PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() On this book cf. vol. 1, page 78. Mansi, t. 7, page 870; Hardouin, t. 5, page 1526. Leonis Opp . ed. Baller. t. 1, page 1107; also in Mansi, t. 6, page 161. See vol. 3, page 450. Mansi, t. 7, page 525; Hardouin, t. 2, page 692. See vol. 1, page 71. Mansi, t. 7, page 871. Mansi, t. 7, page 898; Walch, Histor . der Kirchenvers . S. 314. In their edition of the works of Leo the Great, t. 1, page 1414, n. 8. Leonis Opp . ed. Baller. t. 1, page 1415 sq.; Mansi, t. 6, page 397 sqq., and Sirmond, Concilia Gallioe , t. 1, page 111 sqq. By Baluze in Mansi, t. 7, page 871. Correctly by Baller. l .c . pages and 1408, Not. 21. We learn this from the 166th letter of Leo the Great, already mentioned. Baller. l .c . page 1405 sqq.; Mansi, t. 6, page 387. Baller. t. 1, page 1246 sqq.; Mansi, t. 6, page 266, and t. 7, page 899. Mansi, t. 7, page 899 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 2, page 777 sqq.; Sirmond, Concilia Gallioe , t. 1, page 116 sqq. Cf. on this Synod also Tillemont, Memoires , etc. t. 16, page 394. Instead of the ordinary text, “Ut a violentia et crimine perputationis abstineatur,” Hardouin preferred, “Ut a vinolentia et crimine pepotationis ,” etc. Perputatio=membri amputatio. Du Cange, Glossar . s .h .v . Mansi, t. 7, pages 899 and 903. Mansi, t. 7, page 906; Gallia Christ . t. 2, page 7; Sirmond, Concil . Gallioe , t. 1, page 119. Mansi, l .c . On this celebrated convent on the island of Lerins, near the French coast, cf. my treatise on Vincentius Lirinensis in the Tubingen Quartalschr . 1854, S. 83, and in the Beitrage zur Kirchengeschichte , etc., Tubingen 1864, Bd. 1. S. 145 ff. Mansi, t. 7, page 907 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 2, page 779; Sirmond, Concil . Gallioe t. 1, page 120. Cf. Remi Ceillier, t. 15, page 605. Mansi, t. 7, page 911 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 2, page 781 sqq. The subject of S. Patrick is treated at length by Bishop Greith in his work, Geschichte der altirischen Kirche , 1867, S. 95-156. According to some, S. Patrick died in the year 465; according to others, in the year 493. Cf. Greith, l .c . S. 137. Thomas Moore, History of Ireland , vol. 1. Cf. Kellner, Das Buss-und Strafverfahren gegen Cleriker , Trier 1863, S. 62. This is the meaning of the text according to the punctuation of Bruns. According to that of Mansi, on the contrary, it would read: “He who has not been appointed bishop, must be condemned, etc., by another bishop.” Mansi, t. 6, pages 519-522, and t. 7, page 1187 sqq. The latter are taken from Wilkins’ Concil . Britann . t . 1. By in irritum devocamus (sc. ordinationes illicitas ) is not meant that they are invalid in the modern sense, but inoperative through suspension. Cf. Hergenrother, Photius , etc., Bd. 2, S. 325. Mansi, t. 7, page 943 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 2, page 793 sqq.; Sirmond, Concil . Gallioe , t. 1, page 123 sqq. Cf. Remi Ceillier, l .c . page 607; Tillemont, t. 16, pages 399 and 772. Mausi, t. 7, page 943 sq.; Sirmond, Concil . Gallioe , t. 1, page 129 sq. Cf. Remi Ceillier, l .c . page 614. Leonis Ep . 