PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() BOOK 15 THE MONOTHELITE CONTROVERSIES AND THE SIXTH OECUMENICAL SYNOD. CHAPTER - THE OCCURRENCES BEFORE THE SIXTH OECUMENICAL SYNOD. Sec. 291. Rise of the Monothelite Heresy Sec. 292. Synod at Constantinople, A.D. 626, and Transactions at Hierapolis, A.D. Sec. 293. Cyrus of Alexandria unites the Monophysites Sec. 294. Sophronius comes to the defense of Dyothelitism Sec. 295. The seeming Juste Milieu of Sergius. He writes to Pope Honorius Sec. 296. First Letter of Pope Honorius in the Monothelite Affair Sec. 297. Synod at Jerusalem, A.D. 634, and Synodal Letter of the Patriarch Sophronius Sec. 298. Second Letter of Honorius. His Orthodoxy Sec. 299. The Ecthesis of the Emperor Heraclius, A.D. Sec. 300. Two Synods at Constantinople, A.D. 638 and 639. Adoption of the Ecthesis Sec. 301. Death of Pope Honorius. The Ecthesis is rejected at Rome Sec. 302. The Synods of Orleans and Cyprus. Pope Theodore Sec. 303. Abbot Maximus and his Disputation with Pyrrhus Sec. 304. African and Roman Synods for the Condemnation of Monothelitism Sec.·305 . Paul of Constantinople writes to Pope Theodore Sec. 306. The Typus Sec. 307. Pope Martin I and the Lateran Synod of A.D. Sec. 308. Letters of Pope Martin I Sec. 309. Pope Martin I becomes a Martyr for Dyothelitism Sec. 310. Abbot Maximus and his Disciples become Martyrs. The Doctrine of Three Wills Sec. 311 . Pope Vitalian CHAPTER - THE SIXTH OECUMENICAL SYNOD. Sec. 312. The Emperor Constantine Pogonatus wishes for a Great Conference of Easterns and Westerns Sec. 313. Western Preparatory Synods, especially at Rome, A.D. 680, Sec. 314. The Deputies from Rome and the Letters with which they were furnished Sec. 315. First Session of the Sixth Oecumenical Synod Sec. 316. From the Second to the Seventh Session Sec. 317. The Eighth Session Sec. 318 . Ninth and Tenth Sessions Sec. 319. Eleventh and Twelfth Sessions Sec. 320. Thirteenth Session Sec. 321. From the Fourteenth to the Seventeenth Session Sec. 322. The Eighteenth Session Sec. 323. The Pope and the Emperor confirm the Sixth Oecumenical Synod Sec. 324. The Anathema on Pope Honorius, and the Genuineness of the Acts of the Sixth Oecumenical Council BOOK THE TIME FROM THE END OF THE SIXTH OECUMENICAL COUNCIL TO THE BEGINNING OF THE DISPUTE RESPECTING IMAGES. Sec. 325. The Synods between A.D. 680 and Sec. 326. Examination of the Acts of the Sixth Oecumenical Council Sec. 327. The Quinisext or Trullan Synod, A.D. Sec. 328. Judgment of Rome on the Trullan Canons Sec. 329. The last Synods of the Seventh Century Sec. 330 . The Western Synods in the First Quarter of the Eighth Century Sec. 331. In the East, Monothelitism is renewed and again suppressed BOOK THE CONTROVERSY ABOUT IMAGES AND THE SEVENTH OECUMENICAL SYNOD. CHAPTER - HISTORY OF THE CONTROVERSY ABOUT IMAGES UP TO THE CONVOCATION OF THE SEVENTH OECUMENICAL SYNOD. Sec. 332. Origin of the Controversy about Images Sec. 333. The first Synods in the Controversy about Images Sec. 334. John of Damascus Sec. 335. The Emperor Constantine Copronymus Sec. 336. The Mock-Synod at Constantinople, A.D. Sec. 337 . Carrying out of the Synodal Decrees. Abbot Stephen Sec. 338. The States of the Church threatened from the beginning by the Greeks Sec. 339. The Cruelties of the Emperor Constantine Copronymus Sec. 340. Three Patriarchs in the East are in favor of the Images Sec. 341. The Franks and the Synod of Gentilly, A.D. Sec. 342. Contests for the Holy See Sec. 343 . The Lateran Synod, A.D. Sec. 344. The Emperor Leo IV. CHAPTER - THE SEVENTH OECUMENICAL SYNOD AT NICAEA, a.d. 787. Sec. 345. The Empress Irene makes Preparations for the Convocation of an Oecumenical Synod Sec. 346. The First Attempt at the holding of an Oecumenical Synod Miscarries Sec. 347. Convocation of the Synod of Nicaea Sec. 348. The First Session of Nicaea Sec. 349. The Second Session Sec. 350. The Third Session Sec. 351. The Fourth Session Sec. 352. The Fifth Session Sec. 353. The Sixth Session Sec. 354. The Seventh Session Sec. 355. The Eighth Session Sec. 356. The Canons of the Seventh Oecumenical Synod Sec. 357. The rest of the Synodal Acts Sec. 358. Sketch of the Occurrences in the East until the beginning of the Reign of Leo the Armenian POSTSCRIPT ON THE ICONOCLASTIC cONTROVERSY APPENDIX. Corrections and Additions to the First Volume of the History of the Councils , taken from the Second German Edition; Errata to Volume Alphabetical List of the Synods GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - CHURCH COUNCILS INDEX & SEARCH
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