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           1CO 15:45 
           1JO 2:1 
           RE 1:8 
       .Alpha and Omega
           RE 1:8 
           RE 3:14 
           GE 48:16; EX 23:20,21 
       .Angel of his presence
           ISA 63:9 
           PS 2:2 
           HEB 3:1 
       .Arm of the Lord
           ISA 51:9,10 
       .Author and Finisher of our faith
           HEB 12:2 
       .Beginning and end of the creation of God
           RE 3:14; 22:13 
           EPH 1:6 
       .Blessed and only Potentate
           1TI 6:15 
           JER 23:5; Z8 EC 3:8 
       .Bread of life
           JOH 6:48 
           MT 9:15 
       .Bright and Morning Star
           RE 22:16 
       .Brightness of the Father's glory
           HEB 1:3 
       .Captain of the Lord's host (army)
           JOS 5:14 
       .Captain of Salvation
           HEB 2:10 
           MR 6:3 
       .Carpenter's son
           MT 13:55 
       .Chief Shepherd
           1PE 5:4 
       .Chief Cornerstone
           1PE 2:6 
       .Chiefest among ten thousand
           SO 5:10 
           ISA 9:6; LU 2:27,43 
       .Chosen of God
           1PE 2:4 
           MT 1:16; LU 9:20 
       .The Christ (Messiah)
           MT 16:20; MR 14:61 
       .Christ, a King
           LU 23:2 
       .Christ Jesus
           AC 19:4; RO 3:24; 8:1; 1CO 1:2,30; HEB 3:1; 1PE 5:10,14 
       .Christ Jesus our Lord
           1TI 1:12; RO 8:39 
       .Christ of God
           LU 9:20 
       .Christ, the chosen of God
           LU 23:35 
       .Christ the Lord
           LU 2:11 
       .Christ, the power of God
           1CO 1:24 
       .Christ the wisdom of God
           1CO 1:24 
       .Christ, the Son of God
           AC 9:20 
       .Christ, Son of the Blessed
           MR 14:61 
           ISA 55:4 
       .Comfort of Israel
           LU 2:25 
           EPH 2:20 
           ISA 9:6 
       .Covenant of the people
           ISA 42:6 
           JER 30:9 
           Job 33 9:33 
           LU 1:78 
       .Day Star
           2PE 1:19 
           RO 11:26 
       .Desire of all nations
           HAG 2:7 
       .Door, the
           JOH 10:7 
           ISA 42:1 
           ISA 7:14 
           ISA 11:10 
       .Eternal Life
           1JO 5:20 
       .Everlasting Father
           ISA 9:6 
       .Faithful and True
           RE 19:11 
       .Faithful Witness, the
           RE 1:5 
       .Faithful and true witness, the
           RE 3:14 
       .Finisher of faith
           HEB 12:2 
       .First and last
           RE 1:17; 2:8; 22:13 
       .First begotten
           HEB 1:6 
       .First begotten of the dead
           RE 1:5 
           PS 89:27 
           ISA 28:16 
           Z1 EC 13:1 
           HEB 6:20 
       .Friend of sinners
           MT 11:19 
       .Gift of God
           JOH 4:10 
       .Glory of Israel
           LU 2:32 
       .God (deity)
           JOH 1:1 
       .God blessed forever
           RO 9:5 
       .God manifest in the flesh
           1TI 3:16 
       .God of Israel, the Savior
           ISA 45:15 
       .God of the whole earth
           ISA 54:5 
       .God our Savior
           1TI 2:3 
       .God's dear Son
           COL 1:13 
       .God with us
           MT 1:23 
       .Good Master
           MT 19:16 
           MT 2:6 
       .Great Shepherd of the sheep
           HEB 13:20 
       .Head of the ekklesia (body)
           EPH 1:22,23; 5:23; COL 1:18,24 
       .Heir of all things
           HEB 1:2 
       .High priest
           HEB 4:14 
       .Head of every man
           1CO 11:3 
       .Head of the corner
           MT 21:42 
       .Holy child Jesus
           AC 4:30 
       .Holy one
           PS 16:10; AC 3:14 
       .Holy one of God
           MR 1:24 
       .Holy one of Israel
           ISA 41:14; 54:5 
       .Holy thing
           LU 1:35 
       .Hope (our)
