|  |
Access to God
- Is of God
#PS 65:4
- Is by Christ
#JOH 10:7,9; 14:6; RO 5:2; EPH 2:13; 3:12; HEB 7:9,25;
10:19; 1PE 3:18
- Is by the Holy Spirit
#EPH 2:18
- Obtained through faith
#AC 14:27; RO 5:2; EPH 3:12; HEB 11:6
- Follows upon reconciliation to God
#COL 1:21,22
- In Prayer
#DE 4:7; MT 6:6; 1PE 1:17
- In his temple
#PS 15:1; 27:4; 43:3; 65:4
- To obtain mercy and grace
#HEB 4:16
- A privilege of saints
#DE 4:7; PS 15:1; 23:6; 24:3,4
- Saints have, with confidence
#EPH 3:12; HEB 4:16; 10:19,20
- Vouchsafed to repenting sinners
#HO 14:2; JOE 2:12
- Saints earnestly seek
#PS 27:4; 42:1,2; 43:3; 84:1,2
- The wicked commanded to seek
#ISA 55:6; JAS 8 4:8
- Urge others to seek
#ISA 2:3; JER 31:6
- Promises connected with
#PS 145:18; ISA 55:3; MT 6:6; JAS 8 4:8
- Blessedness connected with
#PS 16:11; 65:4; 73:28
- Typified
#LE 16:12-15; HEB 10:19-22
- Exemplified
. Moses
#EX 24:2; 34:4-7
- Explained
#2CO 6:18
- Is according to promise
#RO 9:8; GA 3:29
- Is by faith
#GA 3:7,26
- Is of God's grace
#EZE 16:3-6; RO 4:16,17; EPH 1:5,6,11
- Is through Christ
#JOH 1:12; GA 4:4,5; EPH 1:5; HEB 2:10,13
- Saints predestinated to
#RO 8:29; EPH 1:5,11
- Of Gentiles, predicted
#HO 2:23; RO 9:24-26; EPH 3:6
- The Adopted are gathered together in one by Christ
#JOH 11:52
- New birth connected with
#JOH 1:12,13
- The Holy Spirit is a Witness of
#RO 8:16
- Being led by the Spirit is an evidence of
#RO 8:14
- Saints receive the Spirit of
#RO 8:15; GA 4:6
- A privilege of saints
#JOH 1:12; 1JO 3:1
- Saints become brethren of Christ by
#JOH 20:17; HEB 2:11,12
- Saints wait for final consummation of
#RO 8:19,23; 1JO 3:2
- Subjects saints to the fatherly discipline of God
#DE 8:5; 2SA 7:14; PR 3:11,12; HEB 12:5-11
- God is long-suffering and merciful towards the partakers of
#JER 31:1,9,20
- Should lead to holiness
#2CO 6:17,18; 7:1; PHP 2:15; 1JO 3:2,3
. Likeness to God
#MT 5:44,45,48; EPH 5:1
. Child-like confidence in God
#MT 6:25-34
. A desire for God's glory
#MT 5:16
. A spirit of prayer
#MT 7:7-11
. A love of peace
#MT 5:9
. A forgiving spirit
#MT 6:14
. A merciful spirit
#LU 6:35,36
. An avoidance of ostentation
#MT 6:1-4,6,18
- Safety of those who receive
#PR 14:26
- Confers a new name
#NU 6:27; ISA 62:2; AC 15:17
. See TITLES and Names of Saints
- Entitles to an inheritance
#MT 13:43; RO 8:17; GA 3:29; 4:7; EPH 3:6
- Is to be pleaded in prayer
#ISA 63:16; MT 6:9
- Illustrated
. Joseph's sons
#GE 48:5,14,16,22
. Moses
#EX 2:10
. Esther
#ES 2:7
- Typified
. Israel
#EX 4:22; HO 11:1; RO 9:4
- Exemplified
. Solomon
#1CH 28:6
Affections, The
- Should be supremely set upon God
#DE 6:3; MR 12:30
. Upon the commandments of God
#PS 19:8-10; 119:20,97,103,167
. Upon the house and worship of God
#1CH 29:3; PS 26:8; 27:4; 84:1,2
. Upon the people of God
#PS 16:3; RO 12:10; 2CO 7:13-15; 1TH 2:8
. Upon heavenly things
#COL 3:1,2
