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     - Explained
         #1CO 13:4-7
     - Enjoined
         #COL 3:14
       . See LOVE to Man
     - Commanded
         #EX 20:14; PR 31:3; AC 15:20; RO 13:13; COL 3:5; 1TH 4:3
     - Required in look
         #Job 1 31:1; MT 5:28
     - Required in heart
         #PR 6:25
     - Required in speech
         #EPH 5:3
     - Keep the body in
         #1CO 6:13,15-18
     - Preserved by wisdom
         #PR 2:10,11,16; 7:1-5
     - Saints are kept in
         #EC 7:26
     - Advantages of
         #1PE 3:1,2
     - Shun those void of
         #1CO 5:11; 1PE 4:3
     - The wicked are void of
         #RO 1:29; EPH 4:19; 2PE 2:14; Jude 8 1:8
     - Temptation to deviate from, dangerous
         #2SA 11:2-4
     - Consequences of associating with those void of
         #PR 7:25-27; 22:14
     - Want of, excludes from heaven
         #GA 5:19-21
     - Drunkenness destructive to
         #PR 23:31-33
     - Breach of, punished
         #1CO 3:16,17; EPH 5:5,6; HEB 13:4; RE 22:15
     - Motives for
         #1CO 6:19; 1TH 4:7
     - Exemplified
       . Abimelech
           #GE 20:4,5; 26:10,11
       . Joseph
           #GE 39:7-10
       . Ruth
           #RU 3:10,11
       . Boaz
           #RU 3:13
     - Form and appearance of
         #EZE 1:5-11,13,14
     - Animated by the Spirit of God
         #EZE 1:12,20
     - Engaged in accomplishing the purposes of God
         #EZE 1:15,21; 10:9-11,16,17
     - The glory of God exhibited upon
         #EZE 1:22,26-28; 10:4,18,20
     - Sound of their wings was as the voice of God
         #EZE 1:24; 10:5
     - Placed at the entrance of Eden
         #GE 3:24
     - OF GOLD
       . Formed out of, and at each end of the mercy seat
           #EX 25:18-20
       . Placed over the ark of the covenant
           #1SA 4:4; 1KI 8:6,7; 2CH 5:7,8
       . God's presence manifested between
           #2SA 6:2; 2KI 19:15; PS 80:1; 99:1
       . The oracles or answers of God delivered from between
           #EX 25:22; NU 7:89
     - Called the cherubim of glory
         #HEB 9:5
       . Curtains of the tabernacle
           #EX 26:1,31
       . Vail of the tabernacle
           #EX 26:31
       . Vail of the temple
           #2CH 3:14
       . Doors of the temple
           #1KI 6:32,35
       . Walls of the temple
           #2CH 3:7
       . Bases of brazen lavers
           #1KI 7:29,36
     - Riding on, illustrative of majesty and power of God
         #2SA 22:11; PS 18:10
     - Christ was an example to
         #LU 2:51; JOH 19:26,27
     - Are a gift from God
         #GE 33:5; PS 127:3
     - Are capable of glorifying God
         #PS 8:2; 148:12,13; MT 21:15,16
     - SHOULD BE
       . Brought to Christ
           #MR 10:13-16
       . Brought early to the house of God
           #1SA 1:24
       . Instructed in the ways of God
           #DE 31:12,13; PR 22:6
       . Judiciously trained
           #PR 22:15; 29:17; EPH 6:4
     - SHOULD
       . Obey God
           #DE 30:2
       . Fear God
           #PR 24:21
       . Remember God
           #EC 12:1
       . Attend to parental teaching
           #PR 1:8,9
       . Honor parents
           #EX 20:12; HEB 12:9
       . Fear parents
           #LE 19:3
       . Obey parents
           #PR 6:20; EPH 6:1
       . Take care of parents
           #1TI 5:4
       . Honor the aged
           #LE 19:32; 1PE 5:5
       . Not imitate bad parents
           #EZE 20:18
     - An heritage from the Lord
         #PS 113:9; 127:3
     - NOT TO HAVE
       . Considered an affliction
           #GE 15:2,3; JER 22:30
       . A reproach in Israel
           #1SA 1:6,7; LU 1:25
     - Anxiety of the Jews for
         #GE 30:1; 1SA 1:5,8
     - Often prayed for
         #1SA 1:10,11; LU 1:13
