Some portions of the following paper were written in 1863, and set down in letters on the spot, as is shown by internal evidence.
A few pages were published in the Evangelical Magazine in 1868. The original sketch is here reproduced, with several corrections and some changes in arrangement, rendered needful by its becoming part of a joint publication. For some items of information which would have been otherwise lacking, I am indebted to the kind courtesy of the Reverend J. C.
Houchin, who has permitted the use of articles written by him in “The Haverhill and Stambourne District Magazine, 1883.” The quotations are, as a rule, acknowledged at the foot of the page; but where this is not done, this general word must cover all.
Of several beloved friends for whom this record was specially intended, two dear cousins have, before its completion, passed away from “the earthly house of this tabernacle” to the “Father’s House.”
They are gone. We are going. The retrospect and the prospect suggest the insertion of the lines on “THE FUTURE HOME,” with which the article closes.