PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() byRev A. M. Hills To the Students of the Words, Works and Ways of God: HOLINESS AND POWER By Rev. A. M. HILLS, Minister and Evangelist in the Congregational Church It treats of the Disease of the Modern Church — The Remedy — How to Obtain the Blessing — The Baptism with the Spirit — Results of Obtaining It WITNESSES TO ITS WORTH: N. Y. Christian Advocate — “It is a strong, forceful, earnest presentation of great truths, too often misunderstood and neglected.” Western Christian Advocate — “Mr. Hills is eminently Christian in spirit, and deals with the great subject earnestly and forcefully.” St. Louis Christian Advocate — “As a historical reference book on the subject it has marked value.” Religious Telescope — “Those desiring additional light on this subject will do well to procure and read this book.” Revivalist, of Cincinnati — “It is able, original, forceful and convincing — a battery of guns that can not be spiked or captured. It isONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE ADDITIONS TO THE HOLINESS LITERATURE OF THE PRESENT DAY.” Way of Faith, Columbia, S. C. — “One of the best treatises we have seen on the subject of experimental and practical holiness. In fulness of treatment, in clearness of presentation, in freedom from dogmatism, in simplicity of style, in kindly reference to those who differ from the author and in spiritual unction, it is equal to, if it does not surpass, the best hooks we have read. The author has forged his book on the anvil of Scripture Statement confirmed by his own clear blessed experience. We wish for it a large circulation.” Rev. G. F. Oliver, Presiding Elder, M. E. Church read the book and was so profoundly impressed by it that he bought twenty-four copies to give to the ministers on his district, and writes that one of them entered into the experience it magnifies within twenty-four hours after reading it. BOOKS AND AUTHORS REFERRED TO IN THIS VOLUME 1. “Autobiography,” by Asa Mahan, D. D., LL., D. 2. “Baptism of the Holy Ghost,” by Asa Mahan, D. D., LL., D. 3. “Love Enthroned,” by Rev. Daniel Steele, D. D. 4. “Half Hours with St. Paul,” by Rev. Daniel Steele, D. D. 5. “Defence of Christian Perfection,” by Rev. Daniel Steele. D. D. 6. “Perfect Love,” by Rev. J. A. Wood. 7. “Christian Perfection as Taught by Wesley,” by Rev. J. A. Wood. 8. “Possibilities of Grace,” by Rev. Asbury Lowrey, D. D. 9. “Forty Witnesses,” by Rev. S. Olin Garrison. 10. “Secret Power,” by D. L. Moody. 11. “Ministry of the Spirit,” by Rev. A. J. Gordon, D. D. 12. “Sanctification,” by Rev. B. Carradine, D. D. 13. “Pentecostal Papers,” by Rev. S. A. Keen, D. D. 14. “Faith Papers,” By Rev. S. A. Keen, D. D. 15. “Central Idea of Christianity,” by Jesse T. Peck, D. D. 16. “Saved to the Uttermost,” by Rev. W. McDonald, D. D. 17. “How They Grow,” by Rev. Isaiah Reid. 18. “The Holy Way,” by Rev. Isaiah Reid. 19. “Infancy to Manhood,” by Bishop Wm. Taylor, D. D., LL. D 20. “Old Corn,” by David B. Updegraff. 21. “From Elim to Carmel,” by William Jones, D. D., LL. D 22. “The Inheritance Restored,” by Rev. M. L. Haney, Evan. 23. “Wholly Sanctified,” by Rev. A. B. Simpson. 24. “Center and Circle of Religion,” by Rev. Richard Pool. 25. “Holiness Readings,” by Salvation Army. 26. “Aggressive Christianity,” by Mrs. Catherine Booth. 27. “Godliness,” by Mrs. Catherine Booth. 28. “Spiritual Life,” by Andrew Murray. 29. “Theology of Godliness,” by Rev. Dougan Clark, D. D. 30. “Tracts,” by F. B. Meyer. 31. “Holiness Acceptable to God,” by Rev. John Morgan, D. D. 32. “The Rest of Faith,” by Rev. Sheridan Baker. D. D. 33. “Power from on High,” by Rev. B. F. Mills. 34. “The Double Cure,” by Camp Meeting Preachers. 35. “The Angel and the Vision,” by Rev. W. D. Gray. 36. “Everybody’s Book,” by George Quinan. 37. “Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life,” by Hannah W. Smith. 38. “Christian Purity,” by Bishop R. S. Foster, D. D.. LL. D. 39. “Aspects of Christian Experience,” by Bishop Merrill. D. D.. L.L. D. 40. “Addresses,” by Torrey. 41. “Love Abounding,” by Rev. George D. Watson, D. D. 42. “Checks to Antinomianism,” by Rev. John Fletcher. 43. “Hidden Manna,” by Rev. Sheridan Baker, D. D. 44. “Christ Crowned Within,” by Rev. M. W. Knapp. 45. “Theology,” by Rev. Luther Lee. 46. “Theology,” by Dr. Charles Hodge. 47. “Theology,” by President Finney. 48. “Theology,” by President James Fairchild. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - HILLS SERMONS INDEX & SEARCH
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