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6:1 ti oun eroumen epimenoumen th amartia ina h
caris pleonash
6:2 mh genoito oitines apeqanomen th amartia pws eti zhsomen en
6:3 h agnoeite oti osoi ebaptisqhmen eis criston ihsoun eis
ton qanaton autou ebaptisqhmen
6:4 sunetafhmen oun autw dia tou baptismatos eis ton qanaton
ina wsper hgerqh cristos ek nekrwn dia ths doxhs tou patros
outws kai hmeis en kainothti zwhs peripathswmen
6:5 ei gar sumfutoi gegonamen tw omoiwmati tou qanatou autou
alla kai ths anastasews esomeqa
6:6 touto ginwskontes oti o palaios hmwn anqrwpos sunestaurwqh
ina katarghqh to swma ths amartias tou mhketi douleuein hmas
th amartia
6:7 o gar apoqanwn dedikaiwtai apo ths amartias
6:8 ei de apeqanomen sun cristw pisteuomen oti kai suzhsomen
6:9 eidotes oti cristos egerqeis ek nekrwn ouketi apoqnhskei
qanatos autou ouketi kurieuei
6:10 o gar apeqanen th amartia apeqanen efapax o de zh zh tw
6:11 outws kai umeis logizesqe eautous nekrous men
einai th amartia zwntas de tw qew en cristw ihsou tw
kuriw hmwn
6:12 mh oun basileuetw h amartia en tw qnhtw umwn swmati eis to
upakouein auth en tais epiqumiais autou
6:13 mhde paristanete ta melh umwn opla adikias th amartia alla
parasthsate eautous tw qew ws ek nekrwn zwntas kai
ta melh umwn opla dikaiosunhs tw qew
6:14 amartia gar umwn ou kurieusei ou gar este upo nomon
all upo carin
6:15 ti oun amarthsomen oti ouk esmen upo
nomon all upo carin mh genoito
6:16 ouk oidate oti w paristanete eautous doulous eis upakohn
douloi este w upakouete htoi amartias eis qanaton h upakohs
eis dikaiosunhn
6:17 caris de tw qew oti hte douloi ths amartias uphkousate de
ek kardias eis on paredoqhte tupon didachs
6:18 eleuqerwqentes de apo ths amartias edoulwqhte th
6:19 anqrwpinon legw dia thn asqeneian ths sarkos umwn wsper
gar paresthsate ta melh umwn doula th akaqarsia kai th anomia
eis thn anomian outws nun parasthsate ta melh umwn doula th
dikaiosunh eis agiasmon
6:20 ote gar douloi hte ths amartias eleuqeroi hte th
6:21 tina oun karpon eicete tote ef ois nun epaiscunesqe to
gar telos ekeinwn qanatos
6:22 nuni de eleuqerwqentes apo ths amartias doulwqentes de
tw qew ecete ton karpon umwn eis agiasmon to de telos zwhn
6:23 ta gar oywnia ths amartias qanatos to de carisma tou
qeou zwh aiwnios en cristw ihsou tw kuriw hmwn