     - Often given in answer to prayer
         #GE 25:21; 1SA 1:27; LU 1:13
     - Treatment of, after birth, noticed
         #EZE 16:4
     - Mostly nursed by the mothers
         #1SA 1:22; 1KI 3:21; PS 22:9; SO 8:1
     - Weaning of, a time of joy and feasting
         #GE 21:8; 1SA 1:24
     - Circumcised on the eighth day
         #PHP 3:5
     - Named at circumcision
         #LU 1:59; 2:21
       . After relatives
           #LU 1:59,61
       . From remarkable events
           #GE 21:3,6; 18:13; EX 2:10; 18:3,4
       . From circumstances connected with their birth
           #GE 25:25,26; 35:18; 1CH 4:9
       . Often by God
           #ISA 8:3; HO 1:4,6,9
       . Often numerous
           #2KI 10:1; 1CH 4:27
       . Numerous, considered an especial blessing
           #PS 115:14; 127:4,5
       . Sometimes born when parents were old
           #GE 15:3,6; 17:17; LU 1:18
     - MALE
       . If first born, belonged to God and were redeemed
           #EX 13:12,13,15
       . Birth of, announced to the father by a messenger
           #JER 20:15
       . Under the care of tutors, till they came of age
           #2KI 10:1; GA 4:1,2
       . Usefully employed
           #1SA 9:3; 17:15
       . Inherited the possessions of their father
           #DE 21:16,17; LU 12:13,14
       . Received the blessing of their father before his death
           #GE 27:1-4; 48:15; 49:1-33
     - FEMALE
       . Taken care of by nurses
           #GE 35:8
       . Usefully employed
           #GE 24:13; EX 2:16
       . Inherited property in default of sons
           #NU 27:1-8; JOS 17:1-6
     - Fondness and care of mothers for
         #EX 2:2-10; 1SA 2:19; 1KI 3:27; ISA 49:15; 1TH 2:7,8
     - Of God's people, holy
         #EZR 9:2; 1CO 7:14
     - Of God's people, interested in the promises
         #DE 29:29; AC 2:39
     - Prosperity of, greatly depended on obedience of parents
         #DE 4:40; 12:25,28; PS 128:1-3
     - Frequently bore the curse of parents
         #EX 20:5; PS 109:9,10
       . To honor their parents
           #EX 20:12
       . To attend to instruction
           #DE 4:9; 11:19
       . To submit to discipline
           #PR 29:17; HEB 12:9
       . To respect the aged
           #LE 19:32
     - Mode of giving public instruction to
         #LU 2:46; AC 22:3
     - Power of parents over, during the patriarchal age
         #GE 9:24,25; 21:14; 38:24
     - Often wicked and rebellious
         #2KI 2:23
     - Rebellious, punished by the civil power
         #EX 21:15-17; DE 21:18-21
     - Sometimes devoted their property to avoid supporting parents
         #MT 15:5; MR 7:11,12
     - Could demand their portion during father's life
         #LU 15:12
     - Amusements of
         #Z5 EC 8:5; MT 11:16,17
     - Casting out of weak, etc. alluded to
         #EZE 16:5
     - Inhuman practice of offering to idols
         #2KI 17:31; 2CH 28:3; 33:6
       . Had no inheritance
           #GE 21:10,14; GA 4:30
       . Not cared for by the father
           #HEB 12:8
       . Excluded from the congregation
           #DE 23:2
       . Sometimes sent away with gifts
           #GE 25:6
       . Despised by their brethren
           #JUD 11:2
     - Destruction of, a punishment
         #LE 26:22; EZE 9:6; LU 19:44
     - Grief occasioned by loss of
         #GE 37:35; 44:27-29; 2SA 13:37; JER 6:26; 31:15
     - Resignation manifested at loss of
         #LE 10:19,20; 2SA 12:18-23; Job 19 1:19-21
     Children, Good 
     - The Lord is with
         #1SA 3:19
     - Know the Scriptures
         #2TI 3:15
     - Observe the law of God
         #PR 28:7
     - Their obedience to parents is well pleasing to God
         #COL 3:20
     - Partake of the promises of God
         #AC 2:39
     - Shall be blessed
         #PR 3:1-4; EPH 6:2,3
