Importance of the Westminster Assembly,
Quarrel between Henry VIII and the Pope,
Cranmers Suggestion, Henry styled Supreme Head of the Church, Effects of the Power thus assumed, Six articles of Religious Agreement, Reformation promoted by Edward VI., The Liturgy and Book of Ordinations, Hooper refuses the Episcopal Vestments,
Articles of Religion,
Bloody Mary and Persecution,
Frankfort Troubles
Contests about Ceremonies,
Queen Elizabeth
Act of Supremacy,
Renewed Contests about Vestments and Ceremonies,
Close of Reforming Period,
General View of the Grounds of Controversy between the
Court Divines and the Reforming Party,
Despotic Injunction of the Queen,
Suspension of those who refused to Conform, and who, wishing greater Purity, were now called Puritans,
Remonstrances of Foreign Churches,
The Puritans begin to form a separate Body,
Chief Differences between them and the Church, Their first Communion interrupted,
Parliament attempts to interpose, but in vain,
State of Religion in England,
Associations for Worship, Discipline, Prophesyings,
Cartwright and Whitgift,
Presbytery constituted in England,
Grindal interposes, but in vain,
Puritan Writings prohibited,
Rise of the Brownists,
Whitgifts Articles
High Commission,
Bancrofts Theory of jure divino Prelacy,
The Martin Mar- Prelate Tracts,
Attempt of Parliament to interfere
Suffering of Puritans,
Controversy on Sabbath-keeping,
Growth of Arminianism among the Prelatists,
King James
The Millenary Petition,
Hampton Court Conference,
Bancroft and the High Commission,
Civil Liberty manifestly endangered, Rise of the Independents, or Congregationalists, The Kings Book of Sports,
The Kings Despotism begins to rouse Parliament,
Acession of Charles I,
Despotic Principles of the High Church Party,
The Parliament begins to defend Liberty, Civil and Religious,
The Book of Sports revived,
Continued Contest between the King and Parliament,
Lauds cruel Treatment of Leighton, Burton, Bastwick, and Prynne,
Hampden and the Ship-money Tax,
The Emigration of Hampden and Cromwell prohibited,
Laud reaches the Climax of Prelatic Usurpation,
Abortive attempts to force Prelacy on Scotland, The Long Parliament called
Its vigorous measures,
Laud and the Earl of Strafford impeached,
Prelatic Controversy
Parliament declares its own sittings permanent,
Protestation of Parliament,
The King in Scotland,
Remonstrance of the House of Commons,
Impeachment of the Bishops,
The King attempts to seize the five Members, and then leaves London,
The Royal Standard raised at Nottingham,
Bill for the Abolition of Prelacy,
Ordinance calling the Assembly of Divines,
Outline of Scottish Affairs,
Reflections suggested by the preceding Narrative,
List of the Assembly of Divines,
First Meeting of the Assembly
its Theory,
General Regulations of the Assembly,
Baillies Account of its Order of Procedure,
Prelatic Members of Assembly,
Fasts and Sermons of the Assembly,
Intercourse with the Church of Scotland,
Deliberations respecting a League, or Covenant,
Remarks concerning it,
Parties in the Westminster Assembly,
Remarks concerning these Parties,
The Scottish Commissioners to the Assembly,
Characters of Henderson, Gillespie, Rutherford, and Bailie,
Numerous Sects in England,
Causes of these numerous Sects,
Effects on the Assembly and the Kingdom,
Political Independents
Order to frame a Directory of Worship,
Deliberations concerning the Office bearers in the Church
Concerning the Pastors and Teachers, or Doctors,
Concerning Ruling Elders,
Concerning Deacons,
Suggestions respecting the Supply of Vacant Charges,
The Subject of Ordination introduced,
The Struggle between the Parties begun,
Proposition of the Independents concerning Ordination,
Consent of the Congregation to, or Election of the Pastor,
Alterations made by the Parliament in the doctrinal part of Ordination successfully resisted by the Assembly,
Directory for Public Worship,
Form of Church Government and Discipline,
Opposition made by the Independents,
Their Apologetical Narration
Answers to that Work
Remarks on the Independent Controversy,
The arguments on both sides stated,
Admission of a close Approximation,
Many Congregations under one Presbytery debated,
Remarkable Debate between Selden and Gillespie,
Nyes Argument against Presbytery censured,
Admissions by the Independents,
Committee of Accommodation,
Proceedings of that Committee,
Debate on Congregational Ordination,
Suspension from Sacraments, and Excommunication,
Reasons of Dissent by the Independents,
Independents requested to state their own Model,
They decline, and publish A Copy of a Remonstrance,
Answer to this by the Assembly,
Committee of Accommodation revived
Remarks on this Controversy and its Consequences,
Preliminary Remarks on the Erastian Theory,
Seldens Hint respecting Excommunication,
His Argument on Corinthians 5:4,
Seldens Argument on Matthew 18:15-18, Answered by Gillespie,
Whitelockes Argument and Suggestion on Divine Right,
Firmness of the Assembly
Whitelocke and the jus divinum Claim in Parliament,
Conduct of Parliament on the Suspending of Ignorant and Scandalous Persons from that Lords Table,
Seldens Argument on that subject,
Whitelockes Argument,
Remarks on these Arguments,
Ordinance upon Suspension, etc.