66, ad episcop . Metrop . Arelat . ed. Baller. t. 1, page sq.; also in Mansi, t. 6, page 76. Cf. Wiltsch, Kirchl . Statistik , Bd. 1, S. 98. Mansi, t. 7, page 936; Sirmond, l .c . page 131. Mansi, t. 7, page 937; Sirmond, l .c . page 134. Bower (Hist . of the Popes , vol. 3) and Walch (Gesch . der Papste , S. 109) lay great stress upon the fact that the Pope himself here allows that the right to determine the boundaries of dioceses and ecclesiastical provinces was derived from the Emperor. But Hilary does not say this, but only that even the Emperors had recognized this papal right, and had enforced the observance of the papal ordinances on this subject. Mansi, t. 7, page 938 sqq.; Sirmond, l .c . page 132 sqq. Mansi, t. 7, page 924 sq.; Hardouin, t. 2, page 787; Gams, Kirchengesch . 5. Spanien , Bd. 2. Thl. 1, S. 430 ff. Mansi, t. 7, pages 962 and 926; Hardouin, t. 2, page 801; Gams, l .c . Mansi, t. 7, pages 959-964; Hardouin, t. 2, page 799-802; Cf. Remi Ceillier, l .c . page 616; Tillemont, Memoires , etc. t. 16, pages 46 and 737. Mansi, t. 7, page 927 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 2, page 788. The sortes sanctorum (sc. bibliorum ) consisted in opening the Bible (or the works of the Fathers of the Church) and taking the first verse that the eye lighted upon as an answer to the question which one had in petto . It was a superstition that had come over from heathenism, since the Greeks and Romans, in order to discover the future, opened Homer or Virgil at random and regarded the first verse that presented itself as an oracle. Cf. the art. “Sortilegium” in Wetzer and Welte’s Kirchenlexicon . Mansi, t. 7, page 951 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 2, page 795 sqq.; Sirmond, Concilia Galliae , t. 1, page 137 sqq. Cf. Remi Ceillier, l .c . page 609; Tillemont, l .c . page 401 sq. Sidon. Apoll. lib. 4. ep. 25 in the Biblioth . Max . PP ., Lugd. t. 6, page 1100, reproduced by Mansi, t. 7, page 998, and in Sirmond, Concilia Galliae , t. 1, page 141. Pagi, Critica in Annales Baronii , ad . ann . 471, n. 3-7 incl. Cf. Mansi, t. 7, page 999. Sidon. Apoll. lib. 7, ep. 5, 8, and 9 (in the last letter Sidonius gives his discourse mentioned above) in the Biblioth . Max . PP ., Lugd. t. 6, pages 1109 and 1111; also printed in Mansi, t. 7, page 999, and in Sirmond, Concilia Galliae , t. 1, page 142 sqq. Mansi, t. 7, page 1006; Tillemont, t. 16, page 112; Histoire litter , de la France , t. 2, page 442. Mangin, in his work, Veterum Auctorum , qui 9. Seculo de praedestinatione et gratia scripserunt , etc., Paris 1650, t. 2, page 165, maintains that this Synod of Arles, as well as that of Lyons (see at the end of this section) were invented by the Semipelagians. In the Biblioth . Max . PP ., Lugd. t. 8, page 201. Faustus, on the contrary, would say that “as original sin is forgiven in baptism, a sinful Christian must fail, not through Adam and original sin, but through misuse of his liberty.” Mansi, t. 7, page 1007 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 2, page 806 sqq.; Sirmond, Concilia Galliae , t. 1, page 147 sqq. Mansi, l .c . page 1010; Hardouin, l .c . page 808; Sirmond, l .c . page 150. Cellotius was of opinion that this letter of Lucidus was addressed to the somewhat later Synod of Lyons; Noris, on the contrary (l .c . page 186b ), thinks it more probable that it was addressed to the earlier Synod at Arles. Mansi, t. 7, page 1010; Hardouin, t. 2, page 809; Sirmond, Concilia Galliae , t. 1, page 150 sq. Noris, l .c . page 177; Mansi, t. 7, page 1007; Hardouin, t. 2, page 805; Sirmond, l .c . page 147 sq. Mansi, l .c . page 1011; Hardouin, l .c . page 810; Sirmond, l .c . page 152; Noris, l .c . page 177; Remi Ceillier, l .c . page 620. Book 3. cc. 5 and 6. Cf. the notes of Valesius on the passage. This is shown by Mansi, l .c . page 1015. Mansi, t. 7, page 1013-1016. Cf. the remark of Valesius in Evagrius, Hist . Eccl . lib. 3. c. 5. Mansi, l .c . page 1015. In Hardouin, t. 5, page 1526; Mansi, t. 7, pages 1175 and 1018. Hardouin gives in the margin the incorrect date 481. Timothy Aelurus had died in 477. On the Libellus Synodicus , cf. vol. 1, page 84. Mansi, l .c . pages 1018 and 1175; Hardouin, t. 5, page 1527. On Peter Fullo, cf. vol. 3, sec. 208. Mansi, t. 7, pages 1018 and 1175; Hardouin, t. 5, page 1527. Compare the treatise of Valesius, de Petro Antiocheno , c. 2, in the Appendix to his edition of the Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius. In Mansi, t. 7, page 995 sqq. and page 1121; Hardouin, t. 2, page 842. In Mansi, t. 7, page 1037 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 2, page 817 sqq. In opposition to Tillemont (t. 16, page 316) and Remi Ceillier (page 621), I follow here the chronology of Pagi, ad ann . 479, n. 2, and ad ann . 482, n. 2. Theophanes, Chronographia , ad ann . 5793, ed. Bonn, t. 1, page 199. Pagi, ad ann . 482, n. 2-11. Theophanes, l .c .; Pagi, ad ann . 482, n. 12; Mansi, t. 7, pages 1023, 1054 sqq. 1140. Compare his letters to Acacius and to the Emperor in Mansi, t. 7, pages 992 and 994. Mansi, t. 7, pages 1023 and 1178; Hardouin, t. 5, page 1527; Pagi, ad ann . 482, n. 19 sqq. Cf. Liberati, Breviar . c. 18, in Galland, Biblioth . PP . t. 12, page 150; Pagi, ad ann . 483, n. 4. [For the nature of this office, see the Dict . of Christ . Antiq . 1. 542.] The letters of Pope Felix to both are given by Mansi, t. 7, pages and 1031, and Hardouin, t. 2, pages 811 and 814. Mansi, l .c . page 1108; Hardouin, t. 2, page 829. In Mansi, t. 7, page 1108; Hardouin, t. 2, page 830. Cf. Evagrius, Hist . Eccl . 3. 18; Breviculus Historiae Eutych . ed. Sirmond, page 122; Liberati, Breviar . c. 18, in Galland, l .c . page 150; Pagi, ad ann . 483, n. 4 and 5. Evagrius, Hist . Eccl . 3. 19. Theophanes, l .c . page 204 sqq.; Evagrius, Hist . Eccl . 3. 20; Liberati , l .c .; Pagi, ad ann . 483, n. 6, and 484, n. 2 and 3. Evagrius, 3. 21. A portion of the imperial letter is preserved by Evagrius, 3. 20. In Sirmond, page 123, in the Appendix codic . Theodos . Mansi, l .c . page 1065. Mansi, l .c . page 1053; Hardouin, t. 2, page 831. See towards the end of this section; also vol. 1, page 74; and Pagi, ad ann . 484, n. 4. Mansi, t. 8, page 49 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 2, page 905 sqq. Mansi, t. 8, page 49. That this letter was written a few days after the end of this Synod, and does not belong to the following Roman Synod, is shown by Pagi, ad ann . 