           1TI 1:1 
       .Horn of salvation
           LU 1:69 
       .I AM
           JOH 8:58 
       .Image of God
           HEB 1:3 
           ISA 49:3 
           ISA 40:3 
       .Jehovah's fellow
           Z7 EC 13:7 
           MT 1:21 
       .Jesus Christ
           MT 1:1; JOH 1:17; 17:3; AC 2:38; 4:10; 9:34; 10:36;
          16:18; RO 1:1,3,6; 2:16; 5:15,17; 6:3; 1CO 1:1,4; 2:2; 2CO
          19 1:19; 4:6; 13:5; GA 2:16; PHP 1:8; 2:11; 1TI 1:15; HEB
          8 13:8; 1JO 1:7; 2:1 
       .Jesus Christ our Lord
           RO 1:3; 6:11,23; 1CO 1:9; 7:25 
       .Jesus Christ our Savior
           TIT 3:6 
       .Jesus of Nazareth
           MR 1:24; LU 24:19 
       .Jesus (of Nazareth), King of the Jews
           JOH 19:19; MT 27:37 
       .Jesus, the Son of God
           HEB 4:14 
       .Jesus, the Son of Joseph
           JOH 6:42 
           AC 10:42 
       .Just man, Just person, Just One
           MT 27:19,24; AC 3:14; 7:52; 22:14 
           MT 21:5 
       .King of Israel
           JOH 1:49 
       .King of the Jews
           MT 2:2 
       .King of Saints
           RE 15:3 
       .King of Kings
           1TI 6:15; RE 17:14 
       .King of Glory
           PS 24:7-10 
       .King of Zion
           MT 21:5 
       .King over all the earth
           Z9 EC 14:9 
           RE 5:6,8; 6:16; 7:9,10,17; 12:11; 13:8,11; 14:1,4; 15:3;
          17:14; 19:7,9; 21:9,14,22,23,27
       .Lamb of God
           JOH 1:29 
           ISA 33:22 
           ISA 55:4 
           JOH 14:6 
           JOH 8:12 
       .Light, everlasting
           ISA 60:20 
       .Light of the world
           JOH 8:12 
       .Light to the Gentiles
           ISA 42:6 
       .Light, true
           JOH 1:9 
       .Living Bread, the
           JOH 6:51 
       .Living Stone
           1PE 2:4 
       .Lion of the tribe of Judah
           RE 5:5 
           RO 1:3 
       .Lord of Lords
           RE 17:14; 19:16 
       .Lord of all
           AC 10:36 
       .Lord our righteousness
           JER 23:6 
       .Lord God Almighty
           RE 15:3 
       .Lord from heaven
           1CO 15:47 
       .Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
           2PE 1:11; 3:18 
       .Lord Christ
           COL 3:24 
       .Lord Jesus
           AC 7:59; COL 3:17; 1TH 4:12 
       .Lord Jesus Christ
           AC 11:17; 16:31; 20:21; RO 5:1,11; 13:14 
       .Lord Jesus Christ our Savior
           TIT 1:4 
       .Lord of glory
           JAS 2:1 
       .Lord of Hosts (armies)
           ISA 44:6 
       .Lord, mighty in battle
           PS 24:8 
       .Lord of the dead and living
           RO 14:9 
       .Lord of the sabbath
           MR 2:28 
       .Lord over all
           RO 10:12 
       .Lord's Christ
           LU 2:26 
       .Lord, strong and mighty
           PS 24:8 
       .Lord, the, our righteousness
           JER 23:6 
       .Lord, your holy one
           ISA 43:15 
       .Lord, your redeemer
           ISA 43:14 
       .Man Christ Jesus
           1TI 2:5 
       .Man of sorrows
           ISA 53:3 
           MT 23:8 
       .Mediator, the only
           1TI 2:5 
           JOH 14:6 
       .Messenger of the covenant
           MAL 3:1 
           JOH 1:41 
       .Messiah the Prince
           DA 9:25 
       .Mighty God
           ISA 9:6 
       .Mighty one of Israel
           ISA 30:29 
       .Mighty one of Jacob
           ISA 49:26 
       .Mighty to save
           ISA 63:1 
       .Minister of the sanctuary
           HEB 8:2 
       .Morning Star
           RE 22:16 
       .Most holy
           DA 9:24 
       .Most mighty
           PS 45:3 
           MT 2:23 
       .Offspring of David
           RE 22:16 
       .Only begotten (Greek monogenes: one and only, unique)
           JOH 3:16 
       .Only begotten (Greek monogenes: one and only, unique) of the