Erastian Clause,
Petitions from London and the City Ministers,
Ordinance for the Choice of Elders
Erastian Clause,
Remonstrance of the Scottish Parliamentary Commissioners,
Haughty Conduct of the English Parliament,
Petition of the Assembly
How received,
The Parliaments jus divinum Questions,
The Assemblys Deliverance on the essential element of the Controversy
Firmness of the Assembly,
The Assembly prepares Answers to these Questions,
The jus divinum Treatise by the City Ministers,
Outline of Political Events,
The King Retires to the Scottish Army
Altered tone of Parliament,
Erastian Clause Removed from the Ordinance for the choice of Elders and erection of Presbyteries,
The King in the Scottish Army
Vindication of Scotland from the Accusation of having Sold the King
True state of the matter,
Removal of obstructions, and erection of Presbyteries and Synods,
Negotiations with the King
Votes of Parliament concerning Church Government and Toleration,
Not the slightest Erastian modification admitted,
Presented to Parliament
Scripture Proofs required,
How far Ratified by Parliament
What alterations suggested
What topics recommitted
Literature of the Erastian Controversy,
Theories of different shades of Erastianism,
Colemans Sermon,
Gillespies Brotherly Examination,
Controversy between Coleman and Gillespie,
Gillespies Aarons Rod Blossoming
Rutherfords Divine Right of Church Government,
Treatise by Apollonius,
Concluding Remarks on Erastianism,
Inquiry concerning the Authorship of the Catechisms,
Departure of the Scottish Commissioners,
Dissolution of the Assembly, Ratification of the Westminster Assemblys productions by the Church of Scotland, with Explanations,
Outline of Subsequent Events in England,
Usurpations of the Army and Cromwell,
The King in the Isle of Wight
Death of Charles I,
Dissolution of the Long Parliament and the Westminster Assembly,
The Engagement
Ejection of Presbyterians,
Committee of Triers, The Independents in Power
The Savoy Confession,
Death of Cromwell
Restoration of Charles II,
Prelacy restored
The Savoy Conference,
The Act of Uniformity
Two Thousand Presbyterian Ministers Ejected on St. Bartholomews Day,
Divines of the Westminster Assembly Ejected,
Retrospective View of the whole subject,
Main object of the Westminster Assembly,
Advantages of Religious Uniformity,
Effects of the Assembly
On Universities,
On Theological Literature,
On the State of Education in England,
State of the Army,
On Religious Toleration,
Its True Nature intimated,
Liberty of Conscience,
How Misunderstood by both Parties,
Unlimited Toleration not granted by the Independents when in Power,
Opinions of the Early Reformers
of the Church of Scotland
of the Westminster Assembly,
Fundamental Principles of Faith by the Independents,
Great Idea of a General Protestant Union entertained by the Westminster Assembly,
Church Government,
Directory of Public Worship,
Confession of Faith,
Objections against Confessions answered,
What a Confession of Faith really is,
Comprehensiveness and Accuracy as a system,
Relation to Church History,
Precision of Thought and Language,
Statement of Co-ordinate Jurisdictions,
True Liberty of Conscience,
Plan of the Confession,
The Catechisms,
Anecdote of Gillespie, Relation of the Confession to the idea of a General Protestant Union,
Coincidences between the period of the Westminster Assembly and the present times,
Protestant Union yet Attainable,
APPENDIX 1. Religious Uniformity Recommended by the Scottish Commissioners in 1640-41
Their Views, 2. Extracts from Gillespies Manuscripts; and Extracts on Election of Ministers,3. Ordinance about Suspension, etc., 4. Ordinance for the Choice of Elders,5. Biographical Notices of the Scottish Commissioners
1. Henderson, 2. Rutherford, 3. Baillie, 4. Gillespie, 5. Warriston, 6. Lauderdale, 6. Philip Nye and Religious Liberty,