485, n. 5. Mansi, t. 7, pages 1065, 1067. These two letters are wanting in Hardouin. Liberat. Breviar . l .c . page 150; Niceph. Callisti Hist . Eccl . lib. 16, c. 7; Baron. ad ann . 484, n. 34. Ibid . In Mansi, t. 7, page 1050; Hardouin, t. 2, page 827. In Mansi, t. 7, page 1139; Hardouin, t. 2, page 354. Pagi, ad ann . 485, n. 6. Cf. Pagi, l .c . n. 7. Cf. the remark of Mansi, t. 7, page 1170. Mansi, t. 7, page 1068. Cf. Pagi, ad ann . 485, n. 8, and Mansi, t. 7, page 1170. In Mansi, t. 7, page 1109 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 2, page 835 sqq. In Mansi, t. 7, page 1179; Hardouin, t. 5, page 1530. Biblioth . Oriental . t. 3. pt. 2, page 177. Reprinted by Mansi, t. 7, page 1170 sqq. Cf. art. “Barsumas of Nisibis” in Wetzer and Welte, Kirchenlexicon . Mansi, t. 7, page 1141; Hardouin, t. 2, page 857. Mansi, t. 7, page 1142; Hardouin, l .c .; Victor Vitensis (Victor of Vita), De persecutione Afric . lib. 2 in the Biblioth . Max . PP ., Lugd. t. 8, page 682; also in Baron. ad ann . 483, n. 93 sqq. Victor Vitensis, l .c . In Mansi, t. 7. 1156; Hardouin, t. 2, page 869. Sixteen sees were then made empty, or the bishops sent into exile, so that the Vandal kingdom counted 447 Catholic bishops. Mansi, t. 7, page 1143; Hardouin, t. 2, page 857. Victor Vit. lib. 4, l . c . page 687 sqq.; Mansi, t. 7, page 1153 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 2, page 867 sqq.; Baron. ad ann . 484, n. 54; Tillemont, t. 16, page 562. Victor Vit. l .c . page 693; Mansi, t. 7, page 1164; Hardouin, t. 2, page 875. Cf. Tillemont, t. 16, page 565 sqq. The Acts of the Synod are found in Mansi, t. 7, pages 1171 sqq. and 1056, and in Hardouin, t. 2, pages 877 and 832. Baron. ad ann . 487, n. 2; Mansi, t. 7, page 1174. On the Communio laica , cf. Binterim, Denkwurdigkeiten Bd. 4. Thl. 3, S. 501 ff., and Bd. 7, Thl. 1, S. 63. Cf. c. 11 of Nicaea, in vol. 1, page 416. Cf. c. 13 of Nicaea, in vol. 1, page 419. Cf. c. 14 of Nicaea, in vol. 1, page 420, and what is there said on heretical baptism, page 477. Mansi, t. 7, page 1171 sqq. and page 1056; Hardouin, t. 2, pages and 832. Cf. Tillemont, t. 16, page 592; Remi Ceiller, l .c . page 624; and the remark of Mansi, t. 7, page 1174. Assemani, Biblioth . Oriental . t. 3. pt. 2, page 180; also in Mansi, t. 7, page 1173. Assemani, l .c . page 178; Mansi, t. 8, page 143. Mansi, t. 7, pages 1097 and 1100. Victor Tunun., Chronicon in Galland. Biblioth . PP . t. 12, page 226. Mansi, t. 7, pages . 1180 and 1175; Hardouin, t. 5, page 1530. In Gallandius, l .c . page 226. Pagi, ad ann . 494, n. 2-7 incl.; Baller. edit. Opp . S . Leonis , t. 3, page 156 n. 9; and in the notes of the Ballerini in Noris, Opp . omnia , t. 4, page 927 sq. Migne, Dictionnaire des Conciles , t. 2, page 599. Cf. Pagi, ad ann . 494, n. 2. Mansi, t. 8, page 154. Reprinted in Mansi, t. 8, page 153 sqq. Cf. Remi Ceiller, Histoire des auteurs sacres , t. 15, page 631; Migne, Dictionnaire des Conciles , t. 2, page 596; Fabricii Biblioth . Graeca , t. 12, page 658, ed. Harless. De Decretali Gelasii Papae de recipiendis et not recipiendis libris , etc., edidit Dr. Andreas Thiel, ss. Theol. in regio Lyceo Hosiano Brunsbergensi Prof. p. o. 1866. Friedrich, Drei unedirte Concilien aus der Merovingerzeit mit einem Anhang uber das Decretum Gelasii, Bamberg 