- Should be zealously engaged for God
#PS 69:9; 119:139; GA 4:18
- Christ claims the first place in
#MT 10:37; LU 14:26
- Enkindled by communion with Christ
#LU 24:32
- Blessedness of making God the object of
#PS 91:14
- Should not grow cold
#PS 106:12,13; MT 24:12; GA 4:15; RE 2:4
- Of saints, supremely set on God
#PS 42:1; 73:25; 119:10
- Of the wicked, not sincerely set on God
#ISA 58:1,2; EZE 33:31,32; LU 8:13
- Carnal affections should be mortified
#RO 8:13; 13:14; 1CO 9:27; COL 3:5; 1TH 4:5
- Carnal affections crucified in saints
#RO 6:6; GA 5:24
- False teachers seek to captivate
#GA 1:10; 4:17; 2TI 3:6; 2PE 2:3,18; RE 2:14,20
- Of the wicked, are unnatural and perverted
#RO 1:31; 2TI 3:3; 2PE 2:10
Afflicted, Duty toward the
- To pray for them
#AC 12:5; PHP 1:16,19; JAS 5:14-16
- To sympathise with them
#RO 12:15; GA 6:2
- To pity them
#Job 14 6:14
- To bear them in mind
#HEB 13:3
- To visit them
#JAS 27 1:27
- To comfort them
#Job 5 16:5; 29:25; 2CO 1:4; 1TH 4:18
- To relieve them
#Job 19 31:19,20; ISA 58:10; PHP 4:14; 1TI 5:10
- To protect them
#PS 82:3; PR 22:22; 31:5
Afflicted Saints
- God is with
#PS 46:5,7; ISA 43:2
- God is a refuge and strength to
#PS 27:5,6; ISA 25:4; JER 16:19; NA 1:7
- God comforts
#ISA 49:13; JER 31:13; MT 5:4; 2CO 1:4,5; 7:6
- God preserves
#PS 34:20
- God delivers
#PS 34:4,19; PR 12:13; JER 39:17,18
- Christ is with
#JOH 14:18
- Christ supports
#2TI 4:17; HEB 2:18
- Christ comforts
#ISA 61:2; MT 11:28-30; LU 7:13; JOH 14:1; 16:33
- Christ preserves
#ISA 63:9; LU 21:18
- Christ delivers
#RE 3:10
- Should praise God
#PS 13:5,6; 56:8-10; 57:6,7; 71:20-23
- Should imitate Christ
#HEB 12:1-3; 1PE 2:21-23
- Should imitate the prophets
#JAS 5:10
- Should be patient
#LU 21:19; RO 12:12; 2TH 1:4; JAS 4 1:4; 1PE 2:20
- Should be resigned
#1SA 3:18; 2KI 20:19; Job 21 1:21; PS 39:9
- Should not despise chastening
#Job 17 5:17; PR 3:11; HEB 12:5
- Should acknowledge the justice of their chastisements
#NE 9:33; Job 10 2:10; ISA 64:5-7; LA 3:39; MIC 7:9
- Should avoid sin
#Job 31 34:31,32; JOH 5:14; 1PE 2:12
- Should trust in the goodness of God
#Job 15 13:15; PS 71:20; 2CO 1:9
- Should turn and devote themselves to God
#PS 116:7-9; JER 50:3,4; HO 6:1
- Should keep the pious resolutions made during afflictions
#PS 66:13-15
- Should be frequent in prayer
#PS 50:15-17
. See AFFLICTION, Prayer Under
- Should take encouragement from former mercies
#PS 27:9; 2CO 1:10
- Examples of afflicted Saints:
. Joseph
#GE 39:20-23; PS 105:17-19
. Moses
#HEB 11:25
. Eli
#1SA 3:18
. Nehemiah
#NE 1:4
. Job
#Job 20 1:20-22
. David
#2SA 12:15-23
. Paul
#AC 20:22-24; 21:13
. Apostles
#1CO 4:13; 2CO 6:4-10
Affliction, Comfort under
- God is the Author and Giver of
#PS 23:4; RO 15:5; 2CO 1:3; 7:6; COL 1:11; 2TH 2:16,17
- Christ is the Author and Giver of
#ISA 61:2; JOH 14:18; 2CO 1:5
