PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() CHAPTER 1 ftb1 Remi Ceillier (Histoire generale des auteurs sacres, etc., Paris, 1784, t. 16. p. 737) and the authors of the Histoire litteraire de la France, t. 3, p. 247, reckon also Bishops Urbicus of Besancon and Avolus of Aix among the metropolitans; but Besancon and Aix were not raised to that dignity until the times of Charles the Great and his successors. In the subscriptions of the minutes of our Synod, the bishops of Besancon and Aix do not follow immediately after the archbishops named, but a good deal later; a proof that they were not then metropolitans. ftb2 Orleans had formerly belonged to Chlodomar’s portion of the kingdom; but this was lost in battle (A.D. 524) to the Burgundians. ftb3 Cf. the information given by Gregory of Tours in his Vitae Patrum, chap. 6, printed also in Mansi, t. 9, p. 138, and Hardouin, t. 2, p. 1450. ftb4 Printed in Mansi, l.c. p. 138 sq. Trajectum on the Maas, or Trajectum Tungrorum, is Mastricht. The seat of the bishopric was previously Tungern in the neighborhood of Mastricht. Subsequently the see was removed to Liege (Luttich). The subscriptions of our Synod show a Domitianus episcopus ecclesiae Tungrensis. A Bishop Domitian of Tungern (or Coln?) met us before at the first Synod at Clermont, A.D. 535 (sec. 249). On Tungern, cf. the Thesaurus of the Bollandists, t. 1, p. 357. ftb5 Mansi, t. 9, p. 127 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 2, p. 1443 sqq.; Sirmond, Concillia Galliae, t. 1, p. 277 sqq.; Bruns, Bibliotheca Ecclesiastica, pt. 2, p. 208 sqq. Cf. Remi Ceillier, l.c. t. 16, p. 737, and Historire litteraire de la France, t. 3, p. 247. ftb6 The first Synod at Clermont, Avernensis I., took place A.D. 535. See sec. 249. ftb7 It is not improbable that King Theodebald of Austrasia, to whose portion the neighborhood of Clermont belonged, expressed the wish that the bishops would hold an ecclesiastical assembly also in his kingdom. ftb8 Mansi, l.c. p. 142 sqq. Less complete in Hardouin, l.c. p. 1451, and Sirmond, l.c. p. 289. Cf. Remi Ceillier, l.c. p. 741, Histoire litteraire, l.c. p. 248. ftb9 Mansi, l.c. p. 147; Hardouin, l.c. p. 1454; Sirmond, l.c. p. 292, in the first volume of the Actes de la province eccles. de Reims, by Cardinal Gousset, 1842, p. 33. Cf. Remi Ceillier, l.c. p. 741, Hist. litteraire, l.c. p. 306, and Hontheim, Historia Trevirensis diplomatica, t. 1, p. sqq., where a complete account of Archbishop Nicetius is given. ftb10 Mansi, l.c. p. 151. Hardouin mentions it only in the index to vol. 2. ftb11 The first belongs to the year 360 or 361. See vol. 2, p. 275. ftb12 Mansi, l.c. p. 739; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 335; Sirmond, l.c. p. 301. ftb13 From Aimonius, De mirac. St. Germani, in Mansi, l.c. p. 741. Note a by Binius. ftb14 Cf. Le Cointe, Annales Ecclesiast. Francorum, Paris 1665, t. 1, p. 778; Remi Ceillier, l.c. p. 774, and Hist. litter. de la France, t. 3, p. 256. ftb15 Dr. Fr. Maassen in his essay, Zwei Synoden unter K. Childerich II. (Graz 1867), remarks that Amort in his work, Elementa juris canonici, Aug. Vind. 1757, had already received the Acts of this Synod. But who noticed this? ftb16 Cornua praecantare = to speak words of conjuration over drinking horns. Cf. No. 22 of the Indiculus Superstitionum, see below, sec. 362. ftb17 The two Synods of Orange which we know do not treat of this subject. See vol. 3, sec. 162; and sec. 242 above. ftb18 Bishops Simplicius of Sanicium (Senez) and Hilary of Dinia (Digne) belonged, not to the province of Arles, but to that of Embrun. Cf. Gallia, Christiana, t. 3, pp. 1113 and 1252; and Wiltsch, Kirchl. Geographie u. Statistik, Bd. 1, S. 111. ftb19 Mansi, l.c. p. 701 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 327 sqq.; Bruns, l.c . pt. 2, p. 217. Cf. Remi Ceillier, t. 16, p. 774; Histoire litteraire de la France, t. 3, p. 263. ftb20 Cf. Gregor. Turon. Hist. Franc. lib. 4, c. 4; and Mansi, l.c. p. 742. ftb21 Gregor. Turon. De miraculis St. Martini, lib. 1, c. 32. ftb22 In the last line of this canon there stands in Mansi, l.c. p. 