, c. 8. p. 683. and of Juno, Clement Alex. paedagog. l, 2. p. 181. Quantum lenta solent inter viburna cupressi, Virgil. Bucolic. eclog, 1. v. 26. Lenta salix, etc. eclog. 5. 5:16t Solin. Polyhist. c 59. Ibid. lib. 12. c. 3. Solin & Pliny in locis citatis. Solin. & Pliny 1: ibid. & Fernel. method, med. 1. 5. c. Pliny 1. 11. c. 53, &1. 12. c. 3. Athen. Deipnosophist. 1. 3. c. 7. P. 83. T. Bab. Sabbat. fol. 88. 1. In Leviticus fol. 3p. 4. Lexic. Cabal. p. 138. In Exodus fol. 59. 5:& in Numbers fol. 53 3. P. 147. apud agensad. Tela Ignea. The apple was sacred to love, Scholiast. in Aristoph. Nubes, p. 180. the statue of Venus had an apple in one hand, and a poppy in the other, Pausan, Corinth. sive 1. 2. p. 103. Ambrose in Psalm 118 octou. 5. col. 928. Sanct. in loc. and so R. Simeon Ben Jochai seems to understand it in Exodus vol. 43. 1. Lib. 17. c. 12. Juniperi gravis umbra, nocent et frugibus umbrae. Virgil. Bucol. eclog 10; in fine. Arboribus certis gravis umbra tributa est, Lucret. 1. 6. 5:783. — Ubi mollis amaracus illum floribus et dulci aspirans complectitur umbre, Virg. A Eneid. 1. 1. prope finem. Opportuna sua blanditur populas umbra, Ovid. Metam. 1. 10. ytbçyw ytdmj concupivi et fedi, Pagninus, Montanus, Mercerus, Marckius. zyyh tyb domum vini, Pagninus, Montanus, etc. Cellam vinariam, V. L. Tigurine version; eiv ton oinwna Symmachus. Locum convivii, Junius & Tremellius. la in, Pagninus, Junius & Tremellius. Piscator, Marckius, Michaelis. Ad prandium me adduxit, Plautus. Vexillum proponendum, quod erat insigne quum ad arma concurri oporteret, Caesar. de Bello Gallic1. 2. c. 20. Sueton. Vita Vespasian. c. 6. Ft270 Terwmh>mh ajga>phv , Sept. amore langueo, V.L. so Michaelis;aegrotus is used in this sense in Terent. Heautont. L. I. The Tigurine version renders the words thus, Quia infirma sum dilectione, because I am weak in love; and under stands it in the same sense as when persons are said to be weak in faith, and therefore need support. Symposium,: 118; Steri>sate> me ejn mu>roiv , Sept. R. SoL Jarchi & R. Abn Ezra in loc. R. David Kimchi in lib. shorash. rad. çça . Vino sulcire venas cadentes, Seneca, ep. 95. Fernel. method. medend. 1. 5. c. 6, 21. Polyhist. c. 61. ynrdpr sternite ante me, so some in Vatablus; substernite mihi, Tigurine version, Piscator. Melo Galatea petit. Virgil. Bucol. eclog. 3. verse 64. Vid. Theocrit. Idyll 3. 5:10, 40, 41. & Idyll. 6. 5:6. 7. & Suidam in voce Mhlon . So Isidore in loc. Tigurine version, some in Mercer. Ainsworth, Marckius. V. L. Pagninus, Montanus. So the Cabalistic doctors interpret the word of malcuth, or the bride Lexic. Cabal. p. 43, 44. So lovers are frequently called amor & amores, Love and loves; vid. Theocrit. Idyll. 2. & Ovid. Briseis Achilli, 5:12. Plaurt Curculio, act. 2. sc. 3. 5:78. Miles, act. 4. sc. 8. 5:67. Mostel. Arg. 5:5 Perea: Arg 5:4 Poenulus, act. 5, sc. 3. 