FOOTNOTESPREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() Aristoph. in Ran. Ac. 3 Sc. 1, verse 799. Aristot. de Anim. lib. 1 cap. ult. Aristot. Pol. 1ib. 2 cap. 8. Concil. Laod. can. 59. Euseb. Ecclesiastes Hist, lib. 7 cap. 30. Iren. lib. 4 cap. 69. Chrysost. in 2 ad Corinthians cap. 6 ad finem. August. de Unitat. Eccles, cap. Lib. 2 de Bap. ad Donat. cap. 6. Aquin. in 1 Timothy 6. lec, 1. Athanas. in Synops. Ruff Exposit. Symb. Apostol. August. ad Crescon. lib. 2 cap, 31. Maimon. More Nebuch. p. 2 cap. 52; Kimchi Praef. ad Ps. Concil. Constan. in Trul. can. 2. Concil. Carth. 8, cap. 47, cod. can. 20. Epiphan. Haer, 30 cap. 15. Euseb. lib, 4 cap, 26; lib. 6 cap. 25. Athanas. in Synops, Hilar. Praefat. in Ps. Nazian. in Carmin. Cyril. Catech. 4. Epiphan. Haer. 8. Ruf. Exposit. Symb. Hieron. Praef. Galeat, ad Paulin. Hieron. Praef. in lib. Solom. Epiphan. Haer. 8. Lindan. Panopl. Evang. lib. 3, cap. 4. Iren. lib. 1 cap. 2. Epiphan. Haer. 30 cap. 25. Euseb. lib. 6 cap. 38. Epiphan. Haer. 42 cap. 9, Hieron, Praef. in Corn. ad Titum. Theodor. Praef. in Ep. ad Heb. Petrus Clunia. Epist. ad Petrobrusia Euseb. lib. in. cap. in., lib. 6 cap. 20. Photius Biblioth. cod. 48, cod. 120. Lib. 3. cap. 3. Epist. 129, ad Dardan.; Comment. in Esa. 8; in cap. 1 ad Ecclesiastes de Scriptor. Ecclesiast.; in Caio; in Matthew 26; in Zacharia 8; lib. 4 do Trin.; lib. 2 de Cain. Ann. Eccles. an. 60, n. 56. Exposit. Symb. Apostol. Ecclesiastes Hist,. lib. 3, cap. 38. Epist ad Dardan. De Verb. Dei, lib. 1 cap. 11. Euseb. Hist. Ecclesiastes lib 3 cap. 25. Confess. lib. 3, cap. 5. Praef. in Esaiam et Amosum. Franciscus Picus, Exam. Doct. Gent. lib. 2 cap. 2; Bibliander. de Ratione Discendi Hebrae.; Mornaeus de Veritat. Christ. Relig. cap. 26.; Rivet. Isagog. ad Sac. Script. cap. 28; Glassius, Philol. Sac. Prsef. ad Rhetor.; OriGenesis tom. 4 m Evang. Johan.; Hieron. Epist. 151 ad Algas; Cornelius a Lapide Praef. in Epist. Paul. Dion. Halicar. Tractat, de Isoo. cap, 12. Senec. Epist. 115. Picus Mirand. Epist. ad Hermol. Barbar. August. de Doct. Christ. lib. 4 cap. 6. Hilar. in Psalm 126. Basil. in Psalm 115. Picus Mirand. Epist. ad Hermol. Barbar. Basil. in Psalm 1. Euseb. Ecclesiastes Hist. lib. 3 cap. ult. Synod. Laod. cap. 59. Hieron. Cat. Viror. Illust. in Joseph. Gregor.Mor. lib. 19 cap. 16. Hieron. Praef. in Proverbs Solom. Clemens, Origenes, Eusebius, Hieronymus, Theodoretus, Chrysostomus, Cajetanus, Erasmus, Camero, Grotius, et omnes fere commentatores; Freder. Span. Fil. de Auth. Epist. ad Heb. Euseb. Ecclesiastes Hist, lib. 6:cap. xxv. Ecclesiastes Hist. lib. 6:cap. 25. Ecclesiastes Hist. lib. 6:cap. xiii. Grot. Praef. in Annot. ad Epist. ad Hebrews. Hieron. Scrip. Ecclesiastes in Paul. Scrip. Ecclesiastes in Clement. Tertul. de Pudicit. cap. 20: Hieron. Cat Scrip. in Paul. et Barnab. Philastr. Haer. 41. Camero Quae. in Epist. ad Hebrews. Spanh. de Auth. Epist. ad Hebrews. Grot. Praef. Annot. in Epist. ad Heb. Baron. Ann Ecclesiastes an. 51, n. 55. Hieron de Nomin. Hebrews. Epiphan. Haer. lib. 1:cap. 10. Euseb. Ecclesiastes Hist. lib. 1:cap. xiii. Hieron. Epist. ad August. et Com. in cap. 2, Epist. ad Galatians; Baron. Ann. Eccles, an. 65, n. 39-41. Monceius de Vitul. Aur. Luther on Genesis 48:10. Eras. Annot. in cap. 13. Sixtus Senen. Biblioth. lib. 7 :cap. 8. Tertul. Praef. ad Haer. OEcumen. Praef. in Epist. ad Heb. Clemens in Hypotyp. Euseb. Eccles. Hist. lib. vi. cap. xxv. Hieron. Cat. Scrip. in Paul. Eras. Annot. in cap. xiii. 24. Theodor. Argu. in Epist. ad Heb. Chrysost. Praef. in Epist. ad Heb. Cathar. de Auth. Epist. ad Heb. Diss. Bellar. de Verb. Del. lib. i. cap. xvii. Baron. Ann. Eccles. an. 51, n. 55. A Lapid. Praef. in Epist. Can. 1oc. Com. lib. i. cap. xi. Galenus Praef. in Epist. ad Heb. Ten Praelud. iv. Estius Prolegom. Chrysost. Procem. in Epist. ad. Romans Beza Annot. in 2 Corinthians 11:6. Euseb. Ecclesiastes Hist. lib. 6:cap. xiii. Procem. in Epist. ad Heb. Aust. lib. ii. Con. adver. Leg. et Prophet. cap. i. See note, vol. 5:p. 296 of Owen’s works. —ED. This quotation is not very correctly given. As it stands in