745, erroneously, praevignae instead of praecipimus. ftb23 The words of the canon, et hi qui eas rapere aut competere voluerint, etc., stand in the text at the wrong place. They belong to the first clause, before similiter. ftb24 Degeneres = bastards, the designation of slaves generally, as, according to Roman law, slaves could not contract marriages. ftb25 Functio = exsolutio tributorum , leitourgi>ai . Du Cange, Glossar. t. 3, p. 743. ftb26 Occursum impendant. Occursus = census. Cf. Du Cange, s.v. Occursus. ftb27 Mansi, l.c. p. 743 sqq.; Hardonin, t. 3, p. 338 sqq.; Sirmond, l.c. p. sqq.; Bruns, pt. 2, p. 219 sqq. Cf. Remi Ceillier, l.c. p. 775; Histoire litteraire de la France, t. 3, p. 264. ftb28 Mansi, t. 9, p. 763 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 343 sqq. Cf. sec. 226. ftb29 Libellus Synodicus, cc. 119 and 120, in Mansi, l.c. p. 766 sq.; Hardouin, t. 5, p. 1534. Cf. Pagi, Critica, ad ann. 563, n. 2 and 3. ftb30 Montalembert, Moines de l’occident, vol. 4; and Greith (bishop of S. Gallen), Geschichte der altirischen Kirche, S. 189. The author gave a short survey of the life and work of St. Columba in the Tubingen Theolog. Quartalschrift, 1867, S. 499 sqq. [An excellent monogram, Saint Columba, his Life and Work, by Rev. E. A. Cooke, M.A. Edinburgh 1893.] ftb31 Gregory of Tours speaks at large of this conversion, De miraculis St. Martini, lib. 1, c. 11. ftb32 That is, that from each divine Person again three personal powers have proceeded. ftb33 Mansi, t. 9. p. 777; Hardouin, t. 2, p. 1429, under the wrong address, Ad Eutherium. ftb34 The Priscillianists required that the bishop, in greeting, should say Pax vobis, the priest, Dominus vobiscum. Our Synod declares this to be an innovation, and so far with right, when the Priscillianists prescribed a difference between the greeting of the bishop and that of the priest. But the use of the Pax vobis is in itself no innovation; on the contrary, this was, in the early Church, the ordinary formula of greeting for bishops and priests, particularly in the East. The Dominus vobiscum seems to have first become universally prevalent when heathens and heretics were also allowed, without hindrance, to be present at divine service. The Pax vobis was then reserved for the faithful. Cf. Luft, Liturgik, Bd. 2, S. 76 and 77. ftb35 “Neque granos gentili ritu dimittant.” Du Cange (s.v. grani ) thinks that grani does not mean hair generally, but the beard. ftb36 Mansi, t. 9, p. 773 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 247 sqq.; Bruns, pt. 2, p. sqq.; Aguirre, Concilia Hispan. t. 2, p. 292 sqq. Best in the new collection of Spanish canons — “Coleccion de Canones de la iglesia espanola, por Don Francisco Ant. Gonzalez, con notas e illustraciones por D. Juan Tejada y Ramiro,” Madrid 1849, t. 2, p. 606 sqq. Cf. Remi Ceillier, l.c. p. 779; Mandernach, Gesch. des Priscillianismus, 1851, S. 72 sqq., and Ferreras, Gesch. von Spanien, Bd. 2, S. 252 sqq. ftb37 Printed in Sirmond, l.c. p. 319; Mansi, t. 9, p. 783; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 353. Gregory of Tours relates in detail that Heraclius, at his entrance, greeted the King with the words: “Salve, rex gloriose, sedes enim apostolica eminentiae tuae salutem mittit uberrimam.” The King answered: “Numquid Turonicam adiisti urbem, ut papae illius nobis salutem deferas?” To this Heraclius: “Pater Leontius tuus cum comprovincialibus episcopis salutem tibi mittit.” We see from this that at that time the metropolitan sees, as here Tours and Bordeaux, were called sedes apostolicae. Ruinant and, after him, the Abbe Migne have, in their editions of the works of Gregory, put Romanam instead of Turonicam, on the authority of a single codex; but certainly without right. Even in the expression papiae illius urbis their lies an indication that the Pope kat j ejxoch>n is not meant. ftb38 Mansi, t. 9, p. 786 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 354 sqq.; Sirmond, t. 1, p. 325 sqq.; Bruns, pt. 2, p. 222 sqq. ftb39 The Council of Carthage (Mileve) had, in canon 18, supposed the case, that a virgin takes the veil because some