5:42. Cerva silvicultrix, Catullus, 5:64, 72. Virginibus Tyriis mos est gestare pharetram, Virgil. A Eneid,1. 1. — .Pavldos formidlne cervos terret, Ovid. Fasti,1. 3. 5:173. Formidantes cervos, Ovid. Metamorph,1. 15. fab. 43. Timidi damae, Virgil. Bucol. eclog. 8. 5:28. & Georgic.1. 3. prope finem. Pavidae damae, Horat. Carmin.1. 1. ode?- v. 11, hence kradih elkfoio , cor cervi, Homer, Iliad,1. 1.v Persikta in Yalkcut in loc. Vid. Dionys. Prieg. p. 843, 844. Nebrov aloito , etc. Theocrit, Idyll. 8, prope finem. The hart is said to leap sixty feet at a leap, Bochart-Hicrozoic. par. 1. 1. 3. 5:17. col 882. Cervi veloces, Virgil A Eneid.1. 5. 5:253. Cerva aeripes, swift as the air, Ibid.1. 6. prope finem. Pliny 1. 8. c. 32. AElian. de animal. 1. 2. c. 9. Solin. Polyhist. c. 21. So Theodoret. in loc. Hence the hart has the name of elafov according to Plutarch. de Solert. Animal p. 976. Frantz. Hist. animal. sacr. par. 1. c. 15. Frantz. ibid. Ibid. Pliny 1. 3. c. 32. Solin. c. 31. Vid. Pausan. Arcad. sive 1. 8. p. 472.. Hence cervina senectus, Juvenal, satyr. 14. 5:251. So Isidore in loc. So R. Alshech in loc. Nat. Hist. 1. 28. c. 11. Apo tou ozu dorkein , Origen in loc. so Theodoret. in loc. R. Sol. Jarchi, and R. Aben Ezra in loc. and so Lyra. Efflorescens, Junius; so Ainsworth, Piscator, and Michaelis. ˆyyam proprie de plantis dicitur, quumqid proferunt, quod florem praecedit, Mercer, in loc. hg[ respondit, Montanus, Vatablus. Marckius, Michaelis, Targum, R. Sol. Jarchi. and R. Aben Ezra in loc. dl yklw dl ymwq surge tibi & abi tibi, Montanus, Cocceius, Ainsworth, Vatablus, Marckius. Hyems imbrifera,. Sil. ltal.1. 31. 5:197- Pinviosa hyems, Pliny Nat. Hist. 1. 18. c. 25. Emissamque hyemem sensit Neptunus, Virgil A Eneid.1. 1. 5:129. Miseranda rogabo unam hyemem, Statii Achill. 1. 1. 5:50. 51. Vid. Val. Flacc.1. 1.v. 197. Nifav polemoioceimerion xofon , Pindar. Isthm. ode 4. Ante adventure Christi' hyems erat, venit Christus, fecit aestatem, Ambros. Eaarrat. in Psalm 118 octon. 7. p. 921. Vid. Isidor. in loc. Targum, R. Sol. Jarchi, and R. Aben Ezra in loc. and so Lyre. Brightman and Cotton in loc. rts quod legitur quasi wyts scriberetur, alibi in scriptura non invenitur, est autem vox Chaldaica arts pro Hebraea rdj hyems, Mercer in loc. Vid. Vitringam in Jes. 4, 6. Vere gaudet Venus, Ovid. Vere florifero, Senecae Oedipus, 5:649. Vet praebet flores, Ovid. de Remed. Amor. 1. 1. 5:188. Omnia tum florent, Ovid. Metamorph. l.15. fab. 3. Vernus fequitur color, omnis in herbas turget humus, Claudian. de Rapt. Proferp. 1. 2. 5:90. So flowers are called tekna earov , the children of the spring, in Athenaei Deipnosophist.1. 13. c, 9. p. 608. Whatever was flowery, used to be called spring, because of the nature of it, Orpheus apud Clement. Alex. Stromat. 1. 