the Targum it is to the following effect: dwd aml[ yqydx atyç hnm qpml ˆydyt[d hawbnb rmata dy ˆmw ajyçm aklmw ytwybjw layndw ; — “And immediately it was said, by prophecy, that hereafter there should proceed from her the six righteous ones of the world, David, and Daniel and his companions, and King Messiah.” —\parED. The value of the talent is variously estimated. If the talent of gold. according to one estimate, amount in value to £5,075, the total sum would be £507,500.000; if, according to another estimate, it amount to £5,250, the total would be £525,000,000; if to £5,475, the total would be £547,500,000. Again, the talent of silver has been valued at £342, 3s. 9d. by some; at £353, 11s. 10d. by others; and at £375 by others. The total sums would thus be respectively, £342,187,500, or £353,591,666, 13s. 4d., or £375,500,000. If we calculate according to the specified weight in ounces, valuing the gold at £3, 10s. and the silver at 5s. per ounce, the results would be £525,000,000, and £375,000,000. We make these remarks, inasmuch as it is somewhat difficult to understand on what principles the calculations in the text above were made, and there is reason to fear some inaccuracy in the printing. The following remarks on this matter by Dr Kitto are deserving of attention: — “The stated numbers are found in the Book of Chronicles, which was written after the Babylonish captivity. Now, it is reasonable to suppose that the people, most of whom were born and bred in Chaldea, used the weights and measures of that country — of which we have, indeed, a singular proof in the fact that the Persian and Chaldean gold coin called the daric is mentioned in the computation of the donations of the nobles, although the coin was assuredly unknown in David’s time. Then the value of the Babylonian talent was greatly less than that of the Hebrews; that of the talent of gold being £3500, and of silver £218, 15s., which would reduce the entire amount to about £600,000,000. This, though an immense reduction, seems still to be far too large, and some therefore think the Syriac talent to be intended, which was but one-fifth of the Babylonian. This would bring it down to the comparatively reasonable, and not absolutely impossible, sum of £120,000,000. There is an independent corroboration of this in the fact that Josephus, whether by so reading in the original text as then extant, or by reducing the talents into talents of accompt, produces nearly the same result, by making the talents of gold not more than ten thousand, and of silver a hundred thousand. Even this sum seems far too large in comparison with any thing known to our experience; but we have no determinate data on which it may be further reduced, without supposing a corruption of the text of Chronicles. This is possible, from the facility with which numbers are corrupted in the course of time, and from the circumstance that the numbers of Chronicles repeatedly differ from those of the same account in the Book of Kings, and are always in excess: which hence may be the ease here also, where there is no parallel text in Kings to supply the means of comparison. It is certain that the details in Kings, so far as given, are favorable to a lower estimate.” — ED. The rule, as given by Gesenius, is, “When a subject is composed of a nominative and a genitive, the verb sometimes conforms in gender and number to the genitive instead of the governing noun, especially when the word in the genitive expresses the principal idea.” — ED. He refers to “The Visions and Prophecies of Daniel Expounded,” by Thomas Parker a Puritan divine, who went to New England in 1634, and died in 1677. — ED. See for the division to which this numeral belongs, page 316. — ED. “Quia pluralem ejus absolutum Rabbini efferunt t/jn;m] , Mem cum Scheva ideo radicale censetur; si autem m esset servile, diceretur t/jn;mi .” — Buxtorf. Lex. Heb. to Chald. s.v., hj;n; . —ED. Hugo Grotius, in loc. —ED. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - JOHN OWEN INDEX & SEARCH
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