powerful person would compel her to marriage. This passage is repeated in our canon, which thus proceeds: “Excludatur excusationis inventio, quod propterea se veste mutaverit, ne eas inferiores personae macularent.” ftb40 Mansi, t. 9, p. 790 sqq.; Hardouin t. 3, p. 355 sqq.; Sirmond, l.c. p. 329 sqq.; Bruns, pt. 1, p. 224 sqq. Cf. Remi Ceilliar, t. 16, p. 784 sqq. ftb41 Mansi, l.c. p. 808; Hardouin, l.c. p. 367; Sirmond, l.c . p. 343. ftb42 Mansi, l.c. p. 810; Hardouin, l.c. p. 370; Sirmond, l.c . p. 345. ftb43 Garsias Loaisia, the earliest editor of the Spanish Councils (Cardinal Aguirre is about a century later), supposes that we should read instead of 607. In that case this Council would belong to the year 562. ftb44 Printed in Aguirre, Concil. Hispan. t. 2, p. 299 sqq.; Mansi, t. 9, p. sqq.; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 373 sqq. ftb45 Mansi, t. 9, p. 835; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 383; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 316; Bruns, pt. 2, p. 37. Given best in the new Coleccion de canones de la iglesia espanola, t. 2, p. 620 sqq. See above. ftb46 This collection of Martin’s is printed in Mansi, t. 9, p. 846 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 390 sqq.; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 325 sqq.; and in the Coleccion de canones, p. 631 sqq. ftb47 Mansi, t. 9, p. 865 sqq; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 462 sqq.; Sirmond, t. 1, p. 350 sqq. ftb48 Montalembert, Moines de l’ Occident, vol. 3. ftb49 Gregor. Turon. Hist. Franc. lib. 5, c. 19, printed in Mansi, t. 9, p. sq.; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 406; Sirmond, l.c . t. 1, p. 357. ftb50 Gregor. Turon. Hist. Franc. lib. 7, cc. 16 and 19. ftb51 Hist. de l’acad. des Inscript. t. 21, pp. 100-110. ftb52 Gregor. Turon. Hist. Franc. lib. 5, cc. 49 and 50. In Mansi, t. 9, p. 930; Hardouin, 3, p. 450; Sirmond, t. 1, p. 369; de Sauclieres, Conciles , 2, 514; Gousset, Actes de Reims , 1, 35. ftb53 This is related by Gregory of Tours, Hist. Franc. lib. 5, c. 28, and lib. 4, c. 43; Mansi, t. 9, p. 919; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 447; Sirmond, t. 1, p. 367. ftb54 Mansi, l.c. p. 921; Hardouin, l.c . p. 448. ftb55 Gregor. Turon. l.c . lib. 5, c. 37; Mansi, l.c. p. 922; Hardouin, l.c. p. 450. ftb56 Instead of praeter utilitatem, we must read propter, with the Codex regius B. ftb57 Cf. Mohler, on the abolition of slavery, in his collected writings, vol. 2, p. 119; and the author’s treatise on slavery in the Kirchenlexicon of Wetzer and Welte. ftb58 Mansi, t. 9, p. 931 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 450 sqq.; Sirmond, t. 1, p. 370 sqq.; Bruns, pt. 1, p. 242 sqq. ftb59 Mansi, t. 9, p. 941; Aguirre, Concil. Hisp. t. 2, p. 424. Cf. below, sec. 287. ftb60 Mansi, t. 9, p. 942; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 455; Sirmond, t. 1, p. 377; Bruns, l.c . p. 246. ftb61 On the first Synod of Valence, see sec. 242. ftb62 Mansi, t. 9, p. 946 sq., with the Adnotatio on p. 947; Hardouin, l.c . p. 458; Sirmond, l.c . p. 379. ftb63 This date appears from Gregor. Turon. lib. 8, cc. 1 and 7 and partly from the old superscriptions of the minutes. ftb64 Cf. Noris, Hist. Synodi quintae, c. 10, ed. Baller. t. 1, p. 784. ftb65 Mansi, t. 9, p. 947 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 459 sqq.; Sirmond, t. 1, p. 381 sqq.; Bruns, pt. 2, p. 248 sqq. ftb66 Gregor. Turon. Hist. Franc. lib. 8, c. 20. Cf. Fehr, Staat u. Kirche im Frankischen, Reiche, Wien 1869, S. 17 sq.; and Moy, Archiv fur Katholisches Kirchenrecht, Bd. 17, S. 214 f. ftb67 Mansi, Hardouin, Sirmond, ftb68 Mansi, t. 9, 13. 911; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 443; Sirmond, t. 1, p. 361; Bruns, pt. 2, p. 237. ftb69 Mansi, t. 9, p. 973. ftb70 In all the Collections of Councils, with the exception of Mansi’s (t. 9, p. 971), this Synod is passed over. ftb71 Evagrius, Hist. Eccl. lib. 4, c. 7; Gregor. M. Epist. lib. 5, indict, 13, Ep. 43, ed. Benedict. t. 2, p. 771. Cf. Pagi, ad ann. 588, n. 4-7; Mansi t. 9, p. 971. ftb72 On maranatha , cf. the Kirchenlexicon of Wetzer and Welte. On the addition of maranatha to anathema, see Kober, Kirchenbann , S. 40 f. ftb73 The ancient Church appointed only one single public penance, and, if any one after penance again fell into a gross sin he remained for ever excommunicated (see vol. 1, p. 139, c. 3; p. 140, c. 7; p. 157, c. 47, and p. 411). On the 11th and 12th canons of our Synod of Toledo, Cardinal Aguirre wrote several excellent dissertations in his collection of Spanish Councils, t. 2, p. 358 sqq. ftb74 Instead judicium, we should, with Gams, read judicibus. ftb75 Religiosus is here not merely monk, but cleric generally. Cf. c. 1 of Narbonne, sec. 288. ftb76 Mansi, t. 9, pp. 977-1010; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 467 sqq.; Aguirre, l.c . t. 2, p. 388 sq.; Bruns, pt. 1, pp. 210 and 393; Coleccion de Canones, etc., l.c. p. 256 sqq.; Dr. Gams deals extensively with the third Synod of Toledo in his Kirchengeschichte von Spanien, Bd. 2, Thl. 2, S. 6-16. ftb77 Mansi, t. 9, p. 1014; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 491; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 385; Bruns, pt. 2, p. 59; Coleccion de Canones, etc. p. 693 sq.; Gams, l.c. S. 16 19. ftb78 Mansi, t. 9, p. 1010; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 490. ftb79 Gregor. Turon. l.c. lib. 9, c. 41, lib. 10, cc. 16 and 19; Mansi, t. 9, p. 1011, t. 10, pp. 455 and 459; Hardouin, t. 3, pp. 490, 527, and 531. Cf. Montalembert, Moines de l’occident, vol. 2. ftb80 Photii Bibliotheca, Cod. 230, p. 285, ed. Bekkeri; Mansi, l.c. p. 1022; Photius writes by mistake: “In the seventh year of the Emperor Marctan,” instead of “the Emperor Maurice.” ftb81 Mansi, l.c . p. 1022; Pagi, ad. ann . 590, n. 5 (he treats of the year twice; but the passage quoted is found in his first treatment of this year). ftb82 Gregor. M. Epist. lib. 1, Epp. 19, 20, and lib. 2, Epp. 18 and 19; Mansi, t. 10, p. 470. ftb83 Gregor. Turon. l.c. lib. 10, c. 8; Mansi, t. 10, p. 454; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 527. ftb84 Mansi, t. 10, p. 450; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 522; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 390; Bruns, pt. 2, p. 62; Coleccion de Canones, etc. l.c. p. 661 sqq. Baronius thought that this synodal letter had been addressed to Pope Pelagius, which Cardinal Noris corrected (De Synodo V. cap. 9, sec. 4, p. 717, ed. Bailer.). ftb85 Cf. on this Synod, Gains, l.c . S. 19-22. ftb86 Mansi, t. 10, p. 471; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 534; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 414; Bruns, l.c . p. 64; Coleccion, de Canones, etc. t. 2, p. 119 sqq.; Gains, l.c. S. 22 f. ftb87 Mansi, t. 10, p. 475. ftb88 On the chronology, cf. Pagi, ad ann. 595, n. 4. ftb89 On titulos, and titulos ponere, and titulare cf. Gregor. M. Epist. lib. 1, Ep. 65; and Du Cange, s.v. titulus 1. ftb90 Mansi, t. 10, p. 478; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 535; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 416; Gams, l.c . S. 25 f. ftb91 Mansi, l.c. p. 479; Hardouin, l.c. p. 535; Aguirre, l.c. p. 417; Coleccion de Canones, etc. l.c. p. 699; Gams, l.c. S. 26. ftb92 Mansi, l.c . p. 482; Hardouin, l.c. p. 538; Aguirre, l.c . p. 418; Coleccion de Canones, l.c. 690 sqq.; Gams, l.c . S. 26 f. CHAPTER - ftb93 Cf. Note T of the Benedictines, at t. 2, p. 1299 of their edition of the works of Gregory the Great. ftb94 Gregor. Epist. lib. 11, Ep. 74, ed. Benedict. Former ed. 9, 69. ftb95 The synodal decree is found among the letters of Gregory the Great, in the Benedictine edition of his works, in the Appendix, t. 2, p. 1297; in the other editions, Epist. lib. 9, Ep. 22. ftb96 Gregor. M. Opp . ed. Bened. t. 2, p. 1294, No. 7 of the Appendix ad epist. In other editions, Epist. lib. 4, Ep. 44. In Mansi, t. 10, p. sqq.; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 538. ftb97 A strongly anti-papal speech, which the abbot of Bangor is said to have delivered at this Synod, is a mere invention. ftb98 Beda Venerabilis, Hist. Anglorum, lib. 2, c. 2, printed in Mansi, t. 10, p. 491; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 539. Cf. Schrodl, Das erste Jarhrhundert der englischen Kirche, S. 29 ff.; Lingard, Antiquities of the English Church; Montalembert, Moines de l’occident, vol. 3. ftb99 Acta Sanctor. ed. Bolland. ad diem 2 Augusti, p. 171; Mansi, t. 10, p. 486. ftb100 3 Gregor. M. Epist. lib. 11, Epp. 