     - Show love to parents
         #GE 46:29
     - Obey parents
         #GE 28:7; 47:30
     - Attend to parental teaching
         #PR 13:1
     - Take care of parents
         #GE 45:9,11; 47:12
     - Make their parents' hearts glad
         #PR 10:1; 29:17
     - Honor the aged
         #Job 6 32:6,7
     - Adduced as a motive for submission to God
         #HEB 12:9
     - Spirit of, a requisite for the kingdom of heaven
         #MT 18:3
     - Illustrative of a teachable spirit
         #MT 18:4
     - Exemplified
       . Isaac
           #GE 22:6-10
       . Joseph
           #GE 45:9; 46:29
       . Jephthah's daughter
           #JUD 11:34,36
       . Samson
           #JUD 13:24
       . Samuel
           #1SA 3:19
       . Obadiah
           #1KI 18:12
       . Josiah
           #2CH 34:3
       . Esther
           #ES 2:20
       . Job
           #Job 4 29:4
       . David
           #1SA 17:20; PS 71:5
       . Daniel
           #DA 1:6
       . John the Baptist
           #LU 1:80
       . Children in the Temple
           #MT 21:15,16
       . Timothy
           #2TI 3:15
     Children, Wicked 
     - Know not God
         #1SA 2:12
     - Are void of understanding
         #PR 7:7
     - Are proud
         #ISA 3:5
       . Hearken not to them
           #1SA 2:25
       . Despise them
           #PR 15:5,20; EZE 22:7
       . Curse them
           #PR 30:11
       . Bring reproach on them
           #PR 19:26
       . Are a calamity to them
           #PR 19:13
       . Are a grief to them
           #PR 17:25
       . Despised their elders
           #Job 18 19:18
       . Setting light by parents
           #DE 27:16
       . Disobeying parents
           #DE 21:21
       . Mocking parents
           #PR 30:17
       . Cursing parents
           #EX 21:15; MR 7:10
       . Smiting parents
           #EX 21:15
       . Mocking of a prophet
           #2KI 2:23,24
       . Gluttony and drunkenness
           #DE 21:20,21
     - Their guilt in robbing parents
         #PR 28:24
     - Exemplified
       . Esau
           #GE 26:34,35
       . Sons of Eli
           #1SA 2:,12,17
       . Sons of Samuel
           #1SA 8:3
       . Absalom
           #2SA 15:10
       . Adonijah
           #1KI 1:5,6
       . Children at Bethel
           #2KI 2:23
       . Adrammelech and Sharezer
           #2KI 19:37
     Christ, Character of 
     - Altogether lovely
         #SO 5:16
     - Holy
         #LU 1:35; AC 4:27; RE 3:7
     - Righteous
         #ISA 53:11; HEB 1:9
     - Good
         #MT 19:16
     - Faithful
         #ISA 11:5; 1TH 5:24
     - True
         #JOH 1:14; 7:18; 1JO 5:20
     - Just
         #Z9 EC 9:9; JOH 5:30; AC 22:14
     - Guileless
         #ISA 53:9; 1PE 2:22
     - Sinless
         #JOH 8:46; 2CO 5:21
     - Spotless
         #1PE 1:19
     - Innocent
         #MT 27:4
     - Harmless
         #HEB 7:26
     - Resisting temptation
         #MT 4:1-10
     - Obedient to God the Father
         #PS 40:8; JOH 4:34; 15:10
     - Zealous
         #LU 2:49; JOH 2:17; 8:29
     - Meek
         #ISA 53:7; Z9 EC 9:9; MT 11:29
     - Lowly in heart
         #MT 11:29
     - Merciful
         #HEB 2:17
     - Patient
         #ISA 53:7; MT 27:14
     - Long-suffering
         #1TI 1:16
     - Compassionate
         #ISA 40:11; LU 19:41
     - Benevolent
         #MT 4:23,24; AC 10:38
     - Loving
         #JOH 13:1; 15:13
     - Self-denying
         #MT 8:20; 2CO 8:9
     - Humble
         #LU 22:27; PHP 2:8
     - Resigned
         #LU 22:42
     - Forgiving
         #LU 23:34
     - Subject to His parents
         #LU 2:51
     - Saints are conformed to
         #RO 8:29
     Christ is God 
     - As Jehovah
         #ISA 40:3; MT 3:3
     - As Jehovah of glory
         #PS 24:7,10; 1CO 2:8; JAS 2:1
