FOOTNOTESPREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() In the sense of the French “se prevaloir,” — “to take advantage of.” —\parED. “Solenne est hmreticis alicujus capituli aneipitis occasione adversus exercitum sententiarum Instrumenti totius armsri.” — Tert, de Pudicit. “Utique aequum, incerta de certis, obscura de manifestis praejudicari, ut ne inter discordiam certorum et incertoram, manifestorum et obscurorum, fides dissipetur.” — Id, de Resur. [Apanta ojrqa< ejnw>pion tw~n sunie>ntwn , fhsi< hJ grafh< , tou~t j e]sti , tw~n o[soi uJpe He was answered by Vincent Alsop in his “Melius Inquirendum.” —\parED. See the treatise on Indwelling Sin, volume 6. See the previous volume of his works, page 244. —ED. Idolaters in India, who believed in the transmigration of souls. —ED. “Upsets,” or “confounds.” —ED. Owen refers to a work by the learned Joseph Mede, entitled, “The Apostasy of the Latter Times; or, the Gentiles’ Theology of Demons Revived in the Invocation of Saints, Adoring of Relics,” etc. It was published in 1642. An edition of it appeared so recently as 1836. —\parED. See volume 3, books 4 and 5. —ED. See volume 15, in his treatise on Evangelical Love, Peace, and Unity. —\parED. See the author’s Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews. —ED. In his Discourse on Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4, which was not published till 1693, ten years after the death of the author. —ED. The author seems to allude to the coffee-houses, which, established in the time of the commonwealth, soon became a distinctive feature of London life. When no public meetings were allowed, and no public journals existed, the only method by which the news of the day could be learned was by a visit to a coffee-house; in which, besides the information reciprocated in private talk, there were leading orators who harangued the crowd on the current topics of public interest. So powerful was the expression of public opinion through the imperfect channel of these coffee-houses, that the government at one time attempted to suppress them; but the system had become so popular and so interwoven with the habits of the Londoners, that no enactment against it could be enforced. Much time, doubtless, would be wasted in these “talking-houses,” and it is against this sin that the remarks of Owen are directed. —ED. See Meditations on the Glory of Christ, volume 1. —ED. See the author’s treatise on the Person of Christ, volume 1, p. 252. —\parED. These are said to be the initials of Isaac Chauncy, respecting whom the reader will find a note. volume 5, p. 404. —ED. See his discourse on Indwelling Sin, volume 6.—ED. See the preceding treatise in this volume. —ED. Proverbs 10:9. The English version has it, “He that walketh uprightly.” —ED. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - JOHN OWEN INDEX & SEARCH
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