5. p. 571. Cum rosam viderit, tunc incipere, ver arbitrabatur, Cicero. in Verrem, erat. 7. Rosa verna, Propert. 1. 3. eleg. 5. 5:22. So it is represented by Anacreon as a spring-flower; and by Pancrates, apud Athen. Deipnos. 1. 15. c. 6. p. 677. So Seneca calls the lily, florem vernum, a springflower, epist, 122. Spring-flowers are various; some grow in fields, meadows, vales, hills, and banks of rivers; some in gardens, as the violet, crocus, hyacinth, narcissus, role and lily, vide Athen. Deipnosophist.1. 15. c. 8. p. 681, 682. of which the violet, rose and lily, were preferred for their beauty and smell, Theocrit, Idyll. 24. 5:29- 31. Senecaea Medea, 5:713. Plerique in Sanct. in loc. Vide R. .Aben Ezra in loc. Kairo>v th~v tomh~v e>fqake , Sept. Tempus putationis advenit, V. L. Pagninus, so the Syriac, Arabic and Ethiopic versions. Pliny 1. 17. c. 22. Hence says the poet; e\arov neo>n ijsame>noio, th>n fqa>menov, o]inav peritamne>men, w~v a]meinon , Hesiod. Opera & Dies,1. 2. Greg. Nysen. & Pselius in Sanct. in loc. Sanct. in loc. R. Sol. Jarchi, R. Aben Ezra, & R. Sol. Ben Melech in loc. Zohar. in Genesis fol. 29. 2. and 65. 2. and 121. 3 .though the other sense of cutting or pruning seems to be intended, in Zohar in Genesis fol. 3- 4. and in Leviticus fol. 2. 1. Thus one part of rural pleasure is described by the poet a]eidon ko>rudoi ki< ajkanqidev e]vene trugw>n Theocrit. Idyll. 7. Pliny 1. 10. c. 24. & 18. 28. Myndius apud Athen. Deipnosophist. 1. 9. c. 11. p. 394. So Pliny, Hyeme mutis, vere vocalibus, 1. 10. c. 35. The turtle appears in summer, in winter it disappears, Aristot. Hist. Animal. 1. 8. c. 3. Psellus & Tres Patres in loc. Pesikta in Yalkut in toc. So Isidore in loc. In Zohar in Genesis fol. 121. 3. Apud Athcn. ut supra, 1. 3. c. 4. P. 77. Qrioiv earinoiv de Defectu Oracul. p. 410. Solin. Polyhistor. c. 45. Pliny Nat. Hist.1. 16. c. 26. Lib. 13, c. 7. Vid. Solin. ib. Pliny Ibid. Vid. Pliny 1. 17. c. 23. Hipponax apud Athcn. Deipnosophist. 1. 3. c, 4. p. 78. Vites claviculis adminicula tanquam manibus apprehendunt, atque ita se erigunt ut anirnantes, Cicero de Natura Deorum, 1. 2. c. 47. ft339a Pliny 1. 14. c. 1, In Isaiah 18:5. Tract. Orlah, ch. 1. § 7. R. Aben Ezra, R. Sol. Jarchi, and R. Sol. Ben Melech in loc. R. David Kimchi in lib. shorash, rad. rdms David de Pomis in Lexic. p. 111 col. 3. and Ez. Chayim in Tract. Orlah, 1. 7. Misnah, Gittin, c. 3. § 8. T. Hieros. Nazir, fol. 55. 1. T. Bab Kiddushin fol. 51. 2. Lib. 16. c. 25 and 17. 22. Sibene floruerit vinca, etc. Ovid. Fasti. 1. 5. so Horat. Epod. ode 16. 5:44. Danaeusin Hosea 14:7. Levin. Lemnii Herb. Bibl. Explic. c 2. rdms oinanqh , Symmachus; in slore constitutae: vites, Mercerus, Michaelis; vitis pars florens, Munster; vineae florentes, Tigurine version: nihil gratius floreneis odoevitis, Ambros. Hexaemeron, 1. 3. c. 12. In Zohar in Exodus fol. 50. 