1Ti 2:1-15.
1. therefore--taking up again the general subject of the Epistle in
(2Ti 2:1).
"What I have therefore to say to thee by way of a charge
(1Ti 1:3, 18),
is," &c.
that, first of all . . . be made--ALFORD takes it, "I exhort first of all to make."
"First of all," doubtless, is to be connected with "I exhort"; what I
begin with (for special reasons), is . . . As the
destruction of Jerusalem drew near, the Jews (including those at
Ephesus) were seized with the dream of freedom from every yoke; and so
virtually "'blasphemed" (compare
1Ti 1:20)
God's name by "speaking evil of dignities"
(1Ti 6:1;
2Pe 2:10;
Jude 8).
Hence Paul, in opposition, gives prominence to the injunction that
prayer be made for all men, especially for magistrates
and kings
(Tit 3:1-3)
[OLSHAUSEN]. Some professing Christians looked
down on all not Christians, as doomed to perdition; but Paul says
all men are to be prayed for, as Christ died for all
(1Ti 2:4-6).
supplications--a term implying the suppliant's sense of need, and of his own insufficiency.
prayers--implying devotion.
intercessions--properly the coming near to God with childlike
confidence, generally in behalf of another. The accumulation of
terms implies prayer in its every form and aspect, according to all the
relations implied in it.
2. For kings--an effectual confutation of the adversaries who accused
the Christians of disaffection to the ruling powers
(Ac 17:7;
Ro 13:1-7).
all . . . in authority--literally, "in eminence"; in stations of
eminence. The "quiet" of Christians was often more dependent on
subordinate rulers, than on the supreme king; hence, "all . . . in
authority" are to be prayed for.
that we may lead--that we may be blessed with such good government
as to lead . . . ; or rather, as Greek, "to pass" or "spend."
The prayers of Christians for the government bring down from heaven
peace and order in a state.
quiet--not troubled from without.
peaceable--"tranquil"; not troubled from within
[OLSHAUSEN]. "He is peaceable (Greek) who makes no
disturbance; he is quiet (Greek) who is himself free from
disturbance" [TITTMANN].
in all godliness--"in all (possible . . . requisite)
piety" [ALFORD]. A distinct Greek word,
1Ti 2:10,
expresses "godliness."
honesty--Greek, "gravity"
(Tit 2:2, 7),
"decorum," or propriety of conduct. As "piety" is in relation to
God, "gravity" is propriety of behavior among men. In the Old
Testament the Jews were commanded to pray for their heathen rulers
(Ezr 6:10;
Jer 29:7).
The Jews, by Augustus' order, offered a lamb daily for the Roman
emperor, till near the destruction of Jerusalem. The Jewish Zealots,
instigated by Eleazar, caused this custom to cease
[JOSEPHUS, Wars of the Jews, 2.17], whence
the war originated, according to JOSEPHUS.
3. this--praying for all men.
in the sight of God--not merely before men, as if it were their
favor that we sought
(2Co 8:21).
our Saviour--a title appropriate to the matter in hand. He who is
"our Saviour" is willing that all should be saved
(1Ti 2:4;
Ro 5:18);
therefore we should meet the will of God in behalf of others, by
praying for the salvation of all men. More would be converted if we
would pray more. He has actually saved us who believe, being
"our Saviour." He is willing that all should be saved, even
those who do not as yet believe, if they will believe (compare
1Ti 4:10;
Tit 2:11).
4. "Imitate God." Since He wishes that all should be saved, do you
also wish it; and if you wish it, pray for it. For prayer is the
instrument of effecting such things
[CHRYSOSTOM]. Paul does not say, "He
wishes to save all"; for then he would have saved all in matter
of fact; but "will have all men to be saved," implies the possibility of
man's accepting it (through God's prevenient grace) or rejecting it
(through man's own perversity). Our prayers ought to include all, as God's grace included all.
to come--They are not forced.
unto the knowledge--Greek, "the full knowledge" or
"recognition" (See on
1Co 13:12;
Php 1:9).
the truth--the saving truth as it is in, and by, Jesus
(Joh 17:3, 17).
5. For there is one God--God's unity in essence and
purpose is a proof of His comprehending all His human children alike
(created in His image) in His offer of grace (compare the same argument
from His unity,
Ro 3:30;
Ga 3:20);
therefore all are to be prayed for.
1Ti 2:4
is proved from
1Ti 2:5;
1Ti 2:1,
from 1Ti 2:4.
The one God is common to all
(Isa 45:22;
Ac 17:26).
The one Mediator is mediator between God and all men potentially
(Ro 3:29;
Eph 4:5, 6;
Heb 8:6; 9:15; 12:24).
