PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() PREFACE HISTORICAL SUMMARY BOOK From the Martyrdom of Master Patrick Hamilton in 1528, to the Meeting of the Scots Parliament in BOOK From the First Petition of the Protestants to the Queen Regent in 1558, to the Mission of William Maitland of Lethington to Queen Elizabeth in BOOK From the Defeat of the Protestants on 6th November 1559 to the Return of Lord James Stewart from France in May BOOK IV From the Return to Scotland of Mary, Queen of Scots, on 19th August 1561, to the rise of David Rizzio in 1564, SUMMARY OF THE REFORMATION PERIOD IN SCOTTISH HISTORY 1513 . Battle of Flodden; James IV. and most of the Scots nobles slain; James V. succeeds his father at the age of eighteen months; chief power in the hands of Archbishop Beaton, uncle of Cardinal Beaton,. 1517 . Luther’s protest at Wittenberg against the sale of indulgences. 1520 . Luther excommunicated. 1525 . Act of the Scots Parliament against heretics; circulation of Luther’s works, ‘and all such filth and vice’ prohibited,. 1527 . Master Patrick Hamilton preaches Justification by Faith,. 1528 . Hamilton, twenty-four years of age, condemned by Archbishop Beaton, is burned at the stake,.—The people everywhere inquire why he was burned,.—Publication of Sir David Lyndsay’s poems satirizing the licentious lives of the clergy and the abuses of the Church; extensive circulation in Scotland of the writings of the Continental Reformers and of Tyndale’s Bible, and of The Gude and Godly Ballatis. 1534 . Peace concluded with England; final breach between Henry VIII. and the Pope; dispersion of Scots Reformers into England and on the Continent,.—Archbishop Beaton burns Straton and Gourlay,. 1535 . Friar Seton denounces the ‘corrupt doctrine of the Papacy,’ .— Merchants and mariners spread the Reformed Doctrine in Scotland,. 1536 . Publication at Basle of John Calvin’s Institutes. 1538 . Marriage of James V. to Mary of Lorraine, of the ultra-Catholic House of Guise,.—Martyrdom of priests, friars, and gentlemen ‘in one fire,’ . 1539 . Persecution of persons suspected of Lutheranism; narrow escape of George Buchanan, Scotland’s greatest scholar,.—Henry VIII. is anxious to form an alliance with his nephew, James V.; meeting at York between the two Kings prevented by Cardinal Beaton,. The Scottish King, previously tolerant of the Reformed opinions, gives himself over to the guidance of Cardinal Beaton,. 1540 . Act against image-breaking and private meetings of heretics. 1541 . Act enjoining Churchmen to reform themselves ‘in habit and manners to God and man.’ 1542 . Defeat of the Scots under Oliver Sinclair by Lord Dacre at Solway Moss,.—Birth of the Princess Mary, daughter of James V., on th December; death of James V., on 13th December, and accession of the Princess Mary as Queen of Scots, five days old,. 1543 . The Earl of Arran chosen Regent; at first he favors the Reformed opinions,.—Evangelical Preaching of Friars Guillaume and Rough,.—Act authorizing the reading of the Scriptures ‘in Inglis or Scottis,’ .—An alliance with England is sanctioned by the Scots Parliament in March; Mary, Queen of Scots, is to be educated in England and married to King Henry’s son, Edward,.—In September the Regent Arran renounces Protestantism,.—Mary Stuart crowned Queen of Scots at the age of nine months; the treaty with England declared null, and the old league with France renewed,. 1544 . War declared by Henry VIII.; Edinburgh and the southern towns and abbeys of Scotland burned by Lord Hertford,. —Persecution of the Protestants by Cardinal Beaton,.—Scotland divided into two factions, one favoring France and Catholicism, the other favoring England and Protestantism,. 1545 . Knox, aged forty, attaches himself to George Wishart, as an avowed adherent of the Reformed Faith,.—Quarrel between Cardinal Beaton and Archbishop Dunbar of Glasgow,. 1546 . Martyrdom of George Wishart at St. Andrews in March,.—The people cry for vengeance,.—Murder of Cardin Beaton at St. Andrews in May,.—Death of Martill Luther at Eisleben, aged sixty-three. 1547 . John Knox is publicly called on by Friar Rough (acting with Sir David Lyndsay and Master Belnaves)to preach his first sermon in the Castle of St. Andrews,.—Knox taken to task by the Friars,.— Siege and capture of the Castle by French ships,.—Many Scots Protestants, including Knox, sent as prisoners to the French galleys for nineteen months,.—Death of Henry VIII; succeeded by Edward VI.—Renewed invasion by the English under the Protector Somerset,.The Regent Arran defeated at Pinkie,. 1548 . Depredations by the English,.—The Scots Parliament declares for France,.—Mary, Queen of Scots, sent at age of five to France,.