PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF CALVIN. PRESBYTERIANS, that is, the great body of the Reformed Church throughout the world, have been very commonly denominated Calvinists; not that they are followers of Calvin, either in doctrine or in discipline, since the doctrines and discipline embraced by Presbyterians existed previous to the appearance of Calvin, and were adopted, and not originated, by him. Calvin, however, being the great theologian of the Reformers, so well defended, so clearly expounded, and so perfectly systematized these principles, as to connect with them, wherever they are known, his illustrious name. The term Calvinist was first employed in the year 1562, in reference to the standards of the Huguenots or French Reformed church, which drew up; from which time it came to be employed as characteristic of all those who adopted similar doctrinal principles. These principles, however, no more originated with Calvin than did the Bible, for they are the very same which were held forth by the apostles — which were proclaimed in all the apostolic churches — which were maintained by the ancient Culdees, by the Waldenses, and by other pure and scriptural bodies — and which were eminently defended by the celebrated Augustine, and by other divines, in every period of the Church. As Presbyterians, we hold no principles which are not found in the word of God. We claim no antiquity less recent than the primeval organization of the Church of God on earth. In our Christian form, we build upon the only foundation laid in Zion, the foundation of apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. We call no man master upon earth. We know no man after the flesh. We call neither Abraham, nor Moses, neither Paul, nor Augustine, neither Luther, nor Calvin, “our Father.” We are in subjection to no man, nor do we wear the name or livery of any. We are Christians in doctrine, and Presbyterians in polity, our doctrine being deduced from the Scriptures, and Presbytery being the only polity known to the Apostles, or to the apostolic and primitive churches of Christ. But while we so speak, let us not be supposed to disparage the name and character of Calvin, or to deprecate, as either shame or reproach, the application of the term Calvinists. In the great body of Calvin’s principles — though not by any means in all — we concur. To the life, character, and conduct of Calvin, we look with reverence and high esteem. And while we apologize not for his errors or his infirmities, yet were we required to be called by any human cognomen, there is perhaps no other man, since the days of the Apostles, by whose name we would prefer to be designated. The reputation and character of this distinguished Reformer have been opposed by every artifice of ingenuity, sophistry, and malignity. The vilest and most baseless calumnies have been heaped upon his memory. The most senseless and improbable stories have been invented to blacken his character, and to detract from his illustrious fame. A single event, distorted, misrepresented, and in all its circumstances imputed to his single agency, although consummated by the civil authorities of the republic, and although in accordance with the established sentiments of the age, has been made to color his whole life, to portray his habitual conduct, and to cover with infamy the man and his cause. Now, in these very efforts of his enemies, Romish and Prelatist, and in their nature, source, and evident design, we find a noble testimony to the genius, power, and worth of Calvin. He who opposes himself to existing customs and prevalent opinions, must anticipate resistance in proportion to the success with which his efforts are accompanied. And while such opposition, in itself considered, does not prove that such a man is right in his scheme of reformation, but only that his plan involves the subversion of established forms, yet may we learn the character of such an intended reformation, and of such a bold reformer, by the very nature of that opposition which is brought to bear against him. And if, as in the present case, we find that, in order to withstand the overwhelming influence of such a man, his enemies are driven to the invention of forgeries, and the grossest fabrications, we may with certainty infer, that his personal character was irreproachable. In like manner, when these enemies are led to meet the arguments of such a man, by personal invective and abuse, we may be equally assured that his is the cause of truth and righteousness, and theirs the cause of error. Truth is strong in her conscious and imperishable virtue. She seeks therefore the light, courts investigation, and offers herself to the most impartial scrutiny. Error, on the contrary, having no inward strength, is weak and cowardly. She seeks the covert and the shade. She clothes herself in the garments of concealment. She assumes borrowed robes and names, and endeavors by artifice and treachery to accomplish her base designs. In Calvin, therefore, we have a tower built upon the rock, rearing its lofty head to the clouds, visible from afar, and open to the observation of all men, which, though the floods roar, and the winds arise against it, yields not to the fury of the tempest — because its foundations are secure. In the enemies of Calvin, we behold the secret plotters of his ruin, who, conscious of his invincibility when opposed by any fair or honorable onset, dig deep within the bosom of the earth, and there concealed by darkness, and buried from all human sight, ply their nefarious arts to sap, and undermine, and by well concerted stratagem, to overwhelm in destruction an innocent and unsuspecting victim. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - CALVIN'S ENEMIES INDEX & SEARCH
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