1867. Hieronymi Catalog . Script . eccl . cc. 9 and 18. Windischmann endeavors, in his Vindiciae Petrinae (p. 66), to explain this as follows: “Gelasium magis perversam haereticorum, qui ea traditione abutebantur, intentionem reprehendisse credimus, quam quod ipsam illam traditionem haereticam esse censuerit.” Less exact reports of the Gelasian Decree are found in Mansi, t. 8, pages 146-172; Hardouin, t. 2, pages 937-942; and in the Corp . Jur . Can . c. 3, Dist. 15. The Acts in Mansi, t. 8, page 177 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 2, page 941 sqq. Mansi, t. 8, pages 175 and 178. Theophanes, Chronogr . ed. Bonn, t. 1, page 218 sq. Cf. Pagi, ad ann . 498, n. 7. In Hardouin, t. 5, page 1530; Mansi, t. 8, page 374. Galland. l .c . t. 12, page 226. Mansi, t. 8, page 199 sq. See the history of the Council of Chalcedon in vol. 3. Victor. Tunun. in Galland. l .c . t. 12, page 226. On the date, cf. Pagi, ad ann . 499, n. 2. In Baronius, ad ann . 498, n. 3, 4; and ad ann . 499, n. 10; Pagi, ad ann . 500, n. 9. In Valesius’ edition of the Greek Church historians, lib. 2, page 560, ed. Mog. after the Church History of Theodoret. Theophanes, Chronographia , t. 1, page 221. Nicephorus, lib. 16, c. 35. Mansi, t. 8, page 230 sq.; Hardouin, t. 2, page 957 sqq. The Pope did not indeed designate his successor, but frequently recommended a clergyman, who was then generally elected. Cf. Baronius, ad ann . 499, n. 8; and Binius in Mansi, t. 8, page 238, not. g . In other places, however, such recommendation was not allowed. See above, sec. 211. Mansi, t. 8, page 230 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 2, page 957 sqq. Mansi has critical remarks on these subscriptions, l .c . page 305 sq. Pagi, ad ann . 499, n. 3; and ad ann . 500, n. 8 and 9. Acta Sanctorum , die 19 Julii, page 639, in the Vita S . Symmachi . Mansi, t. 8, page 303. See below, sec. 220. In Assemani, Biblioth . Oriental . t. 3. pt. 1, page 429; Mansi, t. 8, page 239 sq. Cf. Wiltsch, Kirchl . Statistik , Bd. 1, S. 215, and the article “Barsumas” in the Kirchenlexicon of Wetzer and Welte. Printed in Mansi, t. 8, page 241 sqq.; and Hardouin, t. 2, page 963 sqq. So the Histoire litteraire de la France , t. 2, page 679. According to this, the war between Gundobald on the one side, and Chlodwig and Godegisel on the other, had not yet properly begun, and it is plain that Godegisel was still alive. As, however, Marius Aviticensi declares that Gundobald killed his brother Godegisel under the Consuls Hypatius and Patricius, i .e . in the year 500, our religious conference must necessarily be placed before the year 500. Pagi acts very inconsistently when, on the one hand, he records the statement of Marius Aviticensis (ad ann . 500, n. 10), and places the death of Godegisel in the year 500; whilst, on the other hand, he removes the religious conference to the year 501. Galland. Biblioth . P .P . t. 10, page 702. The Vulgate has here the reading specially recommended by Avitus, “non dimittis,” instead of “non missum facitis.” Cf. can. 30 of the Council of Agde, A.D. 506, below, sec. 220. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - CHURCH COUNCILS INDEX & SEARCH
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