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63. ftb101 4 Mansi, t. 10, p. 483 sqq.; Mabillon, Annales Benedict. t. 1, p. 233. Cf. the author’s essay, Einfiuhrung des Christenthums im Sudwestlichen Deutschland, etc. S. 268; Montalembert, l.c. vol. 2; Greith, Altirisch Kirche, S. 267, 296 ff. and 300 ff. ftb102 Fredegari, Chronicum ad ann. 603 and 605, as Appendix to Gregor. Turon. Hist. Franc. ad Migne, pp. 618 and 622. In Mansi, t. 10, p. 494; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 542. ftb103 Mansi, t. 10, p. 495 sqq. ftb104 Mansi, t. 10, p. 502. ftb105 We have no further details of this Synod. Baronius supposes (ad ann. 610, n. 10 and 11) that Mellitus of London had gone to Rome to receive confirmation of the miracle which had occurred at the consecration of Westminster Abbey. After King Sabareth of Essex built this abbey on the west side of the city of London, during the night it is said that St. Peter came down from heaven and consecrated it. Cf. Montalembert, l.c. vol. 3. ftb106 The Acts in Mansi, t. 10, p. 503; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 543. ftb107 Mansi, t. 10, p. 507 sqq. with his adnotatio critica, p. 511; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 546; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 433 sqq. The latter and Mansi (l.c. ) give, after these Acts, also the treatise of Garsias Loaisa on the primacy of the Church of Toledo. Besides this, Aguirre printed an essay on the primacy of Toledo from the famous work of Thomasius, Vetus et nova ecclesiae discipl. de beneficiis , pt. 1, lib. 1, c. 38. Gams treats of this Synod, l.c. S. 71 ff. ftb108 Mansi, t. 10, p. 531; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 550; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 457. Coleccion de Canones, l.c. p. 701. Aguirre and Mansi give also the dissertation by Baluze. Gams treats of the Synod of Egara, l.c. S. 66 f. ftb109 According to this, Trier and Coln [Treves and Cologne] were then metropolitan churches, but they had lost this dignity again at the time of St. Boniface. On the bishops present in Paris, A.D. 614, and their sees, Professor Friedrich treated fully, l.c. S. 17 sqq. ftb110 Before regnorum we should insert in , from which the various reading interregnorum has originated. ftb111 Mansi, t. 10, p. 539 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 551 sqq.; Sirmond, t. 1, p. 470 sqq.; Pertz, Monum. Germ. Hist, t. 3; Legum, t. 1, p. 14 sq.; Friedrich, Drei unedirten Synoden, etc., Bamberg 1867. According to Maassen’s remark, Amort printed (A. D. 1757) the complete Acts of this Synod in his Elementia juris canon. t. 2; but no one knew them. Maassen, Zwei Synoden unter K. Childerich II., Gratz 1867. I have not had access to Amort’s work. ftb112 Mansi, t. 10, p. 546; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 555. ftb113 Mansi, t. 10, p. 546. ftb114 Related by Ven. Bede, Hist. Angl. 2, 5. In Mansi, t. 10, p. 555. Cf. Schrodl, l.c . S. 55. ftb115 Mansi, t. 10, p. 555 sq.; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 558 sq.; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 462 sq.; Coleccion de Canones, etc. l.c. p. 666 sq.; Gams, l.c. S. 85- 90. Cf. Pagi, ad. ann. 619, n. 2. ftb116 Mansi, t. 10, p. 571. ftb117 On the Synod of Garin, Assemani wrote a dissertation (Biblioth. juris orientalis., t. 4, p. 12, and t. 5, p. 207 sq.). ftb118 Printed in Mansi, t. 10, p. 587; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 570; Sirmond, t. 1, p. 477; Montalembert, l.c . t. 2; Greith Die altirische Kirche, S. 296. ftb119 Hi, quos publicus census spectat = those who are bound to serve the State with their goods or with their person. Cf. Du Cange, s.v. census regalis and consiles homines. ftb120 Repetition of