1, Odit verus amor, nec patitur moras, Senecae Hercul. Fur. 5:587. Mea columba, Plauti Casina, act. 1. sc. 1. 5:50. Doves being loving creatures, the chariots of Venus were drawn by them, Chartar. de Imag. Deorum, p.218. vid. Apulei Metamorph. 1. 6. and were sacred to Venus, Plutarch. de Isid.· & Osir. p. 379. AElian. de Animal 1. 4. c. 2. Frantz. Hist. Sacr. Animal. par. 2,. c. 15. num. 3- Pliny 1. 10. c. 34. AElian, de Animal,1. 3. c. 45. Grapaldus in Sanct, in loc.' Arist. de Goner. Animal.1. 3. c.x. Var. Hist. 1. 1. c. 15. Accipiter trepidas agitat columbas, ovid. Metamorph. 1. 5. Frantz. Hist. Sacr. animal, par. 2. c. I ,. Qualis spelunca subito commota columba, cui domus & dulces latebroso in pumice nidi. Virgil. A Encid. 5, 5:213. Theatrum Terrae Sanctae, p. 171 a. Iliad. 21. 5:493, 494. Targum, Yalkut, R. Sol. Jarchi, and R. Aben Ezra in loc. So Foliot, Alcuin, and not. Tigur. in loc. In tegimento petrae, 1:e. tuta praesidio passionis meae fidei munimento, Ambros. de Isaac, c. 4. p. 281. in vulneribus quae pro salute sponsae sponsus ac-cepit, Isidor, in loc. in Zohar. in Genesis fol. 59. 1. Euterpe, save1. 2. c. 35. Wkalliproswpe caritofwne , vid. Athen. Deipnosoph.1. 13. c. 2. p. 564. Frantz. Hist. Sacr. Animal. par. 1. c. 17. Ibid. Ibid, Aristol. Hist Animal. 1. 9. c. 1. Plutarch de Solert. Anin al. p. Vid Isidor. Origin.1. 12. c. 2. A Elian. de Animal. 1. 4. c. 39. and 1. 6. c. 24, 64, and 1. 13. c. 11. Olans Magnus, Hist. Septent.1. 18. c. 31. and Frantz. Hist. Sacr. Animal. par. 1. c. 17. Olaus Magnus in loc. supracit. Vid. Theodoret et in loc. ft3t72 Vid. Theocrit. Idyll. 1. 5:48; 49. and Idyll. 3. 5:112, 113. So soldiers are compared to foxes, because they eat the grapes in the countries they come into, Aristoph. Equites, act, 3. sc. 1. p. 350. Tuccius apud Soto Major in loc. Fortunat. Schac. Eleochrysm. Sacr.1. 1. c. 28. p. 137. Theophrast. apud Athen. Deipnosophist.1. 15. c. 7. P. 679. So R. Sol. Jorchi in loc. Vid. Sanct. in loc. bs circui, Montanus, Sanctius; circumito, some in Michaelis. rtb yrh l[ in montibus divisionis, Vatablus, Piscator; scissionis, Cocceius; dissectionis, Marckius; sectionis vel separationis, Michaelis. hwpyç d[ diapneush , Sept. donec, vel dum spiret, Merceras, Coccrius; aspiret, Marckius; spiraverit. Michaelis. Pliny Nat. Hist. l. 7. c. 47. Senecae Nat. Quaest.1. 5. c. 8. Pliny 1. 2. c. 47. Aristot. Problems. 25, c. 4. Adspirant aurae in noctem, Virg. A Eneid, 7. 5:8. Tanchuma in Yalcut in loc. Greg. Nyssen. in Cant. Homil. 6. twlylb , en nuxin , Sept. per noctes, V.L. Junius & Tremellius, Piscator; in noctibus, Pagninus, Montanus Tigurine version, Marckius, Michaelis. Audacem faciebat amor, Ovid. Metamorph.1. 4- fab. 4. Vid. Sanct. in loc. and Ambros. in ibid. Alcuin in loc. Poliv euruaguia, Homer. Iliad. z. 5:29, 66, 141, 329. and 14. 5:88. Odyss. 2. 5:230. Ibid. Odyss 7. 