- The Holy Spirit is the Author and Giver of
#JOH 14:16,17; 15:26; 16:7; AC 9:31
- Promised
#ISA 51:3,12; 66:13; EZE 14:22,23; HO 2:14; Z17 EC 1:17
- Through the Holy Scriptures
#PS 119:50,76; RO 15:4
- By ministers of the gospel
#ISA 40:1,2; 1CO 14:3; 2CO 1:4,6
- Is abundant
#PS 71:21; ISA 66:11
- Is strong
#HEB 6:18
- Is everlasting
#2TH 2:16
- Is a cause of praise
#ISA 12:1; 49:13
- Pray for
#PS 119:82
- Saints should administer to each other
#1TH 4:18; 5:11,14
- Is sought in vain from the world
#PS 69:20; EC 4:1; LA 1:2
- To those who mourn for sin
#PS 51:17; ISA 1:18; 40:1,2; 61:1; MIC 7:18,19; LU 4:18
- To the troubled in mind
#PS 42:5; 94:19; JOH 14:1,27; 16:20,22
- To those deserted by friends
#PS 27:10; 41:9-12; JOH 14:18; 15:18,19
- To the persecuted
#DE 33:27
- To the poor
#PS 10:14; 34:6,9,10
- To the sick
#PS 41:3
- To the tempted
#RO 16:20; 1CO 10:13; 2CO 12:9; JAS 12 1:12; 4:7; 2PE 2:9; RE
10 2:10
- In prospect of death
#Job 25 19:25,26; PS 23:4; JOH 14:2; 2CO 5:1; 1TH 4:14; HEB
9 4:9; RE 7:14-17; 14:13
- Under the infirmities of age
#PS 71:9,18
Affliction, Prayer Under
- Exhortation to
#JAS 13 5:13
- That God would consider our trouble
#2KI 19:16; NE 9:32; PS 9:13; LA 5:1
- For the presence and support of God
#PS 10:1; 102:2
- That the Holy Spirit may not be withdrawn
#PS 51:11
- For divine comfort
#PS 4:6; 119:76
- For mitigation of troubles
#PS 39:12,13
- For deliverance
#PS 25:17,22; 39:10; ISA 64:9-12; JER 17:14
- For pardon and deliverance from sin
#PS 39:8; 51:1; 79:8
- That we may be turned to God
#PS 80:7; 85:4-6; JER 31:18
- For divine teaching and direction
#Job 32 34:32; PS 27:11; 143:10
- For increase of faith
#MR 9:24
- For mercy
#PS 6:2; HAB 3:2
- For restoration to joy
#PS 51:8,12; 69:29; 90:14,15
- For protection and preservation from enemies
#2KI 19:19; 2CH 20:12; PS 17:8,9
- That we may know the causes of our trouble
#Job 24 6:24; 10:2; 13:23,24
- That we may be taught the uncertainty of life
#PS 39:4
- That we may be quickened
#PS 143:11
- God appoints
#2KI 6:33; Job 6 5:6,17; PS 66:11; AM 3:6; MIC 6:9
- God dispenses, as He will
#Job 10 11:10; ISA 10:15; 45:7
- God regulates the measure of
#PS 80:5; ISA 9:1; JER 46:28
- God determines the continuance of
#GE 15:13,14; NU 14:33; ISA 10:25; JER 29:10
- God does not willingly send
#LA 3:33
- Man is born to
#Job 6 5:6,7; 14:1
- Saints appointed to
#1TH 3:3
- Consequent upon the fall
#GE 3:16-19
- Sin produces
#Job 8 4:8; 20:11; PR 1:31
- Sin visited with
#2SA 12:14; PS 89:30-32; ISA 57:17; AC 13:10,11
- Often severe
#Job 7 16:7-16; PS 42:7; 66:12; JON 2:3; RE 7:14
- Always less than we deserve
#EZR 9:13; PS 103:10
- Frequently terminate in good
#GE 50:20; EX 1:11,12; DE 8:15,16; JER 24:5,6; EZE 20:37
- Tempered with mercy
#PS 78:38,39; 106:43-46; ISA 30:18-21; LA 3:32; MIC 7:7-9;
NA 1:12
- Saints are to expect
#JOH 16:33; AC 14:22