c. 6 of Agde, sec. 222. ftb121 Flodoard, Hist. Ecclesiastes Rhemensis, lib. 2, c. 5, printed in Mansi, t. 10, p. 591 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 750 sqq.; Sirmond, t. 1, p. sqq.; Bruns, pt. 2, p. 261 sqq.; and in the fine work, Les Actes de la Province ecclesiastique de Reims, by Cardinal Gousset, Reims 1842, t. 1, p. 37 sqq. ftb122 Montalembert, Moines de l’occident, vol. 4; Pagi, ad ann. 633, n. 26, 27; Mansi, t. 10, p. 611. ftb123 The Spanish national Councils are often called universalia. See vol. 1, p. 78. ftb124 Instead of Nona Decembris, we should read Nonis Decembris. Cf. Mansi, t. 10, p. 469. Ferreras, Geschichte von Spanien, Bd. 2, S. 367, supposes that the Synod, on account of its numerous decrees, must have extended into the year 634. ftb125 Their creed runs thus: “Secundum divinas scripturas doctrinamque, quam a St. Patribus accepimus (tradition), Patrem, et Filium, et Spiritum Sanctum unius deitatis atque substantiae confitemur, in personarum diversitate Trinitatem credentes, in divinitate unitatem praedicantes, nec personas confundimus, nec substantiam separamus. Patrem a nullo factum vel genitum dicimus, Filium a Patre non factum, sed genitum asserimus, Spiritum vero sanctum nec creatum nec genitum, sed procedentem ex Patre et Filio profitemur. Ipsum autem Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, Dei Filium, et Creatorem omnium, ex substantia Patris ante saecula genitum, descendisse ultimo tempore pro redemptione mundi a Patre, qui nunquam desiit esse cum Patre. Incarnatus est enim ex Spiritu Sancto et sancta gloriosa Dei genitrice origine Maria, et natus ex ipsa, solus autem Dominus Jesus Christus, unus de Sancta Trinitate, anima et carne perfectum, sine peccato, suscipiens hominem (‘humanam naturam,’ would be more exact. Cf. St. Thomas, Summa, pt. 3, quaest. 4, art. 3), manens quod erat, assumens quod non erat, aequalis Patri secundum divinitatem, minor Patre secundum humanitatem, habens in una persona duarum naturarum proprietatem; naturae enim in Illo duae, Deus et homo, non antem duo Filii, et Dei duo, sed idem una persona in utraque natura, perferens passionem et mortem pro nostra salute, non in virtute divinitatis, sed infirmitate humanitatis. Descendit ad inferos, ut sanctos qui ibidem tenebantur erueret; devictoque mortis imperio resurrexit; assumptus deinde in coelum, venturus est in futurum ad judicium vivorum et mortuorum; cujus nos morte et sanguine mundati remissimem peccatorum consecuti sumus; resuscitandi ab eo in die novissima, in ea qua nunc vivimus carne, et in ea qua resurrexit idem dominus forma, percepturi ab ipso alii pro justitiae meritis vitam eternam, alii pro peccatis supplicii aeterni sententiam.” ftb126 Gams, l.c . S. 92, contests the opinion that the Mozarabic Liturgy was established in Spain by this canon. The canon does not order the introduction of a new liturgy, but simply that the liturgy which exists in the greatest part of the West Gothic kingdom is to be carried out in the remaining parts. ftb127 Under Laudes we are to understand the versicle with Alleluia, which, in the Mozarabic Liturgy, follows immediately after the Gospel, whilst that and the Apostolus (Epistle) are separated only by Amen. ftb128 This was no reordinatio, but a restitutio. Cf. J. Hergenrother, Die Reordinationen der alten Kirche, in the Austrian Vierteljahrschrift fur Kath. Theol. 1862, S. 207 ff. ftb129 Several MSS. read filios vel filias baptizatos; and this is certainly correct. Only the already baptized Jewish children are to be separated from their parents. Others, e.g. Richard in his Analysis Concil. t. 1, p. 620, and Roisselet de Sauclieres in his Histoire des Conciles, t. 3, p. 21, supplied, after Judaeorum, the word apostatarum; but (a ) c. decided what was to be done with children of apostate Jews; and, besides, (b ) this suggestion has no MS. authority. ftb130 Mansi has dum instead of duo. ftb194 King Suinthila had subjected the Vasconians (Basques), and annihilated the remains of the Byzantine power over Spain, so that, through him, the Gothic kingdom increased in extent and strength. But