5:80. Foliot & Sanct. in loc. Diodat. in loc. Mercer. in verse 4. R. Targum. Sol. Jarchi, and R. Aben Ezra in loc. So Lyra. Bishop Patrick in loc. Alcuin and Diodat, in loc. Targum and R. Sol Jarchi in loc, and Zohar. in Genesis fol. 100. 4. and 101 1. Cotton in loc. Isidore and Alcain in loc. Merces in loc. Diodat in loc. Jus. in loc. twrmyt elationes, colunmae, ad formam palmae assurgentes, Buxtoff. ut palmae, Mercerus, Cocceius; inatar palmarum, Tigurine version, Michaelis. Vid. R. Aben Ezram & Sol. Jarchium in loc.& R. David Kimchium in lib. shorash rad. dmh . In Pirke Abot, c. 5. f. 5. So Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Schmidt. lkwr negotiator, mercator, aromatarius, Buxtorf. Mureyo~u Sept. pigmentarii, V. L. Montanus; pharmacopolae, Tigur. version; insitoris, sea seplasiarii, Mercerus. Cocceius: aromatarii, Junius & Tremellius, Marckius.' Foliot, Sanctius, & Soto Major in loc. Junius, Durham, etc, Targum, R. Aben Ezra. R. David Kimchi, R. Sol. Jarchi, Miclol Yolphi, & R. Abendana in not, in Miclol Yolphi in loc. Cotton and Brightman in loc. Greg. Nynen, in Cant. Homil. 6. and Ainsworth in loc. Ambros. de Isaac, c. 5. Apponius in Sanct. in loc. Beda in Sanc. in loc. and Foliot. in loc. Theodoret in loc. So the Cahalistic doctors interpret it of malcuth, the congregation of Israel, the bride, the church, Lexic. Cab. p. 527. So R. Alshech in loc. Isidore in loc. brj yzja kate>cotev rjomfa>ian , Sept. tenentes gladium, Cocceius; stringentes gladium, Junius & Tremellius; prehensi gladio Mercerus; apprehend gladio, Montanus; capti sunt gladio, Tigurine version. Gemara, Bab. Sanhed. cap. 1. fol. 7. 2. Yebamot, fol, 109. 2. & Yalkut. in loc. In lib. shoran, rad. hrp Massech. Sotah, c. 9. s. 14. Cocceius and Heunischius in loc. Vid. Cohen De Lara. Ir. David, p.19. Vid Buxtorf. Epist. Hebrews 1. 2. ep. 7. P. 235, 237. Vid. Suidam in voce Zeugov . Agreement of Customs between the East-lndians and Jews, art. 17. P. 68. The Cabalistic doctors interpret it of malcuth, or the bride, the congregation of Isreal, Lexic, Cabal. p. 144. Mega>lhv boulh~v a]gtelov . Sept. in Isaiah 9:6. Vid. Yalkut in loc. ãwxr succensum, Montanus, Marckius; accensum, sive exustum, some in Vatablus, so Aben Ezra jpxr is used to signify a live coal, in Isaiah 6:6. vial. Mercer. in loc. so inflammatus amore conjugis, is used by Virgil, A Eneid.1. 3. 5:330, Cujus media pars strata fuit amore foeminarum Jerusalem, Tigurine version; amorce filiarum, Vatablus, Mercerus. Purpura. sanguis Christi, ut autem operimentum, sive coelum lecti tegit eo qui in lecto sunt, ita & sanguis Christi nos tegit, Not. Tig. in loc. T. Bab. Taanith, fol. 26. 2. Targum in loc. Zohar in Genesis fol. 15. 3. and in Exod fol. 24. 3. So Lyra, who frequently follows Jarchi. Dicitur vero a matre coronatus, quia ipsa precibus obtinuit, ut filius regnaret, quod moraliter coronare est, sanct. in loc. Vid. Sanct. and Bishop Patrick in loc. Vid. Paschal. de Coronis, 1. 