     - As Jehovah, our RIGHTEOUSNESS
         #JER 23:5,6; 1CO 1:30
     - As Jehovah, above all
         #PS 97:9; JOH 3:31
     - As Jehovah, the First and the Last
         #ISA 44:6; RE 1:17; ISA 48:12-16; RE 22:13
     - As Jehovah's Fellow and Equal
         #Z7 EC 13:7; PHP 2:6
     - As Jehovah of Hosts
         #ISA 6:1-3; JOH 12:41; ISA 8:13,14; 1PE 2:8
     - As Jehovah, the Shepherd
         #ISA 40:11; HEB 13:20
     - As Jehovah, for whose glory all things were created
         #PR 16:4; COL 1:16
     - As Jehovah, the Messenger of the covenant
         #MAL 3:1; MR 1:2; LU 2:27
     - Invoked as Jehovah
         #JOE 2:32; AC 2:21; 1CO 1:2
     - As the Eternal God and Creator
         #PS 102:24-27; HEB 1:8,10-12
     - As the mighty God
         #ISA 9:6
     - As the Great God and Savior
         #HO 1:7; TIT 2:13
     - As God over all
         #PS 45:6,7; RO 9:5
     - As the true God
         #JER 10:10; 1JO 5:20
     - As God the Word
         #JOH 1:1
     - As God, the judge
         #EC 12:14; 1CO 4:5; 2CO 5:10; 2TI 4:1
     - As Emmanuel
         #ISA 7:14; MT 1:23
     - As King of kings and Lord of lords
         #DE 10:17; RE 1:5; 17:14
     - As the Holy One
         #1SA 2:2; AC 3:14
     - As the Lord from heaven
         #1CO 15:47
     - As Lord of the Sabbath
         #GE 2:3; MT 12:8
     - As Lord of all
         #AC 10:36; RO 10:11-13
     - As Son of God
         #MT 26:63-67
     - As the Only-begotten Son of the Father
         #JOH 1:14,18; 3:16,18; 1JO 4:9
     - His blood is called the blood of God
         #AC 20:28
     - As one with the Father
         #JOH 10:30,38; 12:45; 14:7-10; 17:10
     - As sending the Spirit, equally with the Father
         #JOH 14:16; 15:26
     - As entitled to equal honor with the Father
         #JOH 5:23
     - As Owner of all things, equally with the Father
         #JOH 16:15
     - As unrestricted by the law of the sabbath, equally with the
         #JOH 5:17
     - As the Source of grace, equally with the Father
         #1TH 3:11; 2TH 2:16,17
     - As unsearchable, equally with the Father
         #PR 30:4; MT 11:27
     - As Creator of all things
         #ISA 40:28; JOH 1:3; COL 1:16; HEB 1:2
     - As Supporter and Preserver of all things
         #NE 9:6; COL 1:17; HEB 1:3
     - As possessed of the fulness of the God head
         #COL 2:9; HEB 1:3
     - As raising the dead
         #JOH 5:21; 6:40,54
     - As raising himself from the dead
         #JOH 2:19,21; 10:18
     - As Eternal
         #ISA 9:6; MIC 5:2; JOH 1:1; COL 1:17; HEB 1:8-10; RE 1:8
     - As Omnipresent
         #MT 18:20; 28:20; JOH 3:13
     - As Omnipotent
         #PS 45:3; PHP 3:21; RE 1:8
     - As Omniscient
         #JOH 16:30; 21:17
     - As discerning the thoughts of the heart
         #1KI 8:39; LU 5:22; EZE 11:5; JOH 2:24,25; RE 2:23
     - As unchangeable
         #MAL 3:6; HEB 1:12; 13:8
     - As having power to forgive sins
         #COL 3:13; MR 2:7,10
     - As Giver of pastors to the Church
         #JER 3:15; EPH 4:11-13
     - As Husband of the Church
         #ISA 54:5; EPH 5:25-32; ISA 62:5; RE 21:2,9
     - As the object of divine worship
         #AC 7:59; 2CO 12:8,9; HEB 1:6; RE 5:12
     - As the object of faith
         #PS 2:12; 1PE 2:6; JER 17:5,7; JOH 14:1
     - As God, he redeems and purifies the Church to himself
         #RE 5:9; TIT 2:14
     - As God, he presents the Church to himself
         #EPH 5:27; Jude 24 1:24,25
     - Saints live to him as God
         #RO 6:11; GA 2:19; 2CO 5:15
     - Acknowledged by his Apostles
         #JOH 20:28
     - Acknowledged by the Old Testament saints
         #GE 17:1; 48:15,16; 32:24-30; HO 12:3-5; JUD 6:22-24;
         13:21,22; Job 25 19:25-27

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