after some time he became a cruel tyrant, so that he had many executed, only that he might lay hold of their property. An insurrection broke out, and at the head of the insurgents stood Sisenand, governor of Narbonensian Gaul. Supported by Dagobert the Great, King of the Franks, he fitted out an army. All fell away from Suinthila. To save his life he laid down his crown and scepter, and Sisenand was proclaimed King at Toledo. ftb195 Mansi, t. 10, pp. 611-650; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 575 sqq.; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 477 sqq.; Bruns, pt. 1, p. 220 sqq.; Coleccion de Canones, etc. t. 2, p. 261 sqq.; Gams, l.c . S. 90-101; cf. Florez, Espana Sagrada, t. 6, p. 160. ftb196 As the edict of the King which followed upon the Synod is dated June 30, 636, the Synod would have been held about the end of June. ftb197 The bishops present belonged to the ecclesiastical provinces of Toledo (the majority), Tarragona, Narbonne, and Emerita. Of those belonging to Seville and Bracara, none was present. Only one Metropolitan, that of Toledo, was personally present. ftb198 Mansi, t. 10, p. 654; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 598; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 507; Bruns, pt. 1, p. 245, and Coleccion de Canones, etc. t. 2, p. 318 sqq.; Gams, l.c. S. 49 f. ftb199 There was then, as afterwards, a special chorus conversorum in the churches. Cf. Du Cange, s.v. ftb200 So I explain the difficult passage = antequam ex consensu ad continentiam eorum fuerit regressus. Remi Ceillier and other expositors have omitted the passage. ftb201 Mansi, t. 10, p. 659; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 602; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 512; Bruns, pt. 1, p. 249; Coleccion de Canones, etc. t. 2, p. 324 sqq.; Gams, l.c . S. 121 ff. ftb202 Mansi, t. 10, p. 1190; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 948; Sirmond, t. 1, p. 489; Bruns, pt. 2, p. 265. ftb203 I believe that we have here unfolded the full sense of this great and difficult Capitulum. The other expositors, as Remi Ceillier, Florez, Ferreras, etc., have taken only one or another part of the whole. ftb204 The Romans allowed only virgins and not widows to wear the veil. Cf. Gelasii Papae Epist . 5, cc. 12 and 13, in Hardouin, t. 2, p. 901. The prohibition of the veil for widows does not seem to have generally prevailed in France and Spain earlier than the ninth century. Cf. the Synod at Tours, A.D. 813. This prohibition was enforced at the Synod of Paris, A.D. 829. ftb205 Mansi, t. 10, p. 1199; Hardouin, t. 6, pt. 1, p. 206; Bruns, pt. 2, p. 268. ftb206 In the old superscription of the minutes it is said of this Council: Est provinciale. This is incorrect. ftb207 Mansi, t. 10, p. 1206 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 952 sqq.; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 538 sqq.; Bruns, pt. 1, p. 265 sqq.; Coleccion de Canones, t. 2, p. sqq.; Florez, l.c. p. 185; Gams, l.c. S. 126 ff. ftb208 Mansi, t. 11, p. 23; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 972; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 573; Gonzalez, Coleccion de Canones, etc. t. 2, p. 191; Gams, S. 128 sqq.; Bruns, 1, 29. ftb209 Mansi, t. 11, p. 31; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 977; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 579; Collectio can. eccl. Hisp. p. 455; Coleccion de Canones, etc. l.c . p. 405 sqq.; Florez, l.c. p. 195; Gams, l.c. S. 131 sq. ftb210 Mansi, t. 11, p. 62 sqq.; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 985 sqq.; Le Cointe, Annales eccl. Franc. t. 3, p. 375. Cf. sec. 290, Synod of Clichy. ftb211 Mansi, t. 11, p. 59. ftb212 Mansi, t. 11, p. 118. ftb213 Mansi, t. 11, p. 59; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 985; Sirmond, t. 1, p. 495. ftb214 Hardouin, t. 6, pt. 1, p. 458; Mansi, t. 18, p. 166 sqq. ftb215 Beda, Hist. Angl. lib. 3, c. 28; printed in Mansi, t. 11, p. 67; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 994. Cf. Montalembert, l.c. vol. 4; Schrodl, Das erste Jahrhundert