— Brutal conduct of the French in Edinburgh,. 1549 . Provincial Council of Catholic Clergy, held at Edinburgh, declares that the causes of the troubles in the Church are the ‘corrupt manners and profane lewdness of ecclesiastical persons, together with their crass ignorance of letters,’ .—Liberation of the Scots prisoners from the French galleys,.—The Privy Council of England, with the approval of Archbishop Cranmer and Sir William Cecil, appoint Knox to be Preacher at Berwick,. 1550 . Treaty of Boulogne between England, Scotland, and France,.— Martyrdom of Adam Wallace,.—The Queen Dowager visits her daughter Mary, Queen of Scots, in France,. 1551 . Knox appointed Chaplain in Ordinary to King Edward VI.; he assists in the revision of the Articles and Liturgy of the Church of England,. 1552 . Knox declines the Bishopric of Rochester offered to him at the suggestion of the Duke of Northumberland,.—A Roman Catholic Catechism, making no reference to the supremacy of the Pope, is sanctioned by Archbishop Hamilton,. 1553 . Death of Edward VI., and accession of his sister, Mary Tudor,.— Commencement of the Marian persecution in England,.—Flight of Protestants from England to Scotland and the Continent,. 1554 . The Queen Dowager is made Regent in place of the Earl of Arran, who is created Duke of Chatelherault,.—Return to Scotland of John Willock and other preachers of the Reformed opinions,. On the advice of John Calvin, Knox becomes minister of the English congregation at Frankfort; on account of dissensions there, he goes to Geneva,. 1555 . Visit by Knox to Scotland from Geneva,.—Discussion as to the Mass between Knox and Maitland of Lethington,. —Bishops Latimer and Ridley burned at Oxford. 1556 . After preaching and administration of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper in different parts of Scotland, Knox returns to the pastorate of the English congregation, and to his Greek and Hebrew studies in Geneva; Knox condemned in absence by the Scots prelates for heresy, and burned in effigy at the Cross of Edinburgh,.—Archbishop Cranmer burned at Oxford. 1557 . Riot in Edinburgh on St. Giles’ Day,. Re-appointment of eight Commissioners, Roman Catholic and Protestant, to France (of whom only four returned alive), to attend the marriage of Queen Mary with the Dauphin,.— ‘Bond’ to defend the Protestant Faith drawn up by the Scots nobles and gentlemen, the ‘Lords of the Congregation,’ . 1558 . Marriage of Queen Mary to the Dauphin, after signing a secret treaty giving Scotland to France, failing her issue, and annulling all contrary compacts, made and to be made,.—Death of Mary Tudor in England, and accession of her sister Elizabeth; Petitions to the Queen Regent by the Scots Protestants for Church Reform, and for liberty to worship according to their consciences,.—Martyrdom at St. Andrews of the last Protestant martyr, Valter Myln, a priest, aged eighty-two,.—The Queen Regent temporizes, and tries ‘by amiable looks and good words’ to stem the rising tide,.— Protestation in Parliament by the Reformers,. 1559 . Publication on st January of ‘The Beggars’ Summons,’ claiming from the friars ‘restitution of wrongs past and reformation in times coming,’ .—The Queen Regent forbids preaching or administration of sacraments without leave of the bishops; Willock, Row, Douglas, Harlaw, Methven, and other Protestant ministers, disregarding the order, are summoned for treason, and, on their non-appearance, outlawed, contrary to the promise of the Queen Regent,.—Knox finally returns to Scotland from Geneva on 2nd May,.—He preaches at Perth,.—Three monasteries there destroyed by the ‘rascal multitude,’ incensed at the treachery of the Queen Regent, who also burn the Abbey and Palace of Scone, despite the efforts of Knox and the Lords of the Congregation, ,.— The Queen Regent will make no terms with the Protestants, and proclaims them rebels,.—Civil war between the Queen Regent, with the party of France, on the one side, and the Protestants, supported by England, on the other,.—The Earl of Argyle, Lord James Stewart, and Maitland of Lethington leave the Queen Regent and join ‘The Congregation,’.—Knox preaches at St. Andrews in defiance of Archbishop Hamilton’s prohibition,.—Negotiations between the Queen Regent and the Protestant Lords,.— The Protestants suffer defeat notwithstanding the valor of the Earl of Arran and Lord James Stewart; they leave Edinburgh,.—Queen Elizabeth to the rescue,.—Owing to the death of Henry III. at a tournament, Mary Stuart becomes Queen Consort of France as well as Queen of Scotland. 1560 . (Ordinarily called the Year of the Scottish Reformation.) Treaty of Berwick between Queen Elizabeth and the Scots Protestants,.