PREVIOUS CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() Strive after. Awaited. Righteousness, for which the word Justice was often used at this period. Where Justice is used in this sense afterwards, we have substituted the word righteousness, as less liable to misapprehension. Knox, during his confinement in the French galleys, wrote a Confession of his Faith, and an account of his public disputation in St. Andrews with the Papists. He also arranged the treatise of Sir Henry Balnaves, his fellow-prisoner, entitled,” The works and conversation of a justified man,” to which he wrote a preface. Restore. In the original, this sentence reads.” What prevailed the prevarication of man?” Prevarication was probably used in a good sense, instead of a bad. Handsomely, (spoken ironically). Advantages. Formerly. That is, the Sweating Sickness, which made great havoc in England from April to August, 1551. It generally carried off its victims in a few hours, and chiefly attacked robust men between the ages of thirty and forty. It is said also by Holinshed and other historians, that even Englishmen dwelling in foreign countries were attacked by it, while the natives were exempted; a circumstance which made the disease be regarded as an exclusive judgment upon the English nation. A fabulous British magician of the fifth century, of whom the most extravagant tales were invented. The unprincipled Duke of Northumberland, who, after patronizing the Reformation in England for his own selfish ends, died on the scaffold a Papist. Lower sort, the mob. Edward VI. A word frequently used at this time to designate a court-flatterer. Mary. Mary, only six: days after her royal entrance into London, caused Mass to be performed in the Tower, alter which it was introduced into the churches of the metropolis. Stupor. The original MS. from which the First Part of this Exposition was transcribed, commences with this sentence; but to make the whole complete, it has been judged advisable to include the preceding paragraphs from the earliest printed edition. King Edward. Alarming, Terrifying. Human. Pelagius, who is supposed to have been a native of Ireland, lived in the fifth century. His heresy produced such dissensions in the British church, as greatly accelerated the conquest of the country by the Saxons. Single combat. Alluding to the summary executions of Protestants at this time, not only throughout the Continent, but also in England, and occasionally in Scotland. Government. fta1 Bringing back. fta2 Trying. fta3 This promise Knox fulfilled in a work published three years afterwards, entitled “An answer to a great number of blasphemers cavillations written by an Anabaptist, and adversary to God’s eternal Predestination,” etc. fta4 During Knox’s visit to Scotland, he administered the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at Dun, about the beginning of the year 1556; on which occasion, most of the gentlemen of the Mearns professed their adherence to the Reformation, by sitting down at the Lord’s table, and entering into a solemn bond, by which they renounced the Popish communion, and pledged themselves to further the preaching of the Gospel, as God should give them preachers and opportunity. fta5 The Earl of Arran, formerly Regent of Scotland, after embracing the principles of the Reformation, relapsed into Popery, and countenanced the persecutions of Cardinal Beaton. Afterwards, he alternately favored and opposed the Reformation, just as it suited his own personal interests, and the aggrandizement of the house of Hamilton, which he was the head. fta6 Deeds. fta7 Conspired. fta8 The Anabaptists. fta9 Fornication. fta10 Parasites. fta11 Open up. fta12 Beam. fta13 Fellow, companion. fta14 Cast away. fta15 Pluck, to take by force. fta16 Here we have ventured to supply, from conjecture, two or three words cut out of the manuscript. fta17 Earnest-money; or small sum in hand with which a bargain is ratified. fta18 Spark. fta19 This refers to the Address to the Faithful, etc., in which he exposed the fallacy of the argument, that in times of persecution, external compliance with idolatry might be allowed, if the worshipper served God in his heart. fta20 Repeat. fta21 End, dissolution. fta22 Of willing mind. fta23 This name, we are informed in the manuscript volume, was that of Knox’s mother, which “he wrote when he was in trouble.” At the present period, when the clergy of Scotland had condemned him as a heretic, and burnt him in effigy, his usual signature might have compromised the safety of his correspondents. fta24 Geneva, where he was at present a minister, but waiting anxiously for a summons to Scotland.
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