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    BIBLE: KINGDOM OF HEAVEN -Compared .To a man who sowed good seed MT 13:24-30,38-43; MR 4:26-29 .To a granule of mustard seed MT 13:31,32; MR 4:30,31; LU 13:18,19 .To leaven (yeast) MT 13:33; LU 13:21 .To a treasure MT 13:44 .To a pearl MT 13:45 .To a net MT 13:47-50 .To a king who called his servants for a reckoning (an audit) MT 18:23-35 .To a householder MT 20:1-16 .To a king who made a marriage feast for his son MT 22:2-14; LU 14:16-24 .To ten virgins MT 25:1-13 .To a man, traveling into a far country, who called his servants, and delivered to them his goods MT 25:14-30; LU 19:12-27 -"My kingdom is not of this world," JOH 18:36 -Children of the MT 18:3; 19:14; MR 10:14; LU 18:16 -Rich people cannot enter MT 19:23,24; MR 10:23-25; LU 18:24,25,29,30 -Keys of MT 16:19 -Good news of LU 8:1 -Mysteries of LU 8:10 -Does not consist of meat and drink RO 14:17 -See CHURCH Ż 1107 -See JESUS, KINGDOM OF Ż 2780 KINGDOM OF SATAN -General scriptures concerning MT 12:26


    1. Book of Martyrs Ch. 17b
    1. Flavius Book 12 Chapter 2
    2. Flavius Vs. Apion 2
    3. Flavius Book 11 Chapter 6
    4. Flavius Book 10 Chapter 11
    5. Flavius Book 17 Chapter 9
    6. Flavius Book 13 Chapter 16
    7. Flavius Book 19 Chapter 9
    8. Flavius Book 7 Chapter 11
    9. Flavius Book 16 Chapter 8
    10. Flavius Book 21 Chapter 6
    11. Flavius Book 7 Chapter 14
    12. Flavius Book 9 Chapter 8
    1. Edersheim Book 7 Chapter 5
    2. Edersheim Book 7 Chapter 9
    3. Edersheim Book 7 Chapter 7
    4. Edersheim Book 4 Chapter 9
    5. Edersheim Book 4 Chapter 17
    6. Edersheim Book 4 Chapter 1
    7. Edersheim Book 5 Chapter 10
    8. Edersheim Book 4 Chapter 18


    1. Clarke's Commentary Daniel 2
    2. Clarke's Commentary Revelations 13
    3. Clarke's Commentary Revelations 12
    4. Clarke's Commentary Romans 9
    5. Clarke's Commentary Matthew 5
    6. Clarke's Commentary Isaiah 8
    7. Clarke's Commentary Acts 1
    8. Clarke's Commentary John 3
    9. Clarke's Commentary 1 Corinthians 15
    10. Clarke's Commentary Matthew 11
    11. Clarke's Commentary Daniel 11
    12. Clarke's Commentary Matthew 18
    13. Clarke's Commentary Psalms 89
    14. Clarke's Commentary Revelations 17
    15. Clarke's Commentary Daniel 7
    16. Clarke's Commentary Matthew 3
    17. Clarke's Commentary Matthew 6
    18. Clarke's Commentary Isaiah 7
    19. Clarke's Commentary Matthew 16
    20. Clarke's Commentary 1 Kings 11
    21. Clarke's Commentary Romans 11
    22. Clarke's Commentary Psalms 110
    23. Clarke's Commentary Psalms 2
    24. Clarke's Commentary Acts 28
    25. Clarke's Commentary Luke 1
    26. Clarke's Commentary 2 Samuel 7
    27. Clarke's Commentary Matthew 4
    28. Clarke's Commentary Romans 16
    29. Clarke's Commentary Matthew 24
    30. Clarke's Commentary Psalms 72
    31. Clarke's Commentary Matthew 13
    32. Clarke's Commentary Luke 22
    33. Clarke's Commentary Isaiah 1
    34. Clarke's Commentary Isaiah 2
    35. Clarke's Commentary Mark 4
    36. Clarke's Commentary 1 Kings 15
    37. Clarke's Commentary Matthew 12
    1. Wesley's Notes Revelations 13
    2. Wesley's Notes Matthew 3
    3. Wesley's Notes Psalms 72
    4. Wesley's Notes 2 Samuel 23
    5. Wesley's Notes Matthew 11
    6. Wesley's Notes 2 Kings 17
    7. Wesley's Notes Daniel 2
    8. Wesley's Notes Matthew 20
    1. Clavis Biblica 5


    1. Wesley's Sermons 7
    2. Wesley's Sermons 26
    3. Wesley's Sermons 25
    4. Wesley's Sermons 33
    5. Wesley's Sermons 108
    6. Wesley's Sermons 21
    7. Wesley's Sermons 40
    8. Wesley's Sermons 52
    9. Wesley's Sermons 14
    1. Finney's Sermons 12b
    2. Finney's Sermons 12c
    3. Finney's Sermons 1b



    1. Torreys Topical Textbook 52


    1. Eastons Bible Dictionary 70
    2. Eastons Bible Dictionary 41
    3. Eastons Bible Dictionary 60
    4. Eastons Bible Dictionary 68
    5. Eastons Bible Dictionary 63
    1. NT Word Pictures Acts 1
    2. NT Word Pictures Mark 4
    3. NT Word Pictures John 3
    4. NT Word Pictures Matthew 13

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