9:1 kai paragwn eiden anqrwpon tuflon ek geneths
9:2 kai hrwthsan auton oi maqhtai autou legontes rabbi tis
hmarten outos h oi goneis autou ina tuflos gennhqh
9:3 apekriqh o ihsous oute outos hmarten oute oi goneis
autou all ina fanerwqh ta erga tou qeou en autw
9:4 eme dei ergazesqai ta erga tou pemyantos me ews
hmera estin ercetai nux ote oudeis dunatai ergazesqai
9:5 otan en tw kosmw w fws eimi tou kosmou
9:6 tauta eipwn eptusen camai kai epoihsen phlon ek tou
ptusmatos kai epecrisen ton phlon epi tous ofqalmous
tou tuflou
9:7 kai eipen autw upage niyai eis thn kolumbhqran tou silwam
o ermhneuetai apestalmenos aphlqen oun kai eniyato kai hlqen
9:8 oi oun geitones kai oi qewrountes auton to proteron oti
tuflos hn elegon ouc outos estin o kaqhmenos
kai prosaitwn
9:9 alloi elegon oti outos estin alloi
de oti omoios autw estin ekeinos elegen oti egw eimi
9:10 elegon oun autw pws [oun] anewcqhsan
sou oi ofqalmoi
9:11 apekriqh ekeinos kai eipen anqrwpos
legomenos ihsous phlon epoihsen kai epecrisen mou tous
ofqalmous kai eipen moi upage eis thn
kolumbhqran tou silwam kai niyai apelqwn
de kai niyamenos anebleya
9:12 eipon oun autw pou estin ekeinos
legei ouk oida
9:13 agousin auton pros tous farisaious ton pote tuflon
9:14 hn de sabbaton ote ton phlon epoihsen
o ihsous kai anewxen autou tous ofqalmous
9:15 palin oun hrwtwn auton kai oi farisaioi pws anebleyen o
de eipen autois phlon epeqhken epi tous ofqalmous
mou kai eniyamhn kai blepw
9:16 elegon oun ek twn farisaiwn tines outos o
anqrwpos ouk estin para tou qeou
oti to sabbaton ou threi alloi [de] elegon pws
dunatai anqrwpos amartwlos toiauta shmeia poiein kai scisma
hn en autois
9:17 legousin tw tuflw palin su ti legeis peri
autou oti hnoixen sou tous ofqalmous o de eipen
oti profhths estin
9:18 ouk episteusan oun oi ioudaioi peri autou oti tuflos
hn kai anebleyen ews otou efwnhsan tous goneis
autou tou anableyantos
9:19 kai hrwthsan autous legontes outos estin o uios umwn on
umeis legete oti tuflos egennhqh pws oun arti blepei
9:20 apekriqhsan autois oi goneis autou kai
eipon oidamen oti outos estin o uios hmwn kai oti
tuflos egennhqh
9:21 pws de nun blepei ouk oidamen h tis hnoixen autou tous
ofqalmous hmeis ouk oidamen autos hlikian ecei
auton erwthsate autos peri autou
9:22 tauta eipon oi goneis autou oti efobounto tous
ioudaious hdh gar suneteqeinto oi ioudaioi ina ean tis auton
omologhsh criston aposunagwgos genhtai
9:23 dia touto oi goneis autou eipon oti hlikian
ecei auton erwthsate
9:24 efwnhsan oun ek deuterou ton anqrwpon
os hn tuflos kai eipon autw dos doxan
tw qew hmeis oidamen oti o anqrwpos outos
amartwlos estin
9:25 apekriqh oun ekeinos kai eipen ei amartwlos estin
ouk oida en oida oti tuflos wn arti blepw
9:26 eipon de autw palin ti epoihsen soi pws
hnoixen sou tous ofqalmous
9:27 apekriqh autois eipon umin hdh kai ouk hkousate ti palin
qelete akouein mh kai umeis qelete autou maqhtai genesqai
9:28 eloidorhsan oun auton kai eipon su ei maqhths
ekeinou hmeis de tou mwsews esmen maqhtai
9:29 hmeis oidamen oti mwsh lelalhken o qeos
touton de ouk oidamen poqen estin
9:30 apekriqh o anqrwpos kai eipen autois en gar toutw
qaumaston estin oti umeis ouk oidate poqen estin
kai anewxen mou tous ofqalmous
9:31 oidamen de oti amartwlwn o qeos ouk akouei all ean tis
qeosebhs h kai to qelhma autou poih toutou akouei
9:32 ek tou aiwnos ouk hkousqh oti hnoixen tis
ofqalmous tuflou gegennhmenou
9:33 ei mh hn outos para qeou ouk hdunato poiein ouden
9:34 apekriqhsan kai eipon autw en amartiais su
egennhqhs olos kai su didaskeis hmas kai exebalon auton exw
9:35 hkousen o ihsous oti exebalon auton exw kai eurwn auton
eipen autw su pisteueis eis ton uion tou
9:36 apekriqh ekeinos kai eipen tis estin kurie ina
pisteusw eis auton
9:37 eipen de autw o ihsous kai ewrakas auton kai o lalwn
meta sou ekeinos estin
9:38 o de efh pisteuw kurie kai prosekunhsen autw
9:39 kai eipen o ihsous eis krima egw eis ton kosmon touton
hlqon ina oi mh blepontes blepwsin kai oi blepontes tufloi
9:40 kai hkousan ek twn farisaiwn tauta oi ontes met
autou kai eipon autw mh kai hmeis tufloi esmen
9:41 eipen autois o ihsous ei tufloi hte ouk an eicete
amartian nun de legete oti blepomen h oun amartia umwn