der englishen Kirche, S. 117 ff. ftb216 Four bishoprics, Coimbra, Lamego, Viseo, and Egitania, which were in Galicia, are said to have then been given back to the Lusitanian province. When later, in the Middle Ages, Compostella became a metropolis and inherited the rights of Emerita, Archbishop Peter of Compostella made a claim upon those four bishoprics, and fell into a controversy on the subject with the archbishop of Braga. He appealed also to the Synod of Emerita. The archbishop of Braga, on the contrary, depreciated the importance of the Synod, and found fault, among other things, and justly, with its Latinity. In the principal matter the archbishop of Compostella prevailed, by the decision of Pope Innocent III. Cf. the letter of the latter to Peter of Compostella, in Mansi, t. 11, p. 90 sqq. ftb217 The primiclerus, also primicerius, is the superintendent of the inferior clergy, the subdeacons included, as the archdeacon is the first among the deacons. Cf. Thomassin, De nova et veteri etc. pt. 1, lib. 2, c. 103. ftb218 The addition, cui sua plenissime sufficere possunt, is obscure. Loaisa supposed that we ought to read non possunt, i.e. that the bishop who has not sufficient income may take a third part from the rural churches. This would agree with the ordinance of Carpentras (sec. 239). Cf. Corp. jur. can. 2 and 3, C. 10, q. 3; also Toledo 9, c. 6, sec. 290; and below, Toledo 16, c. 5. ftb219 Mansi, t. 11, p. 75; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 998; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 625; Collectio can. eccl. Hisp, p. 666; Gonzalez, Coleccion, etc. t. 2, p. sqq.; Gams, Kircheng. von Spaniem, Bd. 2, Thl. 2, S. 138-143; Bruns, 2, 84. ftb220 Cf. Vitaliani Ep. ad Paulum Cretensem, in Mansi, t. 11, pp. 16 and 99. ftb221 Mansi, t. 11, p. 115; Binterim, Gesch. der deutschen Concilien, Bd. 1, S. 407. ftb222 Mansi, t. 11, pp. 123 and 163; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 1014; Mabillon, Annales Bened. t. 1, p. 541, and De Re diplom. p. 469. ftb223 Mansi, t. 11, p. 127; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 1015. Of. Montalembert, l.c. vols. 4 and 5; Schrodl, l.c. S. 158. ftb224 The well-known B. Bonosus of Sardica, who denied the perpetual virginity of Mary, is said to have also doubted the doctrine of the Godhead of Christ, and to have maintained that Christ, in His Godhead, was only adoptive Son of God. This would be the direct opposite of the so-called adoptianism, which declared Christ to be merely adoptive Son after His human nature. And, in fact, the Adoptians were conscious of their abrupt antagonism to the Bonosians. See below, sec. 390. Cf. Walch, Ketzerhist. Bd. 3, S. 613 sq. ftb225 The text has praemia voluntarie oblata, not nisi voluntarie oblata. In that case even voluntary gifts were not allowed to be received. Other Spanish Synods allowed, however, the acceptance of voluntary gifts. ftb226 Mansi, t. 11, p. 130; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 1018; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 660; Coll. can. eccl. Hisp, p. 467; Bruns, pt. 1, p. 305; Coleccion de Canones, etc., l.c . p. 430 sqq. Cf. Gams, l.c. S. 161-165. ftb227 Cf. Wiltsch, Kirchl. Geographie u. Statistik, Bd. 1, S. 288; Pagi, ad ann. 675, n. 2, 3. ftb228 Galicia and Asturia produced no wine. ftb229 Mansi, t. 11, p. 154; Hardouin, t. 3, p. 1031; Aguirre, t. 2, p. 675; Coll. can. eccl. Hisp. p. 630; Bruns, pt. 2, p. 96. Best in the new Coleccion de Canones, Madrid, 1849, pt. 2, p. 652 sqq.; Gams, l.c . S. 165 f. ftb230 Mansi, t. 11, p. 179 sqq., and Hardouin, t. 3, p. 1038 sqq., where there are two accounts of this Synod. Cf. Monttalembert, l.c. vol. 4; Schrodl, S. 174; Lingard, l.c. ftb231 Cf. his subscription of the letter of this Synod in Mansi, t. 11, p. 306, and Hardouin, t. 3, p. 1131; and the notice in Mansi, p. 184, and Hardouin, p. 1044, where it is said that he had been present at the Council of 150 (instead of 125) bishops. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - CHURCH COUNCILS INDEX & SEARCH
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