           JOH 1:14 
       .Only begotten (Greek monogenes: one and only, unique) Son
        (the best mss. have "God" instead of "Son" here)
           JOH 1:18 
       .Only wise God, our Savior
           Jude 25 1:25 
           1PE 2:25 
       .Passover, our
           1CO 5:7 
       .Plant of renown
           EZE 34:29 
           1TI 6:15 
       .Power of God
           1CO 1:24 
           MT 9:12 
       .Precious Cornerstone
           ISA 28:16 
           HEB 7:17 
           AC 5:31 
       .Prince of Life
           AC 3:15 
       .Prince of Peace
           ISA 9:6 
       .Prince of the kings of the earth
           RE 1:5 
           DE 18:15,18; MT 21:11; LU 24:19 
       .Propitiation (expiation, our Sin-offering)
           1JO 2:2 
       .Rabbi, Rabboni
           JOH 1:49; 20:16 
           1TI 2:6 
           ISA 59:20 
       .Resurrection and the Life, the
           JOH 11:25 
           1CO 1:30 
       .Righteous Branch
           JER 23:5 
       .Righteous Judge
           2TI 4:8 
       .Righteous Servant
           ISA 53:11 
           1CO 1:30 
           1CO 10:4 
       .Rock of Offence
           1PE 2:8 
       .Root of David
           RE 5:5; 22:16 
       .Root of Jesse
           ISA 11:10 
       .Rose of Sharon
           SO 2:1 
       .Ruler in Israel
           MIC 5:2 
           LU 2:30 
           1CO 1:30 
           ISA 8:14 
           LU 2:11 
       .Savior, Jesus Christ
           2TI 1:10; TIT 2:13; 2PE 1:1 
       .Savior of the body (ekklesia)
           EPH 5:23 
       .Savior of the world
           1JO 4:14 
           NU 24:17 
       .Second Man, the
           1CO 15:47 
       .Seed of David
           2TI 2:8 
       .Seed of the woman
           GE 3:15 
           ISA 42:1 
       .Servant of rulers
           ISA 49:7 
           MR 14:27 
       .Shepherd and Overseer of souls
           1PE 2:25 
       .Shepherd, Chief
           1PE 5:4 
       .Shepherd, Good
           JOH 10:11 
       .Shepherd, Great
           HEB 13:20 
       .Shepherd of Israel
           PS 80:1 
           GE 49:10 
       .Son of the Father
           2JO 1:3 
       .Son of God
         .See JESUS, SON OF GOD
       .Son of Man
         .See JESUS, SON OF MAN
       .Son of the Blessed One (God)
           MR 14:61 
       .Son of the Highest One (God)
           LU 1:32 
       .Son of David
           MT 9:27 
           NU 24:17 
       .Sun of Righteousness
           MAL 4:2 
       .Surety (Guarantee)
           HEB 7:22 
           MT 21:42 
       .Stone of Stumbling
           1PE 2:8 
       .Sure Foundation
           ISA 28:16 
           JOH 3:2 
       .True God
           1JO 5:20 
       .True Vine
           JOH 15:1 
           JOH 14:6 
       .Unspeakable Gift
           2CO 9:15 
       .Very Christ
           AC 9:22 
       .Vine, the
           JOH 15:1 
       .Way, the
           JOH 14:6 
       .Which is, which was, which is to come (equivalent to the
        tetragrammaton (YHWH), the Eternal One, I AM THAT I AM
           RE 1:4 
           PR 8:12 
       .Wisdom of God, the
           1CO 1:24 
           ISA 55:4; RE 1:5 
           ISA 9:6 
           JOH 1:1 
       .Word of God
           RE 19:13 
       .Word of Life
           1JO 1:1 
       .See GOD, NAME OF
          Ż 2043
     -"IN HIS NAME."
         1CO 6:11; PHP 2:9; COL 3:17; RE 19:16 
       .To be confessed
           2TI 2:19 
           JOH 14:13; 16:23,24,26; EPH 5:20; COL 3:17; HEB 13:15 
       .Miracles performed
           AC 3:6; 4:10; 19:13 
           MT 28:19; AC 2:38 
           LU 24:47 
           MT 12:21; JOH 1:12; 2:23 
       .Forgiveness of sins
           LU 24:47; AC 10:43; 1JO 2:12 
           JOH 20:31 
           AC 4:12; 10:43 
       .See INTERCESSION OF, above
       .See PRIESTHOOD OF, below

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