2. c. I6, 17. p. 126. Barthii & Animadv. ad. Claudian. de Rapt. Proserpin. 1. 2. 5:140. Magnisque corenis conjugium sit. Claudian. laus Serenae, 5:189, 190. Such a crown is called sefov gamhlion , Bion. Idyll. prope finem. Vid. Plauti Casin. act. 4, 2. sc. 2. 5:17. Coronant & nuptiae sponsos, ideo non nubimus Ethenicis, etc. Tertull. de Corona Militis, c. Misnah Sotah, c. 9. s. 14. & Wagenseil. in ibid. Isidore in loc. Beda, S. Thom. and Bernard in Sanct. in loc. and not. Tigur. in loc. Theodoret & Tres Patres apud Ibid. Durham on verse 9. Vid. Yalkut in loc. dtmxl intra ligamina tua, some in Vatablus; vittam tuam, Cocceius; con-strictam comam tuam. Michaelis, so Jarchi; vid. Horat. Carmin.1. 2. ode 11. 5:23, 24. Crines connexi. Propert. 1. 2. eleg. 5. 5:23. A Elian. de Animal.1. 16. c. 30. Metamorph.1. 2. Virgil A Eneid. 4. prope finem; aurea caesaries, A Eneid. 8. 5:659. Vid. Barthii Animadv. ad Claudian, de Rapt. Proserp. 1. 3. c 86. Quae crine vincit Boetici gregis vellus, Martial,1. 5. epigr. 38. Hoedina tibi pelle, Ibid.1. 12. ep. 38. Theocrit. Idyll 3. 5:1, 2. Animadv. in loc. Hierozoic. par. 1. 1. 2. c. 5. col. 628. ft451a So Tres Patres apud Theodoret in loc. In Salazer apud Marckium in loc. Candidati dentes, venustis oculis, color suavis, Citer. Tuscul. Quaest.1. 5. c. 16. Theocrit. Idyll. 6. 5:37-38. So Psellus and Isidore in loc. Vid. Yalkut in loc. Orqotomou~nta , 2 Timothy 2:15 Aristot. Hist. Animal. 1. 8. c. 28. Pliny 1. 3. c. 50. A Elian de Animal. 1. 16. c. 30. twbwxq caesae, vel dedolatae, Bochart. Hierozoic par. 1. 1. 2. c. 43. col. 483. aequarum, Junius & Tremellius; statura aequalium Coccina; vid. Aben Ezram in loc.& Kimchium in lib. shorah. rad. kxq Isidore, Foliot, Alcuin, and Cotton in loc. Aristot. de Animal 1. 6. c. 19. Yoma, C. 6. s, 8. in Mishap. Talmud Yoma, fol. 39. 2. A Elian. Var. Hist. 1. 12. c. 1. Ceilea purra , Theocrit. Idyll. 15. Purpureis labellis, Ovid. Amor. 1. 3. c. leg. 13. Labiasque modicas purpurantes, Apul, Metamorph.1. 10. Labella rosea, Catullus. dtqr tenuis faciei pars, Marckius; tenuior, Michaelis; vid. R. David Kimchium. in lib. shorash; rad. qqr Para< to< krotei~n th Ausonii Parental 23. 5:16. Purpurissatas genas, Apuleii Apolog. p. 239. Rodehn pareinh etc. Museus de Hero. etc. 5:194, 195. Boeotica, sive1. 9, P. 578. Vid. Zohar. in Genesis fol. 114. 