- Of saints, are comparatively light
#AC 20:23,24; RO 8:18; 2CO 4:17
- Of saints, are but temporary
#PS 30:5; 103:9; ISA 54:7,8; JOH 16:20; 1PE 1:6; 5:10
- Saints have joy under
#Job 17 5:17; JAS 11 5:11
- Of saints, end in joy and blessedness
#PS 126:5,6; ISA 61:2,3; MT 5:4; 1PE 4:13,14
- Often arise from the profession of the gospel
#MT 24:9; JOH 15:21; 2TI 3:11,12
- Exhibit the love and faithfulness of God
#DE 8:5; PS 119:75; PR 3:12; 1CO 11:32; HEB 12:6,7; RE
19 3:19
Afflictions Made Beneficial
- In promoting the glory of God
#JOH 9:1-3; 11:3,4; 21:18,19
- In exhibiting the power and faithfulness of God
#PS 34:19,20; 2CO 4:8-11
- In teaching us the will of God
#PS 119:71; ISA 26:9; MIC 6:9
- In turning us to God
#DE 4:30,31; NE 1:8,9; PS 78:34; ISA 10:20,21; HO 2:6,7
- In keeping us from again departing from God
#Job 31 34:31,32; ISA 10:20; EZE 14:10,11
- In leading us to seek God in prayer
#JUD 4:3; JER 31:18; LA 2:17-19; HO 5:14,15; JON 2:1
- In convincing us of sin
#Job 8 36:8,9; PS 119:67; LU 15:16-18
- In leading us to confession of sin
#NU 21:7; PS 32:5; 51:3,5
- In testing and exhibiting our sincerity
#Job 10 23:10; PS 66:10; PR 17:3
- In trying our faith and obedience
#GE 22:1,2; HEB 11:17; EX 15:23-25; DE 8:2,16; 1PE 1:7; RE
10 2:10
- In humbling us
#DE 8:3,16; 2CH 7:13,14; LA 3:19,20; 2CO 12:7
- In purifying us
#EC 7:2,3; ISA 1:25,26; 48:10; JER 9:6,7; Z9 EC 13:9; MAL
2 3:2,3
- In exercising our patience
#PS 40:1; RO 5:3; JAS 3 1:3; 1PE 2:20
- In rendering us fruitful in good works
#JOH 15:2; HEB 12:10,11
- In furthering the gospel
#AC 8:3,4; 11:19-21; PHP 1:12; 2TI 2:9,10; 4:16,17
- Exemplified
. Joseph's brethren
#GE 42:21
. Joseph
#GE 45:5,7,8
. Israel
#DE 8:3,5
. Josiah
#2KI 22:19
. Hezekiah
#2CH 32:25,26
. Manasseh
#2CH 33:12
. Jonah
#JON 2:7
. Prodigal's son
#LU 15:21
Afflictions of the Wicked, The
- God is glorified in
#EX 14:4; EZE 38:22,23
- God holds in derision
#PS 37:13; PR 1:26,27
- Are multiplied
#DE 31:17; Job 12 20:12-18; PS 32:10
- Are continual
#Job 20 15:20; EC 2:23; ISA 32:10
- Are often sudden
#PS 73:10; PR 6:15; ISA 30:13; RE 18:10
- Are often judicially sent
#Job 17 21:17; PS 107:17; JER 30:15
- Are for examples to others
#PS 64:7-9; ZEP 3:6,7; 1CO 10:5-11; 2PE 2:6
- Are ineffectual of themselves, for their conversion
#EX 9:30; ISA 9:13; JER 2:30; HAG 2:17
- Their persecution of saints, a cause of
#DE 30:7; PS 55:19; Z9 EC 2:9; 2TH 1:6
- Impenitence is a cause of
#PR 1:30,31; EZE 24:13; AM 4:6-12; Z11 EC 7:11,12; RE 2:21,22
- Sometimes humble them
#1KI 21:27
- Frequently harden
#NE 9:28,29; JER 5:3
- Produce slavish fear
#Job 24 15:24; PS 73:19; JER 49:3,5
- Saints should not be alarmed at
#PR 3:25,26
- Exemplified
. Pharaoh and the Egyptians
#EX 9:14,15; 14:24,25
. Ahaziah
#2KI 1:1-4
. Gehazi
#2KI 5:27
. Jehoram
#2CH 21:12-19
. Uzziah
#2CH 26:19-21
. Ahaz, etc.
#2CH 28:5-8,22