— Mass said on 31st March for the last time in St. Giles, in Edinburgh; invasion of Scotland by French troops,.—English troops and ships sent by Elizabeth to the aid of the Scots Protestants, at the instigation of Sir William Cecil, after repeated letters from Knox,.—Siege of Leith by the English and the Scots Protestants,.—Death of the Queen Regent,.—‘Treaty of Edinburgh’ between Scotland, England, and France for evacuation of Scotland by English and French,.—Meeting ofREFORMATION PARLIAMENT without the sanction of the Crown which abolished the jurisdiction of the Pope in Scotland, and ratified the Confession of Faith,.—First meeting of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland; Superintendents appointed; and principal ministers placed in chief towns,.—Persecution of the Huguenots in France under Francis II. and his Queen, Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots,.— Death of Francis II., leaving Mary Stuart a widow at eighteen,. 1561 . Rapid spread of the Reformation throughout Scotland; the First Book of Discipline discussed,.—Convention of the Scots nobility in Edinburgh on learning the death of the Queen’s husband,.—Lord James Stewart sent to France by the Convention to treat with his sister Queen Mary on their behalf,.—Robin Hood riots in Edinburgh,.—Narrow escape of Lord James in Paris,.—Arrival of Mary, Queen of Scots, from France on th August, after thirteen years’ absence,.—Attempt to interrupt the Queen’s Mass at Holyrood prevented by Lord James Stewart, who stood at the door of the royal chapel with drawn sword,.—Knox’s first interview with Mary on th August, at Holyrood, in presence of Lord James Stewart,.—Lord James made Lieutenant of the Borders,.—The First Book of Discipline ‘scripped at’ in the General Assembly,.—Discussion of arrangements for the support of the Protestant ministers,. 1562 . Lord James Stewart is created Earl of Moray,.—Knox reconciles the Earl of Bothwell and the Earl of Arran (son of the Duke of Chatelherault),.—The Earl of Arran becomes insane,.—Proposals for Mary’s hand from kings, princes, archdukes, dukes, and earls,.—Journey by the Queen to the North of Scotland, and suppression of the Earl of Huntly’s rebellion,.—Attempts to restore Popery; Knox’s secolid interview with Mary in presence of the Earl of Moray (Lord James Stewart), the Earl of Morton, and Secretary Lethington,.—Proposed meeting between Elizabeth and Mary at Nottingham, ,.—Escape of the Earl of Bothwell, imprisoned in the Castle of Edinburgh,. Public disputation between Knox and the Abbot of Cross-raguel,. 1563 . Letter from Mary to Pope Pius IV., lamenting the damnable errors of Protestants in her kingdom; Knox’s third interview with Mary (at Lochleven),.—Prosecution of the Archbishop of Glasgow and forty-seven others for celebrating Mass and trying to restore Popery,.—Civil war in France, led by Mary’s uncles, against the Huguenots, who were assisted by Queen Elizabeth.—Mary, Queen of Scots, carries all before her in the Parliament of 1563,.— Estrangement between Knox and the Earl of Moray, his leading supporter,.—Knox denounces the Queen’s proposed marriage to Don Carlos, the epileptic son of Philip II. of Spain,.—Knox’s fourth interview with Mary in presence of John Erskine of Dun; a stormy scene at Holyrood,.—The Papists released from prison; circular letter by Knox calling the Faithful to the trial of two Edinburgh burgesses accused of disturbing the Mass at Holyrood,.—Trial of Knox for high treason before the Privy Council,.—Knox unanimously acquitted notwithstanding the Queen’s angry protest,. Knox’s conduct approved by the General Assembly of 1563,. 1564 . Rise of David Rizzio 353.—Death of John Calvin at Geneva, aged fifty-five. 1565 . Mary married her cousin Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley. 1566 . Mary is alleged in this year to have joined the Catholic League for the extirpation of Protestantism throughout Europe; Knox composed a large part of his History of the Reformation in Scotland. 1567 . Murder of Lord Darnley; marriage of Mary to Lord Bothwell, one of the ringleaders in the murder; abdication of the Queen, and coronation of her son, James VI., a year old; the Earl of Moray appointed Regent; Act passed ratifying the Statutes of 1560, and declaring the Reformed Church the only church within the Realm. 1568 . Flight of Mary to England. 1570 . Assassination of the Regent Moray. 1572 . 24th August. Massacre of St. Bartholomew 1572 . 9th November. John Knox’s last sermon. 1572 . 24th November. John Knox’s death, aged sixty-seven. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - JOHN KNOX INDEX & SEARCH
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