FOOTNOTESPREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE Hor. Ep. lib. 1:2. Hor. Od., lib. 4:2. Hor. Od., lib. 5:6. Hor. Od., lib. 5:6. The initials of Henry Hammond. An account of Owen's controversy with him will be found in a note at the end of the preface. —ED. "Unicum D. Blondellum aut alterum fortasse inter omnes mortales Walonem Messalinum, cap. 25 sect. 3." Pelag. Armin. Socin. Papist. Thomson de Intercis. Justif. Diatrib. Bertius Apost. Sanct. Remonst. Coll. Hag. Scripta Synod. "Vere fidelis uti pro tempore praesenti de fidei et conscientiae suse integritate certus esse potest, ita et de salute sua et de salutifera Dei erga ipsum benevolentia pro illo tempore certus esse potesi et debet." — Act. Synod. p. 182, Dec. Sent. thes. 7. Owen seems to allude to the case of William Barrett, fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. He denied the perseverance of the saints, and assailed Calvin, Beza, and other reformers, with bitter invectives. He was expelled from the university in 1595. —ED. Armin. Antiperk. Romans Coll. Hag. art. 5. "Nos cum mentem nostram super hoc argumento categorice et dogmatice in alteram partem definivimus, nullo jure levitatis insimulari posse, propterea quod novem ab hinc anuis, eam non ira diserte et rotunde enunciaverimus, sed solummodo disquirentium adhuc in morem professi simus." — Dec. Sent. Rem. circa 5 art. Socin. Praelect. Theol. cap. 6 art. 7, etc. 2 Peter 2:1; Act. Synod. Dec. Sent., art. 5, pp. 266, 267, etc. "Adde hos de quibus hic agimus, non vulgares et plebeios, sod antesignanos et eximios ac eminentes fuisse." — Rem. Act. Synod., p. 267. Cic. Inv., lib. 2:54. "Quidam sunt, qui jam aliquamdiu luce veritatis collustrati fuerunt, et in ejus cognitione pietatisque studio tantum profecerunt, ut habitum tandem credendi sancteque vivendi comparaverint: hos non tantum ad finem usque vitae perseverare posse, seal facile posse, ac libenter et cum voluptate perseverare velle credimus, adeo ut non nisi cum lucta et molestia ac difficultate deficere Possint." — Act. Synod. Dec. Sent. A. 5, pp. 189, 190. Coll. Hag. A. 5, Act. Synod. Dec. Sent. A. 5, thes. ii The expression was used not by David in reference to Uzzah, but by the men of Beth-shemesh. See 1 Samuel 6:20. —ED. Dr George Kendall. See prefatory note. —ED. Socin. Prael. Theol. cap. 10 sect. 8. Zechariah? Zechariah 6:1. —ED. Plaut. in Curcul. Cic. pro Flacco. et 2 de Legib. pro Plancio. Plutarchus in Alcibiad. Lucian. in Prometh. See Hor. Sat. 1:7, 8. —ED. "Hunc Ezechielis locum saris commode explicat Erasmus in sua Diatribe, dicens, In eo contineri usitatam figuram loquendi, qua cura in altero aliquid efficiendi significatur, illius opera minime exclusa: ac si quis (inquit) praeceptor discipulo soloecizanti diceret, Exeram tibi linguam istam barbaricam, et inseram Romanam. Haec sunt fere ipsius Erasmi verba. Quibus adde ex loco ipso saris apparere nullam necessitatem Deum significare voluisse, seal neque ullam vim interiorem, cum non alia ratione ea, quae ibi pollicetur se effecturum, ostendat Deus, quam beneficiorum multitudine, quibus affecturus erat populum, ejusque cor et animum emolliturus," etc. — Soc. Prael. cap. 12 s. 6, p. 45. Diatr. de Just. Div. Vide Diat. de Just. Div. Diat. de Just. Divin. Salus Electorum, Sanguis Jesu, vol. 10. Owen refers to the expression in the original, Eijv uJpakoh Bloomfield has no doubt that it should be ojli>gw? Tischendorf, on the authority of some of the most ancient manuscripts, several ancient versions, and several of the Fathers, inserts ojli>gwv in the text as the proper reading. The meaning in this case would be "almost." In the translation of De Wette, "beinahe," "almost," is the word employed. —\parED. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - JOHN OWEN INDEX & SEARCH