3. and Yalkut in loc. Turris David. Munita & excelsa valde, quae in duarum voraginum angulo, in praeruptae rupis colie ex quadris lapidibus, ferro & plumbo indissolubiliter cormpaginatis, a Davide rege edificata erat. Cujus singularis fortitudo & egregia pulchritudo ad commendationem sponae Christi, quae est ecclesia, a Solomone producitar, cum ait, Sicut turris David, collum tuum, etc. Adrichom. Theatrubs Terrae Sanctae, p. 168. b. Travels, p. 139. The Hebrew word twyplt is only used in this place, and is left untranslated by the Septuagint. Jewish writers differ about the sense and derivation of it. Some, as R. Aben Ezra observes, take it to be a compound word, of hlt to hang, and twyp mouths or edges, that is, of swords; and so suppose this tower to be built to hang up swords in; which agrees well enough with our translation, and with Junius and Tremellius's version. who render the word, ad armaria. Others think, that it is compounded of lt an heap, and twyp mouths, edges, or corners; and so intends an heap of stones, built up very high and strong, cut in various forms and corners; so Kimchi, in lib. Shorash. rad. llt which are no other than the pinnacles or battlements of towers: accordingly Arias Montanus renders the words, celsa aeutnina; and Cocceius translates it, in molem pinnarum. Others derive it from ãla to teach; and suppose it to intend some very beautiful structure, which might serve as a pattern, and be very instructive to artificers; so Jarchi in loc. though R. Jonah in Kimchi, lib. Shorash. rad. ãla thinks, that it was designed to shew travelers their way: accordingly Pagnine reads it, ad docendum transeuntes: and the Tigurine version, ad usum durigendi homines; in which sense it may easily be applied to the ministers of the gospel, whose business is to shew men the way of salvation; and to the word of God, which is a light to our feet, and a lanthorn to our paths. Papillae sororiabant, Plauti Frivolarla, Fragm.1. 7. Mammas sororiantes, Pliny 1. 31. c. 6. De Liberis Educand. vol. 2. p. 5. Aristol. de Animal.1. 6. c. 29. R. Sol. Jarchi, Alahech, and Yalkut in loc. En aspicis ilium, candida qui medius cubat inter lilia, cervum? Calphurnius apud Bochart. Hiorozoic par. 1.1. 3. c. 24. col. 924. R. Aben Ezra in loc. R. Solom. Jarchi in loc. so in Yallentin loc. Bernard & Carpath. in Sanct. in loc. Vid. Ainsworth & Sanct. in loc. Shilte Hagibborim, c. 88. fol. 95. 4. Florus de Gest Roman. 1. 3. c. 5. Vid. Gabriel Sionit. de Orient. Urb. c. 6. p. 14. Targum, R. Aben Ezra, & R. Sol. Jarchi in loc. & Zohar in Genesis fol. 75-1, Alihech interprets it of mount Sinai, and the day-break of the captivity of Egypt. So the Cabalistic doctors by these understand malcuth, the congregation of Israel, or the church: Lexic. Cabal. p. 229, 277. R. Aben Ezra in loc. Vid. Yalcut in loc. Brightman and Cotton in loc. Kaphle>uontev , cauponantes sermonem Dei; metaphora sumpta est ab hospitibus & cauponantibus, quibus in more est vinum aqua corrumpere, Aretius in 2 Corinthians 2:17. Vide, inquiunt, ut invicem se diligant, Tertull. apolog, c. 39. Sic mutuo, quod doletis, amore diliginius, quoniam odisse non novimus. Sic nos, quod invidetis, fratres vocamus, ut unius Dei parentis homines, ut consortes sidei, ut apei cohaeredes, Minut. Felix Octav. p. (mihi) 35. yarbt venies, Pagninus, Montanus, Mercerus, Junius & Tremellius. See Lightfoot's Works, vol. 1. p 76. and Bedford's Scripture Chronology, p. 607. Targum and R. Aben Ezra in loc. R. Abendanae not. in Midol Yophi, R. Sol. Jarchi in Zechariah 11:1. Talmud Yoma, fol. 39-2. Pliny 1. 