1, 2. After these things--that is, all that is recorded after
Joh 5:18.
2. feast of tabernacles . . . at hand--This was the last of the three annual festivals, celebrated on the fifteenth of the seventh month (September). (See Le 23:33, &c.; De 16:13, &c.; Ne 8:14-18).
3-5. His brethren said--(See on
Mt 13:54-56).
6-10. My time is not yet come--that is, for showing Himself to the
10. then went he . . . not openly--not "in the
(caravan) company" [MEYER]. See on
Lu 2:44.
11-13. Jews--the rulers.
12. much murmuring--buzzing.
13. none spake openly of him--that is, in His favor, "for fear of the [ruling] Jews."
14, 15. about the midst of the feast--the fourth or fifth day of the
eight, during which it lasted.
15. How knoweth . . . letters--learning
(Ac 26:24).
16-18. doctrine . . . not mine, &c.--that is, from Myself unauthorized; I am here by commission.
17. If any man will do his will, &c.--"is willing," or "wishes to
18. seeketh his own glory--(See on Joh 5:41-44). 19, 20. Did not Moses, &c.--that is, In opposing Me ye pretend zeal for Moses, but to the spirit and end of that law which he gave ye are total strangers, and in "going about to kill Me" ye are its greatest enemies. 20. The people answered, Thou hast a devil: who goeth about to kill thee?--This was said by the multitude, who as yet had no bad feeling to Jesus, and were not in the secret of the plot hatching, as our Lord knew, against Him. 21-24. I have done one work, &c.--Taking no notice of the popular appeal, as there were those there who knew well enough what He meant, He recalls His cure of the impotent man, and the murderous rage it had kindled (Joh 5:9, 16, 18). It may seem strange that He should refer to an event a year and a half old, as if but newly done. But their present attempt "to kill Him" brought up the past scene vividly, not only to Him, but without doubt to them, too, if indeed they had ever forgotten it; and by this fearless reference to it, exposing their hypocrisy and dark designs, He gave His position great moral strength. 22. Moses . . . gave unto you circumcision, &c.--Though servile work was forbidden on the sabbath, the circumcision of males on that day (which certainly was a servile work) was counted no infringement of the Law. How much less ought fault to be found with One who had made a man "every whit whole"--or rather, "a man's entire body whole"--on the sabbath-day? What a testimony to the reality of the miracle, none daring to meet the bold appeal. 24. Judge not, &c.--that is, Rise above the letter into the spirit of the law. 25-27. some of them of Jerusalem--the citizens, who, knowing the long-formed purpose of the rulers to put Jesus to death, wondered that they were now letting Him teach openly. 26. Do the rulers know, &c.--Have they got some new light in favor of His claims? 27. Howbeit we know this man, &c.--This seems to refer to some current opinion that Messiah's origin would be mysterious (not altogether wrong), from which they concluded that Jesus could not be He, since they knew all about His family at Nazareth.
28, 29. cried Jesus--in a louder tone, and more solemn, witnessing
style than usual.
30-32. sought to take . . . none laid hands--their impotence being equal to their malignity. 31. When Christ cometh, will he, &c.--that is, If this be not the Christ, what can the Christ do, when He does come, which has not been anticipated and eclipsed by this man? This was evidently the language of friendly persons, overborne by their spiteful superiors, but unable to keep quite silent. 32. heard that the people murmured--that mutterings to this effect were going about, and thought it high time to stop Him if He was not to be allowed to carry away the people. 33, 34. Yet a little while, &c.--that is, "Your desire to be rid of Me will be for you all too soon fulfilled. Yet a little while and we part company--for ever; for I go whither ye cannot come: nor, even when ye at length seek Him whom ye now despise, shall ye be able to find Him"--referring not to any penitential, but to purely selfish cries in their time of desperation. 35, 36. Whither will he go, &c.--They cannot comprehend Him, but seem awed by the solemn grandeur of His warning. He takes no notice, however, of their questions.
37-39. the last day, that great day of the feast--the eighth
(Le 23:39).
It was a sabbath, the last feast day of the year, and distinguished by
very remarkable ceremonies. "The generally joyous character of this
feast broke out on this day into loud jubilation, particularly at the
solemn moment when the priest, as was done on every day of this
festival, brought forth, in golden vessels, water from the stream of
Siloah, which flowed under the temple-mountain, and solemnly poured it
upon the altar. Then the words of
Isa 12:3
were sung, With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of
Salvation, and thus the symbolical reference of this act, intimated
Joh 7:39,
was expressed" [OLSHAUSEN]. So ecstatic was the
joy with which this ceremony was performed--accompanied with sound of
trumpets--that it used to be said, "Whoever had not witnessed it had
never seen rejoicing at all" [LIGHTFOOT].
38. as the scripture hath said--These words belong to what follows,
"Out of his belly, as the scripture hath said, shall flow," &c.
referring not to any particular passage, but to such as
Isa 58:11;
Joe 3:18;
Zec 14:8;
Eze 47:1-12;
in most of which the idea is that of waters issuing from beneath the
temple, to which our Lord compares Himself and those who believe in
39. this spake he of the Spirit--who, by His direct personal agency,
opens up this spring of living waters in the human spirit
(Joh 3:6),
and by His indwelling in the renewed soul ensures their unfailing
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