PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() * Ashtaroth, Ashtoreth, flocks; sheep; riches * Ashur, who is happy; or walks; or looks * Asia, muddy; boggy * Askelon, weight; balance; fire of infamy * Asnapper, unhappiness; increase of danger * Asriel, help of God * Assir, prisoner; fettered * Asshurim, liers in want; beholders * Assos, approaching; coming near * Assur, same as Ashur * Assyria, country of Assur or Ashur * Asuppim, gatherings * Asyncritus, incomparable * Atad, a thorn * Atarah, a crown * Ataroth, crowns * Ataroth-addar, crowns of power * Ater, left hand; shut * Athach, thy time * Athaiah, the Lord's time * Athaliah, the time of the Lord * Athlai, my hour or time * Attai, same as Athlai * Attalia, that increases or sends * Attalus, increased, nourished * Augustus, increased, augmented * Ava, or Ivah, iniquity * Aven, iniquity; force; riches; sorrow * Avim, wicked or perverse men * Azaliah, near the Lord * Azaniah, hearing the Lord; the Lord's weapons * Azareel, help of God * Azariah, he that hears the Lord * Azaz, strong one * Azazel, the scape-goat * Azaziah, strength of the Lord * Azekah, strength of walls * Azgad, a strong army; a gang of robbers * Azmaveth, strong death; a he-goat * Azmon, bone of a bone; our strength * Aznoth-tabor, the ears of Tabor; the ears of purity or contrition * Azotus, the same as Ashdod * Azriel, same as Asriel * Azrikam, help, revenging * Azubah, forsaken * Azur, he that assists or is assisted * Azzan, their strength * Azzur, same as Azur * B * Baalah, her idol; she that is governed or subdued; a spouse * Baalath, a rejoicing; our proud lord * Baal-berith, idol of the covenant * Baale, same as Baalath * Baal-gad, idol of fortune or felicity * Baal-hamon, who rules a crowd * Baal-hermon, possessor of destruction or of a thing cursed * Baali, my idol; lord over me * Baalim, idols; masters; false gods * Baalis, a rejoicing; a proud lord * Baal-meon, idol or master of the house * Baal-peor, master of the opening * Baal-perazim, god of divisions * Baal-shalisha, the god that presides over three; the third idol * Baal-tamar, master of the palm-tree GOTO NEXT LIST - HITCHCOCK INDEX & SEARCH
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