5. c. 22. Pompon Mela, 1. 1. e. 12, & Solin. c. 51. So Talmud. Hieros. Challah, fol. 60. 1 & Sheviith, fol. 37. 4. In Numbers 20:22,25,27 and 34:7, 8; Deuteronomy 32:50. Antiq.1. 1. c 6. s. 1. De Animil.1. 5. c. 56. Vid. Aristot. Hist. Animal. 1. 6, c. 3. Pliny1. 8. c. 16. & Brocard in Cocceii Lexic. p. 123. Geograph. 1. 14. p. 465. & 1. 16. p. 517. Ad. Attic. l. 5. ep. 20. In Vita Ciceron. p. 879. Mons leopardorum rotundus & altus est, qui contra aquilonem a Tripoli duabus, versus austrum a civitate Arcas tribus, a Libano autem uno miliario distat, Adrichomii Theatrum Terrae sanctae, p. 186 I. De Animal 1. 5. c. 40. Solin. c. 27. Frantzii Hist. Animal. par. 1. c. 8. Sive tibi conjux sive futura soror, Tibullas. Durham in loc. ynjbkl vendicasti tibi cor meum, Tigurine version; occupasti, Lutherus, Marckius. Gloss. in T. Bab. Sabbat, fol. 53. 2. & 88. 2. In Sabbat, fol. 5. 2. & Avoda Zara, fol. 2. 2. in Misnah. Vid. Buxtorf. Lex. Hebrews in rad. bbl & Lex. Talmud. p. 116. Co. copulasti mihi, uxtorf. Hottinger, Smegma, p. 162. In lib. Shorash, rad bbl Sagiuiseri amores, Statii Sylva,1. 3. ode 3. 5:131. Ta~v pw>ntev ep o[mmasin i]meroi ejnti Theocrit. Idyll. 18. Perque tuos oculos qui rapuere meos, Ovid. Amor. 1. 3. eleg. 10. Vid. 5:6. Barthii not. ad Claudian. de Nupt. Honor. Aipara par aucena seiet eqeira , Theocrit. Idyll. 5. Caesariem effusa nitidam per candida colia, Virgil. Georgic.1. 4. 5:337. Comae per levia colla fluentes. Propert.1. 2. eleg. 3. 5:13, Durham in loc. dydwd amores tui, Pagninus, Motanus, etc. Vid. Theocrit. Idyll. 21, 5:26, 27. Homer, Iliad. 10:5:249. Plaut. Asinaria, act. 3. c. 3. 5:24, Vid. Cohen de Lara, Ir David, p. 52. the word is used in T. Hieros. Challab, fol. 57- 4. Atben. Deipnosophist.1. 1. c.8. p. 9. &1. 14. c. 13. p. 644. Suidas in vote Kandulov . Aristoph. Pax. & Florent. Christian. in Ib. p. 632. Lib. de Bono Sapore, c. 4. Lactant. de Fals. Relig.1. 1. c. 22. Nemea, ode 3. d. 10, 11. Truculent, act. 1. sc. 2. 5:75, 76. Nec pigeat tritum nivee cum lacte papaver, etc, Ovid Fasti.1. 4. 5:149. 150. Vid. T. Bab. Chagigah. fol. 13. 1. Fernel. Method. Medend.1. 5. c. 27. Eimata duwdea , Homer. Odyss. 5. 5:264. & 21. 5:52. The murwn empnov ampeconh , Posidippus apud Athen. Deipnosophist.1. 13. c. 7. P. 596. Lebanou quoentov , Museus de Hero. etc. 5:48. Vid. Targum & R. Sol. Jarchium in loc. & Midrash in Mercer. in foe. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - JOHN GILL INDEX & SEARCH
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