They who have not this one God by one Mediator, have none: literally, a
"go-between." The Greek order is not "and one mediator,"
but "one mediator also between . . . While God will
have all men to be saved by knowing God and the Mediator, there is a
legitimate, holy order in the exercise of that will wherewith men ought
to receive it. All mankind constitute, as it were, ONE
MAN before God [BENGEL].
the man--rather "man," absolutely and genetically: not a mere
individual man: the Second Head of humanity, representing and
embodying in Himself the whole human race and nature. There is no
"the" in the Greek. This epithet is thus the strongest corroboration
of his argument, namely, that Christ's mediation affects the whole race,
since there is but the one Mediator, designed as the Representative Man
for all men alike (compare
Ro 5:15;
1Co 8:6;
2Co 5:19;
Col 2:14).
His being "man" was necessary to His being a Mediator, sympathizing
with us through experimental knowledge of our nature
(Isa 50:4;
Heb 2:14; 4:15).
Even in nature, almost all blessings are conveyed to us from God, not
immediately, but through the mediation of various agents. The effectual
intercession of Moses for Israel
(Nu 14:13-19,
and De 9:1-29);
of Abraham for Abimelech
(Ge 20:7);
of Job for his friends
(Job 42:10),
the mediation being PRESCRIBED by God while
declaring His purposes of forgiveness: all prefigure the grand
mediation for all by the one Mediator. On the other hand,
1Ti 3:16
asserts that He was also God.
6. gave himself--
(Tit 2:14).
Not only the Father gave Him for us
(Joh 3:16);
but the Son gave Himself
(Php 2:5-8).
ransom--properly of a captive slave. Man was the captive slave
of Satan, sold under sin. He was unable to ransom himself, because
absolute obedience is due to God, and therefore no act of ours can
satisfy for the least offense.
Le 25:48
allowed one sold captive to be redeemed by one of his brethren. The Son
of God, therefore, became man in order that, being made like unto us in
all things, sin only excepted, as our elder brother He should redeem us
(Mt 20:28;
Eph 1:7;
1Pe 1:18, 19).
The Greek implies not merely ransom, but a
substituted or equivalent ransom: the Greek
preposition, "anti," implying reciprocity and vicarious
for all--Greek, "in behalf of all": not merely for a
privileged few; compare
1Ti 2:1:
the argument for praying in behalf of all is given here.
to be testified--Greek, "the testimony (that which was to be
testified of,
1Jo 5:8-11)
in its own due times," or seasons, that is, in the times
appointed by God for its being testified of
(1Ti 6:15;
Tit 1:3).
The oneness of the Mediator, involving the universality of redemption
(which faith, however, alone appropriates), was the great subject of
Christian testimony [ALFORD]
(1Co 1:6; 2:1;
2Th 1:10).
7. Whereunto--For the giving of which testimony.
I am ordained--literally, "I was set": the same Greek, as
"putting me," &c.
(1Ti 1:12).
preacher--literally, "herald"
(1Co 1:21; 9:27; 15:11;
2Ti 1:11;
Tit 1:3).
He recurs to himself, as in
1Ti 1:16,
in himself a living pattern or announcement of the
Gospel, so here "a herald and teacher of (it to) the Gentiles"
(Ga 2:9;
Eph 3:1-12;
Col 1:23).
The universality of his commission is an appropriate assertion here,
where he is arguing to prove that prayers are to be made "for
all men"
(1Ti 2:1).
I speak the truth . . . and lie not--a strong asseveration of his
universal commission, characteristic of the ardor of the apostle,
exposed to frequent conflict
(Ro 11:1;
2Co 11:13).
in faith and verity--rather, "in the faith and the
truth." The sphere in which his ministry was appointed to be exercised
was the faith and the truth
(1Ti 2:4):
the Gospel truth, the subject matter of the faith
8. I will--The active wish, or desire, is meant.
that men--rather as Greek, "that the men," as
distinguished from "the women," to whom he has something different to
say from what he said to the men
(1Ti 2:9-12;
1Co 11:14, 15; 14:34, 35).
The emphasis, however, is not on this, but on the precept of
praying, resumed from
1Ti 2:1.
everywhere--Greek, "in every place," namely, of public
prayer. Fulfilling
Mal 1:11,
"In every place . . . from the rising of the sun even
unto the going down of the same . . . incense shall be
offered unto My name"; and Jesus' words,
Mt 18:20;
Joh 4:21, 23.
lifting up holy hands--The early Christians turned up their palms
towards heaven, as those craving help do. So also Solomon
(1Ki 8:22;
Ps 141:2).
The Jews washed their hands before prayer
(Ps 26:6).
Paul figuratively (compare
Job 17:9;
Jas 4:8)
uses language alluding to this custom here: so
Isa 1:15, 16.
The Greek for "holy" means hands which have committed no
impiety, and observed every sacred duty. This (or at least
the contrite desire to be so) is a needful qualification for effectual
(Ps 24:3, 4).
without wrath--putting it away
(Mt 5:23, 24; 6:15).
doubting--rather, "disputing," as the Greek is translated in
Php 2:14.
Such things hinder prayer
(Lu 9:46;
Ro 14:1;
1Pe 3:7).
BENGEL supports English Version (compare an
2Ki 7:2;
Mt 14:31;
Mr 11:22-24;
Jas 1:6).