PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() CHAPTER 32 Isa 32:1-20. MESSIAH'S KINGDOM; DESOLATIONS, TO BE SUCCEEDED BY LASTING PEACE, THE SPIRIT HAVING BEEN POURED OUT. The times of purity and happiness which shall follow the defeat of the enemies of Jehovah's people (Isa 32:1-8). The period of wrath before that happy state (Isa 32:9-14). The assurance of the final prosperity of the Church is repeated (Isa 32:15-20).
1. king--not Hezekiah, who was already on the throne, whereas a
future time is contemplated. If he be meant at all, it can only be
as a type of Messiah the King, to whom alone the language is fully
(Ho 3:5;
Zec 9:9;
see on
Isa 11:3-5).
The kingdom shall be transferred from the world kings, who have
exercised their power against God, instead of for God, to
the rightful King of kings
(Eze 21:27;
Da 7:13, 14).
2. a man--rather, the man Christ
[LOWTH]; it is as "the Son of
man" He is to reign, as it was as Son of man He suffered
(Mt 26:64;
Joh 5:27; 19:5).
Not as MAURER explains, "every one of the
princes shall be," &c.
3. them that see--the seers or prophets.
4. rash--rather, "the hasty"; contrast "shall not make haste"
(Isa 28:16);
the reckless who will not take time to weigh religious truth aright. Or
else, the well-instructed [HORSLEY].
5. vile--rather, "fool"
[LOWTH]; that is, ungodly
(Ps 14:1; 74:18).
6. vile . . . villainy--rather, "the (irreligious) fool . . . (his)
7. churl--"the fraudulent"; this verse refers to the last clause of
Isa 32:5;
Isa 32:6
referred to its first clause.
8. liberal--rather, "noble-minded."
9-20. Address to the women of Jerusalem who troubled themselves little about the political signs of the times, but lived a life of self-indulgence (Isa 3:16-23); the failure of food through the devastations of the enemy is here foretold, being what was most likely to affect them as mothers of families, heretofore accustomed to every luxury. VITRINGA understands "women--daughters" as the cities and villages of Judea (Eze 16:1-63). See Am 6:1.
10. Many days and years--rather, "In little more than a year"
[MAURER]; literally, "days upon a year" (so
Isa 29:1).
11. strip you--of your gay clothing. (See Isa 2:19, 21). 12. lament for . . . teats--rather, shall smite on their breasts in lamentation "for thy pleasant fields" (Na 2:7) [MAURER]. "Teats" in English Version is used for fertile lands, which, like breasts, nourish life. The transition from "ye" to "they" (Isa 32:11, 12) is frequent.
(Isa 5:6; 7:23).
14. palaces--most applicable to Jerusalem
(see on
Isa 32:13).
15. This can only partially apply to the spiritual revival in
Hezekiah's time; its full accomplishment belongs to the Christian
dispensation, first at Pentecost
(Joe 2:28;
Ac 2:17),
perfectly in coming times
(Ps 104:30;
Eze 36:26; 39:29;
Zec 12:10),
when the Spirit shall be poured on Israel, and through it on the
(Mic 5:7).
16. judgment--justice.
17. work--the effect
(Pr 14:34;
Jas 3:18).
18. sure . . . quiet--free from fear of invasion. 19. Literally, "But it shall hail with coming down of the forest, and in lowness shall the city (Nineveh) be brought low; that is, humbled." The "hail" is Jehovah's wrathful visitation (Isa 30:30; 28:2, 17). The "forest" is the Assyrian host, dense as the trees of a forest (Isa 10:18, 19, 33, 34; Zec 11:2).
20. While the enemy shall be brought "low," the Jews shall cultivate
their land in undisturbed prosperity.
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